May 28, 2023

Witch's Half-Scale Cottage Build-Paint Update


A peek at the outside. Porch trim not attached yet. I wish the colors showed up better.

Yay! Been working, slow but sure, so wanted to share a "little" progress on the half-scale Witch's Cottage (made from the Laser Dollhouse Designs' Jasmine Gothic Victorian Cottage. (See last post: 3D printed items. * See first floor done. Click photos for full size.)

The tower is celery green; the trim is blue spruce (dark) green, wedgewood green, light yellow and mustard. The brown is dark burnt umber. I had a hard time with one tower piece warping but it's okay now. I'll add trim on the outside and thin strips painted the dark blue spruce green in between the tower pieces inside.

Porch side piece below. For the porch floor, I decided to do something different and am using a larger tile print with the green and mustard colors. I think it'll look pretty cool. I'm also going to add a thin wood strip piece on top those inner rails so I can set plants on top.

Side porch piece.

Inside: the textured brick paper.  I liked the darker and worn colors for a change; from Starboc2 on Etsy. 

Yay! Got the wall candle light in - after I had to fight and fiddle with it to put one of those bi-pin bulbs in. I like the "old-world" look to this.

I think the dark floral paper works well here.

The floors aren't in yet. Hint: I decided to use these wood placemats I find at Goodwill. The good thing is they're not real thick so are easily cut with a razor knife. They have a webbing on the back to hold them together once I take the rows of thread out. The tiny holes really don't show once I paint it. It'll be a dark brown. I like to use this or have to put paper on matboard to hide the wires since the lights will be soldered to the floors and ceilings. 

(But.... holy cow! I forgot I had that flooring with the black stars! But no worry.... I think it'll look much better with the Gothic furniture in the second-floor bedroom...)

Next step is to get the other electric tape in so I can finish the papering and put the side windows and the trim in. Then I can glue the ceiling and the floors in. Then there's other trim to add.

Ceiling: The colors seem off in the photo but the interior ceilings are the swirled embossed-style floral scrapbook paper (from Hobby Lobby) painted a lighter spring green with a sparkly coat of mod podge added. The porch roof (on right) is the wedgewood green. 

Here's what the finished kit looks like. (from website.)

And something bright and cheery from the real-life garden. I love these flowers. My favorite color. I'll have to make some in mini. My real-life sunflowers and Mexican sunflowers are also doing well and getting bigger. Luckily we fence it off as we have the resident mama and baby bunny hanging around. 😀

So, that's it for now! It takes a while with all the painting and constructing and fixing problems. But getting there! 

Thanks for visiting again! Come back soon for more updates.

May 15, 2023

Witch's Cottage HS Kitchen & Other Stuff


Photo: What are those blobs, you ask? (Click photos for full size.)

Decided to order some 3D printed kitchen items and other accessories for the Witch's Cottage. (See last post: colors.)

It's funny as sometimes when you look at photos, you forget how incredibly small this half-scale stuff can be! It's not until you get it and can see it for yourself, you realize - oh wow!

So I know it's hard to tell but those teensy things on top are actually... beakers in 1/24, 1/2" scale from MiniDecorandMore on Etsy. Here's her shop photo:

haaa! Yes, I do have an idea for these. After all, that  Jasmine Gothic Victorian Cottage is going to be a Witch's Cottage, so she'll need some bottles of strange liquids. So I have some luminescent powder I'm going to experiment with (on something else first of course!) The actual teeny-weeny containers measure 1/4" h for the largest one and 1/8" h for the smallest one.

Some other items I got, which will be much easier to handle. ha! Pitcher, coffee and tea pots, and blender.

Toaster, mugs and coffeemaker

Soup tureen with lid and ladle. 

After all, what's a witch cottage without some mmm! eyeball soup. I also got a cocoa pot for a winter hot cocoa table I want to make. (not shown.)

It's hard to find regular everyday items like these in this scale, so this 3D printing surely has filled a gap. And this stuff is just so darned cute! I usually try to make do or make what I can but some of these things definitely are easier to buy! You'll have a better idea how this stuff looks once I paint and finish it.

Thanks again for visiting! Stay tuned for more updates! Yes, still painting... 

May 10, 2023

The Witch's Cottage Update: Colors!


A "little" update on the half-scale Jasmine Gothic Victorian Cottage from Laser Dollhouse Designs, or what I am calling The Witch's Cottage. Previous posts: Potion cabinet, some show stuff; Post 1, planning. Some 3D printed items. (And if you want to see some neat projects during May, type in #mayminimakers on Instagram for daily miniature project posts! Come follow me if you're on there!)

Somehow I overlooked mentioning the size of this house previously. It's 10W x 11D x 19H. Ceiling height just over 5" or just big enough. It's actually soon for a post as I didn't get much done, but I can't resist blogging. ha! So the base is assembled and electric taped. The supports are on and.... deciding on colors! (Note: the pieces above aren't in the right spots; it's just to show the colors.)

Funny, as I'm not a big fan of green but I do like these shades. Since this is a botanical witch's cottage, decided it needs "earthy" colors. So: the background walls are wedgewood green; the contrasting tower walls are a slightly lighter celery green; the porch and base background use dark umber brown. The circles use the sage green with dark blue spruce green for the leaves. The flowers are painted a medium yellow from a Target brand paint sample on the base trim. Sigh. It is a-lot-of-painting! 😏

I found a couple papers I like so far: the stucco look for a ceiling or wall and this floral. It's a big print, I know, but I wanted something bold and I like it. I think it'll look good on a partial wall or two. Maybe I'll add brick or wood wainscoting. I'm not necessarily using this fireplace; it's just to compare the print size. 

I also ordered more of the textured brick paper (Starboc2 on Etsy) as I want to do a white or light grey brick in the mansion and a used-brick pattern here. Previously I used a reddish brick from them on the outside of the Fairfield; and a brownish brick on the foundation of my yellow Country Victorian. See house links on the My Dollhouses page link under the top banner. 

This used brick should look nice in this cottage:

I also ordered two of these zebra rugs printed on cotton canvas: 

As it is now spring, outside work and planting are beginning. Did the first mowing as the grass was getting pretty long. (Don't worry there are still plenty of  dandelions as early food for the bees!) We plant in an enclosed area to keep the bunnies out except for the end "hill." The large sunflowers go there and usually - hopefully - get ignored until they're big enough to take away some short fencing. Mexican sunflowers (Tithonia) are in; a favorite! (They are a dark and light orange, like giant daisies.) My giant sunflower patch is planted, too. The annual plant sale is Friday so we'll go pick out flowers and veg plants.

I know, a short post, but wanted to share... something! ha! Back to painting. Ugh!

Thanks for visiting again. Hope to have more substantial updates soon!

May 04, 2023

Dollhouse Miniature Shows 2


Some more stuff I found and saw at the annual dollhouse shows in Schaumburg and Chicago, Ill. (Click photos for full size; see other posts in left column archives.  **See Witch Cottage items and kits I found at the shows and my recent project in the previous post.)

I didn't take many pictures at the shows of displays though more things did catch my eye. But here's a couple from the Bishop Intl. Show:

These book boxes were pretty cool. (I think they were at Erik Goddard's table.) And how interesting, I see on his website he's written a novel, too. So many creative people who work in miniature are also writers.

Also some really nice fish tanks (Heart Felt Canines- and how did I miss taking pix of the dogs? Well, so much to see and you start getting overwhelmed...)

** Some of the other fun things I brought home:

A few more unique 1/24, half-scale kits from Castle Crafts: (South Africa and shipping from New York.)

* British and Coronation items:

Picked up the stove and the tiles below at A Mini Thing.

 I might put the bag and tray in my Tudor Tea Shoppe. I'm also planning on making a remembrance scene for the Queen so I may use the cookie tin there. The coronation tray and bag are from Little House at the Priory, Bampton, Oxfordshire, UK. The cookie tin is from WCD Miniatures at The Miniatures Show/T&D Miniatures.

Also got a nice Victorian stand and a small display table with tiny picture frames from Teresa's Miniature Creations. (I got the previous kitchen pieces from her for the Fairfield kitchen.)

Found some neat kits from a couple other favorites. Really liked this Narrow Table (used it before in the Fairfield attic sitting room and one in the hall by the kitchen) so I got another and found a chair by Small Scale Living from All About Miniatures.  

I know these glasses are hard to see, but they're 3D printed and will look cool in the witch cottage and the mansion. (The tall glasses I saw were painted a bright blue with India ink and had teensy "umbrellas" in them.)


And... What's This???

I bought a bonus prototype from favorite seller,  Susan at  SDK MiniaturesShe made this previously in 1" scale and I'd asked about half-scale. So stay tuned to see what I do with it!

Found that cute little rubbery flamingo and a couple tea dish sets. The silverware, placemats and the pretty laser "lace" horse cloth is from Stewart Dollhouse Creations. 

And.... that's it! Well, that's enough, right? But I still have to order some other half-scale 3D items online like kitchen items, etc. from MiniDecor&More/Etsy.

** Update: **

I started painting the trim for the Witch's Cottage! Funny as I've said I'm not a big fan of the color green, but that's what I'm using so far - Blue Spruce on the trim edges with Wedgewood green circles and the Blue Spruce in the center with yellow flowers. It's what fit the idea I have. I'll be using some dark brown/walnut and probably more Wedgewood Green, too. So far, so good. The base is also electric-taped, which is a good start. Once I varnish and check painting, then I start assembly!

Thanks for visiting again! Stay tuned, I should have some progress photos to show soon.

May 01, 2023

Dolhouse Shows Witch Cottage Stuff


Latest project: the potion cabinet

Back from the shows! Miss me? ha!

Well I didn't take many photos but I'll show a few next time. (More show stuff here.)

For now, here are a few things I found to add to the planned Witch's Cottage, to be made from the half-scale 1/24 Jasmine Victorian Gothic Cottage from Laser Dollhouse Designs. (Image from site.) * See the colors I'm choosing so far.

To start, thought I'd share a recent project I finished. The potion cabinet above is a kit I had bought before from one of my favorite sellers, SDK Miniatures. Love how it turned out! This is such a cool kit.

I also found this plastic plant before at Walmart, which I thought made some perfect plants for pots and baskets.

To go with that, I decided to get a few little items at the shows.

Found these fun little cats and brooms. I may make one of the brooms smaller since this is half-scale after all. Have an idea to test out that glow-in-the-dark powder I bought on the cat's eyes, too. That little pumpkin pot should make a good planter.

The bunched plants, which are vines on "branches," were from Castle Crafts from South Africa, at the Bishop Intl. Show, Chicago. They have nice kits and also ship from New York.

I'm going to try gluing the vine parts to some thin cloth-covered wire so I can position them. Thought these would look nice with some Morning Glory-type flowers wrapped around the front porch supports. I got the smaller ivy punch from the Heidi Ott booth.

(Image from site.)

 I wanted to try out this Winter Aconite flower kit, also from SDK Miniatures, found at the Miniatures Show in Schaumburg, Ill. Funny as I thought these were pretty flowers, but it turns out they're also perfect for a witch! Looked it up - a poisonous plant. It dies in summer, but in a bewitched cottage it'll grow all year. Beware: poisonous tubers for those potions! ha!

I also decided to get the other Gothic kits from SDK Miniatures for the second floor bedroom in the cottage. These will be fun to make and will look pretty cool.

The statue of Pan is perfect for this kind of cottage. Found from WCD Miniatures at the Schaumburg Miniatures Show. (Actually I also have the same lighter-colored statue on the lawn of my other haunted house.) He always has some interesting statues and Egyptian figures at his table. 

I'm on a mini phone kick, it seems, ha! Found these at the mini metals table (J and K Minis). One phone even has removable parts. (The magic phone? ha!) And I saw those mini hands and couldn't resist! Will have to figure out something haunted for them!

That's it for the moment! 

Thanks for visiting and come back soon for more photos and - hopefully - some progress! 

April 29, 2023

Off to Dollhouse Shows!

 Off to the annual dollhouse shows.... What will I find? What will I find???

Stay tuned!

Pic: pixabay. haaaa! 

April 28, 2023

2023 A to Z Blog Challenge: X-Y-Z The Miniatures End!


Table and back wall in Men's Shop

* See the list of the month's A to Z Blog Challenge posts on the Letter A post.

* See A to Z Instagram - Facebook - A to Z Blog Master List of Participants

 Today is the End! Letters X-Y-Z for EXtraordinary Miniatures! 

The title may say the end, but it's not! I'm never done, haa! It's been fun! I hope you enjoyed all the posts this month. (*See post list & start here at A.) Today, I'll do a recap for the month.

I love working in miniature and always seem to be making something! You can see more of my work and other projects at my website.

* The A to Z links and Fairfield posts are linked on the My Dollhouses tab on the banner under the top photo.

Here are a few of my favorite photos and posts this month:

* The Fairfield, of course! 

* The Fairfield Kitchen was the second most visited post this month. (for now!)

Start 4/1: A - Fairfield Attic  B - Fairfield Boy's Room

F - Fairfield Dollhouse and video   I-J-K- Just my Fairfield Kitchen  

 L- Fairfield Living Room     U-V-W  Invitation to Dine: Fairfield Dining Room


* This will be a fun project: Future Witch's Cottage: N-O-P  - Other New Project - Cottage 


* Really happy with how this came out! Theme roombox, see the inside at link! 

So far, this was the most popular post, with over 100 views in that week alone.

Q-R - Quietly Working on Another Roombox 

* That's it! It was a busy month! I'll be going to the dollhouse shows tomorrow/Saturday so hopefully I'll get some photos there and share what I got. Plus  I'll share a couple other "little" things I started. ha!

* Thanks again for visiting! I appreciate everyone coming by. Come back soon for more posts!