October 02, 2023

National Dollhouse & Miniatures Month!

 Yay, it's October!! 

Lots to celebrate - National Dollhouse & Miniatures Month, and Halloween! And.... Halloween in Miniature is coming!! 

So... what are you working on this month?

I'm working on more decorative things for the Witch Cottage. Yes, it's still ongoing! (See last post; see other posts in left column archives. Click photos for full size.)

This is something cool....  When is a horse not just a horse? Well...when it's Halloween....

I saw photos online and just had to do this! I started painting a larger horse awhile ago (and may do that one too at some point) but then found this smaller one which works better for 1/24, half-scale. My nearly-13-year-old Shepherd Gracie contributed some of her hair for the tail! (She's always losing clumps of hair. Finally found a use for it. haa!)

Also finished this cute half-scale wagon prototype from SDK Miniatures. (Ask and maybe she'll make more!) I knew it had to have pumpkins in it!

And the last of the real-life flowers:

My Mexican sunflowers didn't come up in a batch this year, though the others in the big planter are fine. But this was weird:

It's hard to tell with all the green but that is one-giant-Mexican Sunflower. (See the arrows in pic.) It has a super thick stalk and has to be around 8-feet tall, the tallest I've ever had! The other flowers lower down are a shoot off the side. I never knew they'd get this big. In contrast, what were supposed to be Mammoth Russian sunflowers planted on the other side (not shown) turned out to be small, skinny stalks. So who knows what happened this year. ha!

Thanks for visiting. Stay tuned for more Halloween minis fun!