January 04, 2024

Half Scale Mansion Trim & Exterior Update


Remember the plain jane - not-quite-finished exterior?

Ah.... it's undergone quite the transformation with all the necessary trimmings in place!

(Be sure to click photos to see full size!! *See last post.)

Keep reading below.... πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

I just LOVE πŸ’— how the extras and the different details I used really add to the design!

I don't like plain or drab, so I'm always thinking up different elements to use. But first....

Something Fun! If you didn't see my previous toys post, my friend Gigi found a car which looks good with the house! I'll have to fit dogs and lots of boxes in here for moving-in day!

And now... The results so far:


The Roof:

I just love it!! πŸ’—This turned out pretty cool. I hadn't even thought of a rooftop garden until Joanne mentioned she was doing one. (Yeah, copycat I am! See her "modern" house on a previous post.) (Ignore all the bare edges as I have to cut and glue trim yet.)

 I cut 1" scale stairway railing into pieces for planters to fit around the top edges on the roof. I drilled holes in the center and filled them with a somewhat sparkly fake fern I found at Christmas as I wanted something kind of bushy with some shimmer to it. Can't have the people falling off the roof. ha! I'm thinking of adding a string of tiny white mini lights but I seem to only have multi-color, so will keep searching.

 I really like the plants as, to me, it looked too plain without them. And yes, that is a Gargoyle on top to "protect" the building. Maybe later I'll add smaller ones at each corner. (I realize I have lots of skulls in the stash but need more gargoyles!) I glued fake grass on top and put a fake doorway that leads to the "stairs" going down. Yeah, there are lots of "fake," I mean  "faux" elements. haa!

The Front:

It takes me sooo long to finish things as I'm never happy with doing a kit or any project as-is. I always have to change things!

One thing always leads to another and another: I used the staircase railing pieces for the front posts since I had to change the portico as I forgot to make room for the light I'd already added. I also added a "metal" sticker design (Dollar Tree) to fill that empty space in the center. 

So, the light got moved over a "smidge"(technical term πŸ˜†), then new posts were cut which led to adjusting the staircase railings. And I didn't think the larger brick posts looked right at the ends of the railings, so I cut smaller wood posts. Those look much better!

I then had to move the brick post over slightly to the right and cut the fence a tiny bit to fit. Whew! Still with me?

 πŸŒ· Now it's pretty much done, except I still have to add some tiny window boxes I made and make flowers 🌸 for them. Not sure whether I'll use them only on the tower windows or in all of them. Will have to see what looks best. What do you think? 

πŸ‘€ And... I keep eyeing those flat bare spots on top of the brick posts, which seem to be calling out for some kind of round planter pots. See what I mean? Will have to hunt in my beads; I know I had some small bowl-type beads... or it'll be back to the craft store. Again. Besides, I like flowers. They're like books (mini and real.) Can't have too many. 😊


Third floor doorway:

I put in a couple "beams" to cover that slot I cut in the ceiling.

My idea for the faux doors leading to the "hallways" worked out great - after I had to redo some things--of course! haa! Luckily I only covered up one tape run and the paper pulled up so I could pull out the light, move it up, and re-solder it since it didn't quite reach the hole. I moved a second light also. I drilled a hole in the wall and in the small box, which was then covered with a printed transparency. And it worked! (I had to re-solder quite a few times and believe me, I hold my breath every time that it'll work!)

Second floor: Got the rest of the trim done. Just have to glue the fireplace in (right side, below). I want shelves but I may just add one or two across the whole wall as ugh! all the measuring to make them fit, I'm tired of measuring (or with me, measure once, cut three or more times. haa!) We'll see what I end up with. (I might have to adjust the bottom of the door a bit I see.)

I like the ceiling molding which has scribed lines at the bottom that I touched with the gold paint  to match the wallpaper (scrapbook paper.) I really liked the shiny gold accents in the paper. I also changed the brick inside the fireplace to match the white brick paper I used on this floor. 

First floor: 

It's hard to tell here, but the ceiling trim in the diner area has a scalloped edge on the bottom which gives it a fun, "circus" feel to go with the striped paper.

Next: Working on some furnishings and kits, and I need to configure the diner counter, cooking grill, etc. to see what will fit and what goes where. Got another of those ideas in my head - burgers sizzling on the griddle - so it'll be fun to see how I can get that idea to work and look right. 

So far, so good! I'm pretty happy with how this is turning out. Stay tuned for more updates!

Thanks for visiting again and following along on my projects! Hope you have lots of mini fun in  the new year!

January 01, 2024

Dollhouse Miniatures Gifts & Toys

Halloween all the time. Isn't this cool?

 HAPPY NEW YEAR! I got some pretty cool new miniatures, mostly from my good friend, Gigi. We love getting together to work on kits when we can and also enjoy celebrating a Merry "Mini" Christmas so figured I'd share the latest toys.

We also enjoy finding things that can be used for minis, even if it's not the item's actual purpose. Oh, and there's no "crime" in re-using things to make into something mini! ha! It's like the mini charm bracelets I have. Someday I may take them apart, but right now I still enjoy wearing them. I pick them up cheap at thrift stores or yard sales. (Click photos for full size.)

* Raven and skull. Just love this!!

* This is a cute little house kit (the blue one.) I saw some people showing this online. It'll be fun to do even if it's tiny. ha! But I already have a "theme" idea in mind... Yeah, I can't do things as they are. ha! I'll share the progress once I start it.

* Speaking of little houses, my friend made and finished up this tiny kit for me. It is awfully cute. I fell in love with that mini fridge! Yes, it is that small! (4.25" tall)

* Another real cute house! This one had a bunch of round chocolates in it. We like to wrap up lots of little minis, so we'll have our own Advent calendars next year. Loved watching people open theirs this year and wished I'd bought one!

* She even gave me a mini car for in front of one of the houses. haa! I'm picturing a trunk full of stuff and dogs in the back seat. And it does fit well in front of the mansion! Now I'll have to expand the front and add a brick walk or street.

* It's so fun that miniatures have caught on, with all these places coming out with those plastic balls filled with miniature toys and figures like the Mini Brands Toys, Disney versions, and others.

Recently I found a World's Smallest brand mini kid's three-wheeler trike. Had to have it! I am still looking for the Mini Popper push-toy.

Then I tried something new. There's a new set of Kylie (yes that Kylie) Bratz mini dolls which are actually kind of cute (but pricey as you only get 2 items for $9. The doll on right; the other item was a fake phone (not shown.)) I also got a couple of the mini Bratz dolls which are neat. I never got into Bratz dolls but I like the tiny ones. Now they need some Monster High mini versions! I do have a few of the regular size dolls. And I got a few more of the Mini Brands toys. (This is over time, mind you! It gets expensive. ha!)

 So, until I make an actual doll shop, these will all go in the toy store though I am thinking of saving the kid's trike for the Raggedy Ann house. I do have another roombox with shelves in it that was going to be a shoe store. Maybe I should redo that for all dolls. That's a thought...

Been tempted by the Mini Brands Foods but haven't tried that one yet as they seem to be more Barbie scale. But the kitchen items are pretty cool if I ever decided to make a Cher doll roombox, which would be so big that I really don't have room (right now.)  Here's some of the latest from the Mini Brands toys:

Well... that's it for now! Back to mini work. 

I'll be sharing more on the Park Ave. Mansion soon. Have made some good progress on it. Stay tuned! 

Thanks for visiting!

December 31, 2023

Happy New Year!

 Wishing everyone a happy New Year and all the best in 2024! 

I've appreciated everyone's visits and hope to share more in the coming year! (Image: pixabay.com)

December 30, 2023

2023 Miniature Dollhouses Wrap-Up


Wow another year here and gone! Where oh where does time go? (Click photos for full size.)

Actually, it's been a pretty productive year mini-wise. I got quite a few projects done, one after another becoming a favorite. Sure, it's only 5 houses and roomboxes, but there's all the decorating, furniture building, and exterior that's done, too. A lot goes into a project.

It was good to finish up a few things that had been sitting a long time, too, as well as start some new things.


 I finished the exterior of my half-scale Fairfield. Click name for photos and a video of house.

I also shared what I made and got in the annual half-scale group swap. The 2023 theme was Kitschy, which produced some fun, different items. Working on next year's item/s now, with a "Pot Luck" theme, meaning anything goes.


Between working on the Fairfield, I pulled out another longtime unfinished project I'd had in mind. I finished turning this vintage cigar box humidor into a 1-inch scale Men's shop. This was one of my favorite projects and it didn't take long to finish. I'd been holding onto things for a while and only had to wallpaper and finish up the decor and a few accessories. Just love this project!


I started half-scale house 2: the Witch Cottage. Building and painting underway.


Interesting that the post about the Witch Cottage roof was one of the most visited this month. Everyone must be doing roofs! ha!


Just about done on the Witch Cottage. Here's some pics and a video. 

I also over-indulged and posted the annual Halloween in Miniature for two weeks. 


I pulled out an old 1-inch scale roombox in October and decided to finish it as an old storefront turned into a Skellie funeral parlor.  I really got a kick out of this. This was one of the most popular posts of the month.


The Half-Scale Park Ave. Mansion - it's been updated - a lot - since this. I'll show the latest in an upcoming post.

I also started dollhouse 3 last month - the Half-Scale Park Ave. Mansion. Made some progress and moving along on it this month. Just a few trims inside, the fireplace, and the outside fence and posts to do yet! Then the fun part - decorating, plus making kits and accessories!

If you're curious, here's last year's update of minis I got done. 

So it's been a pretty good year mini-wise. Thanks to everyone for your visits and following my mini progress. 

On to next year - finishing this project and I am thinking - seriously - about getting back to the half-scale Colonial house, which is built - and will be Raggedy Ann & Andy's home. Stay tuned!


December 25, 2023

Merry Little Christmas Story Part 2


A Merry Little Christmas Story Part 2


* Start the story here: Part 1

Today we feature the second part and conclusion to an original Christmas tale by Robert W. Walker, author of  90+ - and counting -  novels including the fabulous gaslight thriller, CITY OF THE ABSENT, featuring his detective, Ransom.  Check his website for his latest thrillers and novellas. 

(If the photos don't show properly, you can read part 2 of the story at last year's post.)

While Robert is known for his spooky and often creepy-gory horror books, he has a soft side, too! Never fear, this two-part story is rated PG. 

Part 2 Continued --
 "The Thief of Christmas Present"
By Robert W. Walker

(Photos: Christmas Santa House by C. Verstraete, see more pix here - click miniatures; Festive gold and white holiday scenes featuring the miniatures of Lissu, used w/ permission. See more pix and visit her blog

To recap: the family are watching the film to see who is stealing the Cluewellens' Christmas from Julia's dollhouse. (See part 1 in the previous post.)

Shortly after, Stevie entered the room, asking, "What kinda movie is this?"

"The movie that's gonna prove you stole the Cluewellens' Christmas!"

"I didn't touch that stuff! I didn't do it, Mom!"

Joannie came down from her room and asked, "Are you still blaming that on Stevie? He wouldn't do that!"

"We got you on tape this time, Joannie...or Stevie...whichever one of you guys did it, so there!" Julia set her jaw, determined to watch every hour of the unmoving movie frame by frame. "Mom and me...we gotcha good now. Liar."

Joannie came at her sister. "Who're you calling a liar? Me?"

"If the shoe fits!"

"Enough, both of you! Stop it. Either sit down and watch the tape or leave the room, but please, no more accusations, Julia, and no more shouting, Joannie-and you, Stevie, stop crying."

"I didn't do it," he complained through tears. "I always get blamed for everything!"

"All I know is somebody stole the Cluewellens' Christmas tree now!" Julia shot back.

"Hey, what's that?" asked Joannie, pointing at the screen. "I saw movement-a shadow-back of the miniature."

Julia, Stevie, and Mother Waldron stared at the slight squeaking noise, too, and in a moment, they all watched a pair of whiskers and a brown button nose rise over the back of the miniature at the chimney.

"It's Newton, my ferret!" shouted Stevie. "He's escaped again."

Newton lived up to his name, always finding ways to escape his cage, and often, Stevie allowed him 'free run time' but Newton always returned to his cage. Newton had even found a way out of the house one night.

"What's he doing?" asked Julia. "OMG-he's going down the chimney."

"Like Santa," said Stevie.

"No...more like The Grinch," replied Joannie. "There's your Christmas thief, Julia!"

"But...I mean how...why?" she asked. "Why's he terrifying the Cluewellens and destroying their Christmas?"

"You really think Newton is thinking along those lines, Julia?" Joannie couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Shhh...watch him. Look, look," said Mom. "The little thief! He's dragging the entire tree out the front door."

With the tree clear of the door, it snapped closed, and Newton scurried away with the five-inch high tree, ornaments trailing. He truly did look like a miniature version of The Grinch except that he was brown and not green.

"Stevie's pet's the thief...the whole time," Julia muttered in disbelief.

"What's he doing with all the stolen goods?" asked mom. "Shall we find out?"

"I think you're gonna need a ferret whisperer or a pet shrink to figure that out, Mom," replied Joannie, still laughing.

"Nothing funny about that little rat destroying the Cluewellens' Christmas!" countered Julia.

"Why don't we all just go on a scavenger hunt?" began Mom. "To see where Newton is stashing all the decorations and presents."

"And stockings!" added Julia.

The four of them started for Stevie's room where Newton lived in a cage. Everyone in the family had gotten so used to Newton's escapes and escapades about the house that no one took great notice of him of late.

"What's going on?" asked Jack Waldron, their father, who'd caught them gathered at the foot of the stairs as he came through the door, home from the office.

Everyone spoke at once until Anna calmed them and pointed to the still action shot on the TV. "We caught Newton red-handed. "He's Julia's Christmas thief."

"Must be the shiny stuff attracts Newton, eh?" asked Jack.

"But he's never done this before!" Anna replied. "Any rate, we're heading up to Steve's room to see where he's stashing the goods."

"Say, did anyone read that book that came with the ferret when you bought Newton at the pet store?" asked Joannie, who was browsing the book for any clues.

"Who's got time to read?" asked Julia.

They all went for Stevie's room, and looked into Newton's cage, a made-over fish tank. There, amid the usual sawdust and toy shelters and fake greenery, was a stash of Christmas miniatures, from the tree, to the presents and the stockings. All of it lay in a neat, orderly circular design. The look on Newton's face said, "I confess."

Joannie handed the paperback book on ferrets and ferret behavior to her mother. "Take a look at the last section on page sixteen."

She glanced at the page. "Oh, dear...then this means..."

"What is it?" asked Julia. "Nothing in that book could possibly excuse this rodent's behavior, and as for you, Stevie-this is all your-"

"No, Julia!" countered her father, who'd now read page sixteen. "No way is this Stevie's fault!"

"You owe Stevie and me an apology," Joannie said to Julia, having closed in on her, nose-to-nose. "And all our friends, too!"

"You do owe everyone an apology, Julia," her mother agreed. "In the meantime, Newton is going to need a new name."

"Whataya mean?" asked Julia.

"New name?" asked Stevie.

"Newton is a girl, and she's stealing shiny objects to make a nest, because she's going to have baby ferrets."

"OMG!" replied Julia. "That's it! That explains the mystery."

"But if Newton's not a boy...what're we going to call Newton?" asked Stevie.

"Newtonia?" suggested Joannie, a snicker escaping.

"Why don't we make it Madame Curie," suggested Mom. "I think she outsmarted us all. In any event, case closed."

Stevie lifted the flimsy lid and started to reach in to retrieve the Cluewellens' Christmas stuff-his sister's stuff, but Julia stayed his hand. "No, Stevie. She-Madame Curie-she needs it now more than the Cluewellens."

"Aren't you ahhh worried about the Cluewellens?" asked Anna of her daughter.

"They'll understand when I explain it to them," Julia replied and shrugged, "and besides, there's always next year."

Anna hugged Julia and Jack put a hand on his daughter's shoulder, and with the entire family looking on at Newton-now Madame Curie-every one smiled, and if ferrets can smile, Madame Curie smiled back, a knowing glint in her eye.

"I have an idea for the Cluwellens' Christmas," said Stevie.

"What's that? asked Julia.

"Why not give them a front row seat for Christmas?"


"Put their house under our tree!"

Everyone agreed it was a wonderful solution, and that Julia had a lot of apologies to make, and that she'd tell and retell Newton's story between now and Christmas quite often indeed.

The End.

(c) 2008, 2023 RW Walker published by https://candidcanine.blogspot.com

** I hope you enjoyed this "little" Christmas tale as much as I enjoy presenting it every year. 
Merry Christmas and the best in the New Year to everyone! 
As Tiny Tim said, "God Bless us, every one!"

December 24, 2023

Merry Little Christmas Story Part 1

  It's become something of an annual tradition that I've been sharing this little Christmas story my friend and fellow author Robert W. Walker penned for me. It first ran here in 2008. Enjoy!

Today I have the pleasure of presenting an original Christmas tale by Robert W. Walker, author of - gasp! over 90  - and counting -  novels including the fabulous gaslight thriller, CITY OF THE ABSENT, featuring his detective, Ransom. Check his website for his latest thrillers and novellas.  

While Robert is known for his spooky and often creepy-gory horror books, he has a soft side, too! Never fear, this story, which will run in two parts, is rated PG. 

(If the photos don't show properly, you can read the story at last year's post.) 

(Come back tomorrow for Part 2.

The Thief of Christmas Present
By Robert W. Walker

(Photos: Christmas Santa House by C. Verstraete, more photos see website, Santa's House page.)

Julia rushed into her mother's room, her eleven-year-old arms flapping as she said, "Joannie stole my Christmas presents! I just know it was her!"

"Your big sister wouldn't do that, Julia."

"Then its one of her girlfriends."

"I've talked to Joannie, and she's given the third degree to every friend who has been visiting the house since Thanksgiving."

Julia's eyes filled with tears. "Musta been that boyfriend of hers then!"

"He seems like a nice, respectful boy, and whatever would possess him to steal your miniature Christmas presents from beneath your miniature tree?"

Anna Waldron hugged her daughter to her. "We'll find the stolen goods. They're likely somewhere on a shelf. Thoughtlessly moved by one of your little friends."

"No, no mom! I don't let anyone reach into my dollhouse and take out anything, not the figurines, not the furniture, and certainly not the presents under the tree."

Anna wondered how this could keep happening to her daughter. Julia had put heart and soul into her miniature house this year. In fact, she'd begun creating the tree, the ornaments, lights, stockings hanging over the fireplace, and the presents beneath the tree since last Christmas.

She'd got it in her head that her dollhouse ought to have all the ornaments and decorations of any home, that Mr. and Mrs. Cluewellen and their three children who lived in the miniature house ought to have a wonderful Christmas too.

Julia had worked so hard to make it happen, and now, day-by-day, all her work was coming unraveled. The day before she noticed an ornament missing from the tiny tree. The day before that one of the stockings she'd labored so hard to make was gone from the mantel. Poof. Now two of the tiny presents from beneath the tree-gone. Stolen.

"At this rate," moaned Julia, "by the time Christmas gets here, the Cluewellens won't have anything left."

Anna patted Julia's hand. "And The Christmas Crook of the Present will have won!"

"We can't let that happen, mom!"

"We must act, set a trap."

"A trap?"

"Yeah, we'll wire up a trap that will snap on those sticky fingers."

"Then you think it's Stevie?"

"I hope not, but your little brother is at that age. I sure hope he hasn't lied about this."

"Well...it's not a ghost. I asked the Cluewellens if they'd had any problems with anything like a poltergeist, and they said no."

"You believe them?" Mother Waldron laughed, but Julia stared at her, eyes saying, 'not funny'.

"They don't lie, cheat, or steal, mom."

"Neither does your brother or your sister for that matter, young lady."

"Well I'm not lying about it! Someone's stealing the Cluewellens' Christmas right under our noses."

"You set the trap," suggested Anna. "I'm going to set up a concealed camera, so we can get to the bottom of this before..."

Julia looked up at her mother, wondering why she'd stopped talking. "Before all of the presents and decorations are gone?"

"Before you make your sister and your brother angrier with you than they already are."

"Angry with me? I'm the victim here. Me and the Cluewellens."

"Honey, you have accused both of them of stealing and lying about it. Then you accused their friends."

Julia nodded, and for a moment Anna thought her child understood and agreed, but then Julia said, "It could've been one of Stevie's dumb friends."

"Well now, we're going to find out, aren't we?"

"You think it'll work, Mom?"

"At the rate things are disappearing, my hunch is that whoever's behind the theft will be back."

They put the trap into play.

They wisely left the miniature house untouched and unmoved, the same enticement as ever.

An entire day and most of the evening went by with young Julia wanting to check the Cluewellens' living room and tree every hour, while her mother insisted they wait and see. When Anna decided the camera's battery would be in need of help, mother and daughter went into her room to determine if anything had been taken. They found the front door closed. Julia gasped when she looked in through the windows. The entire tiny Christmas tree had been taken! All about the front door and steps, glitter appeared like colored snow. Whoever was behind the theft, cleaning up after him-or herself-wasn't a concern.

"It's got to be Stevie or one of his goofy friends," Julia said, tears forming. "Maybe Stevie's too chicken to tell on Tad."

"Let's reserve judgment and see what the camera says."

They made popcorn and popped the film into the USB port of the TV and sat down to watch the unfolding events. Unfortunately, during the first hour, nothing unfolded.

"This is a real snore and a bore," Julia complained, tiring of the popcorn as well.

After a while, Julia began making up a storyline to go with the miniature people inside the house on the screen, and it was so vivid that her mom could almost imagine that the little Cluewellen family was as real as Julia believed them to be. She began to see Mrs. Cluewellen move that feather duster in her hand. But clearing her head and eyes, Mother Waldron thought better of saying she'd begun to see the miniature people roaming around inside their miniature house. Maybe the miniature was haunted at that....

(c) 2008, 2023 RW Walker published by https://candidcanine.blogspot.com

* The story continues tomorrow, Christmas Day - see Part 2.) 

December 23, 2023

Crime Fiction Inspired by One-Hit Wonders!


Yay! The unique anthology, (I Just) Died in Your Arms: Crime Fiction Inspired by One-Hit Wonders is now up for pre-order! Get one for a late Christmas or Hanukah gift!

Based on some familiar songs, including my haunting tale, "Wildfire," inspired by the haunting hit of the same name. I can't wait to read all the stories!

* Pre-order here! (If any problems, use main link here.) Paperback only $10! (Note: the link may change so I'll indicate if it has.) * Pre-order now available on Kindle and at Barnes & NobleSmashwordsKobo - UK, Kobo - US 

(Note: affiliate link may earn some commissions.)


Authors and Stories: (links are to YouTube videos)

* Vinnie Hansen: 96 Tears

Song: 96 Tears, ? and the Mysterians (1966) - Listen 

Jeanne DuBois: Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye

Song: Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye by Steam (1969) - Listen

* Josh Pachter: The Rapper

Song: The Rapper by The Jaggerz (1970) - Listen

* J. M. Taylor: It’s Hard to Die

Song: Seasons in the Sun by Terry Jacks (1974) - Listen

Christine Verstraete: Wildfire

 Song: Wildfire by Michael Martin Murphey (1975) - Listen

* Sandra Murphy: Pigeon Talk

Song: 867-5309/Jenny) by Tommy Tutone (1981) - Listen

 * Joseph S. Walker: Come On Eileen

Song: Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners (1982) - Listen

* Wendy Harrison: It’s Raining Men

Song: It’s Raining Men by The Weather Girls (1983) - Listen

* Bev Vincent: Somebody’s Watching

Song: Somebody’s Watching Me by Rockwell (1984) - Listen

* Leone Ciporin: Life in a Northern Town

 Song: Life in a Northern Town by Dream Academy (1985) - Listen

 * Adam Gorgoni: Bitch

* Song: Bitch by Meredith Brooks (1997) - Listen

* Barb Goffman: Teenage Dirtbag

 Song: Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus (2000) - Listen