December 25, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-12: A Christmas Story 2

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature

Today we feature the second part and conclusion to an original Christmas tale by Robert W. Walker, author of 70+ novels including the fabulous gaslight thriller, CITY OF THE ABSENT, featuring his detective, Ransom.  Check his website for his latest thrillers and novellas. 

While Robert is known for his spooky and often creepy-gory horror books, he has a soft side, too! Never fear, this two-part story is rated PG. 

(Go to Day 1  - See part 1 of story)

Part 2: Continued, "The Thief of Christmas Present"
By Robert W. Walker

(Photos: Christmas Santa House by C. Verstraete, see more pix here - click miniatures; Festive gold and white holiday scenes featuring the miniatures of Lissu, used w/ permission. See more pix and visit her blog

To recap: the family are watching the film to see who is stealing the Cluewellens' Christmas from Julia's dollhouse. (Part 1 is in the previous post, the 11th Day of Christmas)

Shortly after, Stevie entered the room, asking, "What kinda movie is this?"

"The movie that's gonna prove you stole the Cluewellens' Christmas!"

"I didn't touch that stuff! I didn't do it, mom!"

Joannie came down from her room and asked, "Are you still blaming that on Stevie? He wouldn't do that!"

"We got you on tape this time, Joannie...or Stevie...whichever one of you guys did it, so there!" Julia set her jaw, determined to watch every hour of the unmoving movie frame by frame. "Mom and me...we gotcha good now. Liar."

Joannie came at her sister. "Who're you calling a liar? Me?"

"If the shoe fits!"

"Enough, both of you! Stop it. Either sit down and watch the tape or leave the room, but please, no more accusations, Julia, and no more shouting, Joannie-and you, Stevie, stop crying."

"I didn't do it," he complained through tears. "I always get blamed for everything!"

"All I know is somebody stole the Cluewellens' Christmas tree now!" Julia shot back.

"Hey, what's that?" asked Joannie, pointing at the screen. "I saw movement-a shadow-back of the miniature."

Julia, Stevie, and Mother Waldron stared at the slight squeaking noise, too, and in a moment, they all watched a pair of whiskers and a brown button nose rise over the back of the miniature at the chimney.

"It's Newton, my ferret!" shouted Stevie. "He's escaped again."

Newton lived up to his name, always finding ways to escape his cage, and often, Stevie allowed him 'free run time' but Newton always returned to his cage. Newton had even found a way out of the house one night.

"What's he doing?" asked Julia. "OMG-he's going down the chimney."

"Like Santa," said Stevie.

"No...more like The Grinch," replied Joannie. "There's your Christmas thief, Julia!"

"But...I mean how...why?" she asked. "Why's he terrifying the Cluewellens and destroying their Christmas?"

"You really think Newton is thinking along those lines, Julia?" Joannie couldn't hold back her laughter.

" him. Look, look," said Mom. "The little thief! He's dragging the entire tree out the front door."

With the tree clear of the door, it snapped closed, and Newton scurried away with the five-inch high tree, ornaments trailing. He truly did look like a miniature version of The Grinch except that he was brown and not green.

"Stevie's pet's the thief...the whole time," Julia muttered in disbelief.

"What's he doing with all the stolen goods?" asked mom. "Shall we find out?"

"I think you're gonna need a ferret whisperer or a pet shrink to figure that out, Mom," replied Joannie, still laughing.

"Nothing funny about that little rat destroying the Cluewellens' Christmas!" countered Julia.

"Why don't we all just go on a scavenger hunt?" began Mom. "To see where Newton is stashing all the decorations and presents."

"And stockings!" added Julia.

The four of them started for Stevie's room where Newton lived in a cage. Everyone in the family had gotten so used to Newton's escapes and escapades about the house that no one took great notice of him of late.

"What's going on?" asked Jack Waldron, their father, who'd caught them gathered at the foot of the stairs as he came through the door, home from the office.

Everyone spoke at once until Anna calmed them and pointed to the still action shot on the TV. "We caught Newton red-handed. "He's Julia's Christmas thief."

"Must be the shiny stuff attracts Newton, eh?" asked Jack.

"But he's never done this before!" Anna replied. "Any rate, we're heading up to Steve's room to see where he's stashing the goods."

"Say, did anyone read that book that came with the ferret when you bought Newton at the pet store?" asked Joannie, who was browsing the book for any clues.

"Who's got time to read?" asked Julia.

They all went for Stevie's room, and looked into Newton's cage, a made-over fish tank. There, amid the usual sawdust and toy shelters and fake greenery, was a stash of Christmas miniatures, from the tree, to the presents and the stockings. All of it lay in a neat, orderly circular design. The look on Newton's face said, "I confess."

Joannie handed the paperback book on ferrets and ferret behavior to her mother. "Take a look at the last section on page sixteen."

She glanced at the page. "Oh, dear...then this means..."

"What is it?" asked Julia. "Nothing in that book could possibly excuse this rodent's behavior, and as for you, Stevie-this is all your-"

"No, Julia!" countered her father, who'd now read page sixteen. "No way is this Stevie's fault!"

"You owe Stevie and me an apology," Joannie said to Julia, having closed in on her, nose-to-nose. "And all our friends, too!"

"You do owe everyone an apology, Julia," her mother agreed. "In the meantime, Newton is going to need a new name."

"Whataya mean?" asked Julia.

"New name?" asked Stevie.

"Newton is a girl, and she's stealing shiny objects to make a nest, because she's going to have baby ferrets."

"OMG!" replied Julia. "That's it! That explains the mystery."

"But if Newton's not a boy...what're we going to call Newton?" asked Stevie.

"Newtonia?" suggested Joannie, a snicker escaping.

"Why don't we make it Madame Curie," suggested mom. "I think she outsmarted us all. In any event, case closed."

Stevie lifted the flimsy lid and started to reach in to retrieve the Cluewellens' Christmas stuff-his sister's stuff, but Julia stayed his hand. "No, Stevie. She-Madame Curie-she needs it now more than the Cluewellens."

"Aren't you ahhh worried about the Cluewellens?" asked Anna of her daughter.

"They'll understand when I explain it to them," Julia replied and shrugged, "and besides, there's always next year."

Anna hugged Julia and Jack put a hand on his daughter's shoulder, and with the entire family looking on at Newton-now Madame Curie-every one smiled, and if ferrets can smile, Madame Curie smiled back, a knowing glint in her eye.

"I have an idea for the Cluwellens' Christmas," said Stevie.

"What's that? asked Julia.

"Why not give them a front row seat for Christmas?"


"Put their house under our tree!"

Everyone agreed it was a wonderful solution, and that Julia had a lot of apologies to make, and that she'd tell and retell Newton's story between now and Christmas quite often indeed.

The End.
(c)2008, 2019 RW Walker published by

** I hope you enjoyed this Christmas tale and the 12 Days of Christmas in Miniature. Merry Christmas and the best in the New Year to everyone! 
As Tiny Tim said, "God Bless us, every one!"

December 24, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-11: A Christmas Story by Robert W Walker

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature

It's become something of an annual tradition that I've been sharing this little Christmas story my friend and fellow author Robert W. Walker penned for me. It first ran here in 2008. Enjoy!

Today I have the pleasure of presenting an original Christmas tale by Robert W. Walker, author of 70+ novels including the fabulous gaslight thriller, CITY OF THE ABSENT, featuring his detective, Ransom. Check his website for his latest thrillers and novellas.  

While Robert is known for his spooky and often creepy-gorey horror books, he has a soft side, too! Never fear, this story, which will run in two parts, is rated PG. 

(Go to Day 1 - Next, part 2/Day 12)

The Thief of Christmas Present
By Robert W. Walker

(Photos: Christmas Santa House by C. Verstraete, more photos see website, Santa's House page.)

Julia rushed into her mother's room, her eleven-year-old arms flapping as she said, "Joannie stole my Christmas presents! I just know it was her!"

"Your big sister wouldn't do that, Julia."

"Then its one of her girlfriends."

"I've talked to Joannie, and she's given the third degree to every friend who has been visiting the house since Thanksgiving."

Julia's eyes filled with tears. "Musta been that boyfriend of hers then!"

"He seems like a nice, respectful boy, and whatever would possess him to steal your miniature Christmas presents from beneath your miniature tree?"

Anna Waldron hugged her daughter to her. "We'll find the stolen goods. They're likely somewhere on a shelf. Thoughtlessly moved by one of your little friends."

"No, no mom! I don't let anyone reach into my dollhouse and take out anything, not the figurines, not the furniture, and certainly not the presents under the tree."

Anna wondered how this could keep happening to her daughter. Julia had put heart and soul into her miniature house this year. In fact, she'd begun creating the tree, the ornaments, lights, stockings hanging over the fireplace, and the presents beneath the tree since last Christmas.

She'd got it in her head that her dollhouse ought to have all the ornaments and decorations of any home, that Mr. and Mrs. Cluewellen and their three children who lived in the miniature house ought to have a wonderful Christmas too.

Julia had worked so hard to make it happen, and now, day-by-day, all her work was coming unraveled. The day before she noticed an ornament missing from the tiny tree. The day before that one of the stockings she'd labored so hard to make was gone from the mantel. Poof. Now two of the tiny presents from beneath the tree-gone. Stolen.

"At this rate," moaned Julia, "by the time Christmas gets here, the Cluewellens won't have anything left."

Anna patted Julia's hand. "And The Christmas Crook of the Present will have won!"

"We can't let that happen, mom!"

"We must act, set a trap."

"A trap?"

"Yeah, we'll wire up a trap that will snap on those sticky fingers."

"Then you think it's Stevie?"

"I hope not, but your little brother is at that age. I sure hope he hasn't lied about this."

"'s not a ghost. I asked the Cluewellens if they'd had any problems with anything like a poltergeist, and they said no."

"You believe them?" Mother Waldron laughed, but Julia stared at her, eyes saying, 'not funny'.

"They don't lie, cheat, or steal, mom."

"Neither does your brother or your sister for that matter, young lady."

"Well I'm not lying about it! Someone's stealing the Cluewellens' Christmas right under our noses."

"You set the trap," suggested Anna. "I'm going to set up a concealed camera, so we can get to the bottom of this before..."

Julia looked up at her mother, wondering why she'd stopped talking. "Before all of the presents and decorations are gone?"

"Before you make your sister and your brother angrier with you than they already are."

"Angry with me? I'm the victim here. Me and the Cluewellens."

"Honey, you have accused both of them of stealing and lying about it. Then you accused their friends."

Julia nodded, and for a moment Anna thought her child understood and agreed, but then Julia said, "It could've been one of Stevie's dumb friends."

"Well now, we're going to find out, aren't we?"

"You think it'll work, mom?"

"At the rate things are disappearing, my hunch is that whoever's behind the theft will be back."

They put the trap into play.

They wisely left the miniature house untouched and unmoved, the same enticement as ever.

An entire day and most of the evening went by with young Julia wanting to check the Cluewellens' living room and tree every hour, while her mother insisted they wait and see. When Anna decided the camera's battery would be in need of help, mother and daughter went into her room to determine if anything had been taken. They found the front door closed. Julia gasped when she looked in through the windows. The entire tiny Christmas tree had been taken! All about the front door and steps, glitter appeared like colored snow. Whoever was behind the theft, cleaning up after him-or herself-wasn't a concern.

"It's got to be Stevie or one of his goofy friends," Julia said, tears forming. "Maybe Stevie's too chicken to tell on Tad."

"Let's reserve judgment and see what the camera says."

They made popcorn and popped the film into the USB port of the TV and sat down to watch the unfolding events. Unfortunately, during the first hour, nothing unfolded.

"This is a real snore and a bore," Julia complained, tiring of the popcorn as well.

After a while, Julia began making up a storyline to go with the miniature people inside the house on the screen, and it was so vivid that her mom could almost imagine that the little Cluewellen family was as real as Julia believed them to be. She began to see Mrs. Cluewellen move that feather duster in her hand. But clearing her head and eyes, Mother Waldron thought better of saying she'd begun to see the miniature people roaming around inside their miniature house. Maybe the miniature was haunted at that....

(c)2008, 2019 RW Walker published by

* The story continues tomorrow at part 2/Day 12)

December 23, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-10: Half Scale Christmas

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature

Back - Day 1, Next - Day 11

** Be sure to come back tomorrow on Day 11 for part 1 of the annual Christmas miniatures story!

I enjoy miniatures in all sizes, especially 1 inch scale, but half scale is a big favorite since you can get the detail but it's in a smaller size. With an ever-growing collection, it takes up less room!

Here's how I redecorated the attic in my Half Scale Country House for Christmas. Here's some other photos of the house, too. (I really should gather these on one page...)  - post 1, post 2Inside porch, potting shed, living room, kitchen, interior before finished

December 22, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-9: Christmas Advent Calendars

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature


(Don't forget to come back on Dec. 24 for part 1 of the annual Christmas miniatures story!)

Back to Day 1 - Next, Day 10

Advent calendars are a fun way to count down the days to Christmas. 

It's still not too late to get in on the fun. Here's a bunch of calendars to check out.

* The MiniTreasures wiki has an annual advent calendar featuring a bunch of different miniatures by contributors. It had some kind of outage but glad to see it back. 

* Collection of advent calendars online.

* Religious advent calendar from Loyola Press

* Online kids advent calendar about Christmas

* Redbook Mag's gallery of 50 advent calendar ideas and tutorials - Lots of neat ideas! (#7 is cute - little boxes with mini plastic animals painted white - with red noses! #9 - envelopes with painted dinosaurs) 

*  Real life advent calendar ideas to use. 

* Advent calendar crafts ideas - (use mini trees and mini villages, etc.)

* Also a page of free life size printable 2019 calendars 

December 21, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-8: Christmas Printies

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature

Back to Day 1 - Next, Day 9


Nothing gets you in the Christmas mood better than decorating the dollhouse!

I enjoy making a lot of things myself, so I thought I'd hunt around and see what kinds of printies are out there. Here are some I found so start cutting and pasting!

Here's a great selection in one place of all kinds of printies at Ridiculous Printables blog.

* Free Christmas art.

* Cute vintage print Christmas boxes.

* Jen's Printables has a page of Christmas boxes plus lots of other great printies.

* Christmas mats, door decor, and other assorted printes here.

* Yes, I have a bunch of different printies linked on my website miniatures page, too. 

* Treefeathers has a page of Christmas printies - cards, boxes, ornament boxes, wrapping paper, etc. 

* Cute idea: Pattern and how to for a Christmas tree shaped dollhouse from cardboard.

* Some neat real life Christmas decor and minis, too.

* Print out a mini Nativity via Jean Day's site (right click to save.) She also has a page of free mini printables. 

* Mini Christmas book (and other printies)

Now go and get busy! 

December 20, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-7: Mini Gifts

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature

Go to Day 1 - Next, Day 8

For fun, I thought I'd look around and see what Christmas minis are available.

If you don't want to make things yourself or are looking for a few different additions, then there are lots of fun pieces to be found.

Got a sweet tooth? Georgia Marfels made these wonderful Grinch candy cups. (And she makes a ton of wonderfully delightful spooky miniatures!) See her Etsy page.

Don't want to cook the mini Christmas dinner? There's a nice turkey platter on Etsy (Divine Miniatures, Australia)

Frosty's Brunch:

Here's a cute cupcake and plate set from Teelies Fairy Garden. She also has a festive Frosty's brunch setting on Etsy. 

Deck the Halls: 

Get 10 Christmas bags to make in a pdf. 

Cute! Cheery Christmas mug on Etsy:

December 19, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-6: A Touch of #Halloween

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature

* Back to Day 1 - Next: Day 7

Okay, you knew I had to get some Halloween mixed in here somewhere. The fun of doing miniature haunted houses is of course, you have to have Christmas too. Just not in the usual way... Warning to the weak-hearted.

 (Yes, it gets back to the regular Christmas posts after this! Don't forget to come back on Day 11 - Christmas Eve - for part 1 of the annual Christmas miniatures story!)

So, if  you are curious about the less than jolly happenings around Christmas, here are a few things made by fellow miniaturists from the Haunted Orchid Dollhouse Group on FB.


Uh-oh. Someone's been naughty... really naughty. Santa by Debra Hinton. 

It looks like the good people at Hinton's Kangley Hill Asylum still try to keep things a bit festive. Here's what they made up last year. We'll have to see what they come up with this year, won't we? (Take a peek at the building on FB.... if you dare.) 

Be good or this Skellie-Santa by Theresa Caplin may come down your chimney - and you don't want to know what's in that bag of his. haa!  That face... sure reminds me of someone....? Let's just say that the real Santa won't be haunting any other chimneys anytime soon! heh-heh... (I've gotta make one of these!)

December 18, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-5: O Christmas Tree

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature

* Go to Day 1 - Next: Day 6

The fun thing about Christmas is, of course, decorating the tree.

In miniature, you can make a variety of trees, from traditional, to fun and funky. In real life, there are some great trees, too, from variations on colors or special themes, to an actual colored tree. (Check out the variety in this gallery. I like the blue and pink trees, too.) Even more fun, check out these cool Halloween Christmas trees!

I tried to do something similar in miniature, though looking at the above links, I see I have to get more colorful! I do like that orange tree pictured above. I have a miniature two-tone color tree that I'll have to try to figure out a different decorating scheme for. 

But here's a couple smaller trees with different themes I did for half scale projects:

The tree in Santa's House.

These are neat!  5" tall beaded trees. I like the blue. (Note: listing is from Latvia on Etsy.)

Here's a cute idea too - the ladder and decorations box for decorating the tree on Etsy. 

December 17, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-4: Santa!

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature

* Go to Day 1 - Next: Day 5

So while Mrs. Claus is busy, let's sneak a peek and see if we can find out what Santa is up to!

Why... it's him! Let's be sure not to disturb him. Looks like he's really wrapped up in checking that list twice and three times to see who's been naughty or nice!  Mrs. Claus sure takes care of him, too, judging from that never-empty plate of cookies and goodies on his desk.

(The back gift wrapping counter is by my friend, Gigi.) (See more photos of the Christmas dollhouse at my website.)

December 16, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-3: Meet Mrs. Claus

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature

* Go to Day 1 - Next: Day 4

I do have a Christmas dollhouse that I made and decorated some time ago, but it's too much to get it out to display now, so it's put away. (You can see more photos of the house at my website.)

If you're curious as to what really happens around Christmas time, well... Mrs. Claus is one busy woman! 

With a house full of elves and having to keep Santa chubby and happy in time for December 24th, that kitchen is one busy place! She always has a tray of cookies baking and new goodies being made. 
(Click photos for full size.)

A tray of Christmas goodies I made last year for my friend, Gigi. The cake is air dry clay that's painted, sealed and topped with a Christmas button. The mug has brown paint for chocolate with a dab of textured paint for whipped cream. The tray is wood, lined with Christmas paper. The handles are painted pieces of lace.

December 15, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-2: #Christmas Cookies!

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature

* Go to Day 1 - Day 3

Everyone knows I have a terrible habit of putting things somewhere and then not being able to find them!

Last year, I couldn't find the Christmas things I normally put in the greenhouse case. Looked everywhere. Well.... they were in a box on top of the bookcase! They're now in the display cabinet so I know where they are... (Sure... ha!)

Anyway.... that's why the display ended up looking different, so here's another view. I loved this table with all the festive goodies. The cakes are from my friend Kitty.