Today, let's look at one of the most popular elements of Halloween - the pumpkin. Funny or frightful, simple or extreme, nothing says Halloween like a pumpkin.
Pumpkins are the ideal decoration for Halloween and fall, inside and out. Or like this full-size carvable pumpkin, it's a little bit of both!
Miniaturist Chris Pecherzewski of New York state used this pumpkin as a great setting for her own miniature Halloween party!
Quite possibly, the pumpkin's appeal comes from its color. Feng shui describes orange as an energy color that is vibrant, but not as pulsating as red. Basically, it's a feel good, "happy" color. Who doesn't feel better around orange?
Pretty in Orange
Louise Goldsborough of Angelique Miniatures, England, was inspired by the color to create this pretty Pumpkin Witch. The 1/12th - 1 inch scale doll (1 inch = 1 foot) is dressed in a Tudor peasant style in earth colors.
Decorating with Pumpkins
The pumpkin makes a great decorative accent however it's used.
It can be carved, displayed alone, or used as a festive planter like this flower display by Washington state miniaturist Nancy Day.
Nancy also made this great cornucopia styled pumpkin planter.
The Awww Factor
Then there's the awww factor. IGMA Fellow Kerri Pajutee has been sculpting for more than 30 years, 22 of them in miniature.
She made this adorable "Boo Kitty" as an alternative to the traditional Halloween black cat. The cat, also of polymer clay, has alpaca fibers, green eyes, and can be removed to be used in another scene or in the dollhouse. (Cute!)
Had enough Halloween?
Hey, you don't have to apologize if you already feel sick of the holiday.
Guess what? Pumpkins get sick about it, too. haa! Love it! (Well, sorry, maybe it's just the idea of, you know, all that pumpkin abuse this time of year. See video link at end as way of explanation.)
Kerri Pajutee also made this scene, she says, "on a whim after seeing a multitude of real life puking pumpkins folks have carved for Halloween." (Yeah, nothing says Halloween like a puking pumpkin, right? haaa!)
** Next, Day 7: More Pumpkins!
** Carve a virtual pumpkin
** Funny, weird, award-winning short film, Life and Death of a Pumpkin
** Assortment of pumpkin recipes
A wonderful pumpkin witch and the little cat is so cute
Oh Chris....I lov ethat pumpkin with the little cat...It's sooo purrrfect!! :)
Boo Kitty is so cute. The aawwwww factor kicked in for me!
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