Early setup of the viewing room. Have to add a base too. And those pillars have since been partly painted gold. You'll see; it looks pretty cool.
If any creatures convey Halloween, it may be skeletons!
(Click photos for full size; see more posts in left column archives.)
Start/see schedule Day
1 - Next: Day 11
Since I already posted some skeletons on Day 3, I thought I'd share some progress on the would-be skeleton funeral parlor. Maybe it'll even be mostly ready by Halloween. haa! Not that there's any hurry, you know. They're already dead. 😆
The roombox was papered ages ago and then I let it sit. I had decided to put some wood on the walls, then never finished. I had green wallpaper on the bottom as in this photo below. I guess it's the year to finish the UFO's, like the men's store I did earlier in the humidor/cigar box.
Early view of the parlor:
Well! I finally got one side done (hey that's progress!) and I decided to add a faux doorway from a couple doors I had from an old dollhouse. I think it came out pretty good! I glued a garden scene from a calendar behind the curtains. Not really visible, but didn't want wallpaper showing through. Ignore any little flaws that I'll touch up yet.
I'll add wall lights here I think and some art.
Next, finishing the electric tape, soldering lights in once I drill holes, and finishing the other wall and baseboard. Then I have to find some art to print out. I think I'm going to change this out later to a store and maybe a library as the room is flexible, so I'm going to add some art with Velcro tape that I can switch later.
The front came out pretty cool. It looks much better with the curtains. Sheer but add a little class to the design. The trim around the windows turned out well - I painted strips of hat straw and glued it in. I was thinking of adding a vintage General Store sign to the front and maybe a mortuary sign on the side, like it's an older building that has had various tenants. I'm either putting brick paper or stucco-like paper on the sides.
I didn't want to glue the front on, so I'm thinking of using clear plastic corner moldings so I can slide the front in place and hold it on that way. I'm probably putting clear acrylic or part-acrylic on top, too. Maybe. Hope it works.Some of the mourners, so far, who have to be posed yet. Yes, there is a human mourner to finish up, too.

So, getting there. Just something I've been toying with while I decide on the Park Ave. Mansion. Yes, I got it out and glued the base together. A start.
REMINDER: Don't forget to VOTE for The Witch Cottage at the Halloween Challenge. **** PLEASE VOTE at link here - scroll down - Row 6****

This year, I'm doing something different by posting on Instagram
and here, according to the day's themes. The difference is there'll be at least
a couple more photos included on this blog. Be sure to friend me there (cwrite12),
play along and share the list!!