March 03, 2011

Welcome Spring! An amazing look outside...

Forget groundhogs. I know it's spring when the redwinged blackbirds return.

This was the scene outside by door last night near sunset, which will be repeated at sunrise, and again at sunset, each day (and night) up until sometime in the fall. Shades of Hitchcock!

Read more on what the birds also reminded me of today at Fatal Foodies.

March 01, 2011

More than Collectibles: Dr. Ruth's Dollhouses

I happened to catch designer Nate Berkus's show yesterday and was glad I tuned in.

It turns out that famous therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer is a dollhouse collector!

The 82-year-old had asked the designer to clear up some 50 years of clutter and collectibles, so she could entertain in her dining and living rooms.

Besides an assortment of different miniatures and small collectibles, among her treasures were her favorite items: two open-front dollhouses. Having lost her family to the Nazis in World War II and sent to a children's hometo live, Dr. Ruth says the dollhouses symbolized her way to have something she could control when she had no control growing up, and that she loved playing with them.

Isn't it great that dollhouses can not only be an enjoyable pastime and a way to express your creativity, but collecting can bring a calming, healing element into someone's life? And yes, the updated rooms were very nice, too!

* See makeover photos of the rooms and the dollhouses here.

* Read the New York Times story

February 28, 2011

Miniatures Monday: Dolls that are the Cat's Meow!

South African Miniaturist Lianda Sutherland enjoys creating her own figures and scenes - but with a difference. As a pet lover, Lianda enjoys making figures that, well, are the "cat's meow." (Pictured above: Cats in Indian dress. Love the detail!)

Don't let the cats fool you, though. They were too "cute" not to show here, but yes, Lianda also created an amazing scene featuring Yorkies. See below. (And yes, now you know: the dogs do run the place! )

This mother of three not only creates her own porcelain figures from start to finish, but she's also teaching workshops. You can see details at her Kelirosh Studio blog.

Most notable is her scene of a soldier being knighted based on that famous Renaissance flavored painting, The Accolade, (1901) by Edmund Leighton, but in her version, the participants are all cats!

"It is also my favourite period in history," says Lianda. "The cats started about two years ago when I had this idea wanted one cat to do a 1920's glam scene, a lounge singer... I started to play and walla, we had a cat which I was delighted about, then like typical cats, she multiplied, and now I cant remember life without them."

The king below, dubbed "King Arthur Piss-cat," wears royal garments hand-made by Lianda, including the creative knit chain mail. The helmet is made from FIMO clay as is the sword's blade. The rest of the sword is a charm she "found somewhere on my travels. Love beading shops!" (Oops, looks like the King's had a little too much wine!)

Another fun historic scene: mice in Tudor times... (don't even think about fleas and the plague!) And yes, this isn't the end of her animal scenes... "I love the animals in rooms, because they are different. Watch this space we have our first family of dogs coming out very soon, and then there will be the giraffe, and the mind boggles. Now I want an animal hotel..."

The proof: dogs are king of the castle. (You thought otherwise?)

Thanks, Lianda for sharing your fantastic work!

February 26, 2011

Books vs. eBooks and Kindle

This is too funny! And a smart marketing move by this Indie bookstore...

But well, yes, eBooks are books too.... so is a compromise coming on how to download these in other Indie bookstores?

February 25, 2011

Writing the Synopsis

This has to be worse than writing the book, I think. It's kept me preoccupied for most of the week, but I think I finally have it down. At least the one-page synopsis is about done. It'll be much easier to expand it since then I am only adding in events per chapter after that. Next, I have to write the query letter.

This is one of the best tips I've found in writing a synopsis and the only one I use. I like that it shows you in steps what to do:

* Author Beth Anderson's tight synopsis.

February 21, 2011

Miniatures Monday: New Hats

Thought I'd share a couple new hats I made. Adapted them from an easy pattern for ball-jointed dolls - see pattern here.

February 18, 2011

Great Information Links

Some of my favorite links for writing or information.

* Sign up for a word-a-day email at The Urban Dictionary

* One of my favorites: week by week music charts

* Francais (French) Dictionary

* Slang Dictionary

* Plants and carnivorous plants

* Wisconsin Historical Society (working women, 1930s)

* Famous Proverbs (World of Quotes: Today in History)

* Old West Lawmen (information and cool postcards

* American Vaudeville Museum

* History of Musicals - Burlesque

* Movie Maidens - Stars of the 1920s-50s

* The Hollywood Thirties

* Classic Movies

** and more I'll add later. Enjoy!

February 15, 2011

Welcome to Stephen Brayton, author of Night Shadows, talks eBooks and getting published

Today I welcome Stephen Brayton, author of the mystery/sci-fi eBook NIGHT SHADOWS.


Des Moines Homicide detective Harry Reznik teams with F.B.I. agent Lori Campisi to investigate a series of gruesome murders.

While dealing with personal problems, the unlikely pair find themselves battling malevolent creatures from another dimension.

Getting Published
By Stephen Brayton

For some it’s 8th grade graduation. Or high school graduation. Maybe yours is the first day on the new job. For women it’s their wedding. (For guys, too, I realize, but work with me here.) Maybe it’s the birth of a child.

I’ve experienced the first three but I can tell you about some other personal ‘big days’. When I received my first degree black belt. And my second degree. And third. (See the pattern here?) The first day in a new (read: used, but new to me) car. The first date with a girl. (Let’s see, the last one was…uh…well, let’s move on, shall we?)

February 15th. Another big day and one I’ve thought about for a long time. The day my first book gets published. Now this didn’t happen the way I thought it would. (That holds true for most things, doesn’t it?)

For instance, I thought another book would come first. Beta (release date July 15), was written first and I had been querying agents and publishers awhile before I had completed Night Shadows. Then both novels and four short stories were accepted.

This was the first unexpected thrill. The second was my books were going to be released in eBook format. This format has become so popular in recent years because of the ease of book readers. There are some old school people (and I’m still partially one), who will only read hard/soft covers of ‘real’ books. That fine, but they’re missing out.

So it’s the big day. My perseverance, years of writing and editing, endless hours at critique groups, and miles of travel have paid off. How am I going to celebrate? Well, I have martial arts classes scheduled, so I’ll be teaching tonight. LOL. Yep, I still have a schedule to follow and obligations to fulfill. However, my celebration comes in the form you’re presently reading. Telling people about my book, letting them know they can finally read my work. This is the day I can shout to the world, “I’m an author!”

I’ve been a writer and if you want to get cute, I was an unpublished author. Now, today, the title "Author" can be attached to my name.

I think every author experiences this. Surely they must, even if the newest release is their second or twenty-second. They must feel some sense of accomplishment. Yes, they’re selling a product, but General Mills sells products, too. I don’t know if they revel in every cereal box they sell. Books are personal, even if they’re products. A person took the time to write the words, submit the manuscript, edit the work, and he or she should feel something special to see it in print. (Or in my case downloaded to a book reader.)

Everything in moderation, they say, but you can tweak a little more pride out of an accomplishment like publishing a book. Sure, there are thousands of books printed every year, but thousands more that aren’t.

This year, I get to celebrate twice, and maybe a few more times when my short stories are published.

Yes, this is my big day. Help me celebrate it, won’t you? I’m not looking for praise or even a pat on the shoulder, but you, the blonde over there? Yeah, you, I wouldn’t mind your number. Ahem! Anyway, all I’m asking is check out my book and I hope you enjoy it. I thank you.

* BUY: See author's website for latest purchase links. - BUY at OmniLit

February 14, 2011

Miniatures Monday: Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

I love Valentine's Day in miniature. All those pretty cakes, and the great pink and red colors. It's so fun!

Some new miniatures I made: a Valentine's Day card box with vintage Valentines. Love those old cards! I made a card box in a much smaller half scale size also.

Here's a mini Valentine for you, too!

* Don't forget to check out my "mini" ebook - The Killer Valentine Ball. Only 99 cents! (See links below.)


As they walked into the shadows, Jess noticed that things weren't quite as they appeared. Sections of the room lightened for a moment before being cast again in deep shadow. What Jess thought she saw in that split second made her heart race. On the dance floor, the same three couples stood, clasped to each other. Jess stared. She swore they never moved.

The music played quietly in the background. When the shadows brightened, Jess caught a quick glimpse of one of the couples. The young man's mouth gaped open. His partner's gown glistened with streams of dark ribbons. The light flashed again and Jess gasped. Those weren't ribbons! The girl's dress shone with dark glimmers. Like-like blood, she thought. No, it can't be! She looked back at Dylan, who shook his head and urged her on... (Surprise ending!)

"Light tricks," he whispered. "It's not real. It's Halloween stuff, like the movie. Don't worry."

* Barnes & Noble

* See MuseItUp Publishing bookstore

* Amazon - Kindle:


February 11, 2011

Welcome to Geraldine Evans, author of DEADLY REUNION, Rafferty & Llewellyn Crime Series

Today I welcome Geraldine Evans, author of Death Dance (Rafferty and Llewellyn Mysteries), her 18th novel and 14th in the humorous Rafferty & Llewellyn crime series (Dec. 2010, Severn House Publishers).

The next book in the series, Deadly Reunion (Rafferty and Llewellyn Mysteries), comes out in June.


Detective Inspector Joe Rafferty is barely back from his honeymoon before he has two unpleasant surprises. Not only has he another murder investigation - a poisoning, courtesy of a school reunion, he also has four new lodgers, courtesy of his Ma, Kitty Rafferty.

Ma is organising her own reunion and since getting on the internet, the number of Rafferty and Kelly family attendees has grown, like Topsy. In his murder investigation, Rafferty has to go back in time to learn of all the likely motives of the victim's fellow reunees. But it is only when he is reconciled to his unwanted lodgers, that Rafferty finds the answers to his most important questions.

(* Keep reading for prizes, links and excerpt.)

By Geraldine Evans

1 Metaphors are good, but don’t strain after them. When your prose starts turning purple is the time to pause for thought.

2 Take care over your presentation, as it matters. I’ve just held a contest for people to write the first 250 words of a crime novel and some of the presentation was poor. This is not impressive when the number of words required were so few.

3 If your grasp of grammar or punctuation is poor, try to get someone well-versed in this to read your work through and correct it. It’s off-putting when you read a story and – because of a lack of apostrophes, for instance – it’s unclear who, or how many, owns what.

4 Read as much as you can. I won’t say always read the classics because the style of older books isn’t going to help you write today. I’ve had 18 novels published as well as a number of shorter nonfiction pieces and I’ve still only read about three of Shakespeare’s plays and I’ve never attempted War and Peace. Read widely amongst contemporary authors with perhaps an occasional dip into the classics.

5 Each time you write a story, go through and cut by 10 percent. You’ll be amazed how much better the story reads.

6 Read your story aloud. Sometimes I do this for my husband as he’s not a keen reader. The errors just leap out at you.

7 If you belong to a writers’ group, offer to set your own writing contest, with prizes. You’ll find there’s nothing like holding a contest of which you’re the sole judge, for making you look more carefully at your own writing. I was scared to write anything immediately afterward (including this!) because I thought the critics would have at me with both barrels!

8 When entering writing contests it pays to study a little of the style of the judges (assuming they’re writers). For instance, I write humorous police procedurals and I’m more apt to look favourably on an entrant whose work makes me smile.

9 Make sure you catch the reader’s interest quickly. I find that the older I get the more unwilling I am to struggle on with a book whose author hasn’t troubled to engage my attention with humour or intrigue or maybe just a punchy first line. It matters. Think about it. If I, as a reader, can’t be bothered to stick with a book, how likely is it that an editor, with piles to read, will?

10 Enjoy your writing. If you find serial killers depressing, write about something else. It’s never a good idea to follow the crowd. Ploughing your own furrow, about something you feel passionate about, is more likely to spark originality and a strong story.

* See all Geraldine Evans's books -

* See the trailer for her ebook, DEAD BEFORE MORNING.

* Follow the blog tour.

* PRIZES: At the end of the February tour, three winners who comment will win one signed copy of Deadly Reunion, and one copy of the ebooks, Dead Before Morning and Down Among the Dead Men. They will also receive a subscription to my blog (which they can let lapse when it runs out).

* See the excerpt and some of what Geraldine has learned from writing 14 books below.


I suppose I must have learned a lot, but it’s been such a gradual process that I’m not really aware of it, though, having said that, I’ve learned to do my best to keep things simple and not strive to write something beyond my ability as it only ends in tears.

I’ve learned to think a lot more about what I have my characters do as it saves me several drafts. When I started out writing novels, the number of drafts was frightening, but now I’m down to about three or four, with run-throughs of shorter pieces of the novel on top of that.

Don’t strive for a style. Don’t try to write like, say, Ernest Hemingway or P D James. Your style will come naturally if you just let the words flow in your own voice.


A Rafferty & Llewellyn crime novel by Geraldine Evans

Griffin House was an imposing building, dating back to the late 1500s. It had been recently featured in the local paper, the Elmhurst Echo, as part of a series on Essex’s historic houses and Rafferty, keen on history and old buildings, had kept a cutting. The school was approached by a long, straight drive with mature trees and shrubberies either side of the road. It was built of red brick that had mellowed over the years to a deep rose and it had the tall, twisted chimneys so typical of the Elizabethan age. Like a lot of the houses of the period, it was constructed in the form of a letter E, in tribute to the virgin queen. It had once been the main home of the mad Carews, a family of aristocrats who had gambled and fought and wenched their fortune away. It had gone through various metamorphoses over the years, including being a bawdy house and the county lunatic asylum, but had been a private school since the 1880s.

They found the headmaster, Jeremy Paxton, waiting for them outside the huge grey oak door of the school’s main entrance. Paxton was a tall, gangly man who seemed to be all elbows and knees. The headmaster was a surprise to Rafferty. He’d expected an older, donnish type, with a gown and mortarboard in keeping with the school’s venerable status. But Paxton could be barely forty and seemed to have adopted an eccentric mode of dress comprised of a cream silk cravat and a scarlet waistcoat reminiscent of some regency rake. To Rafferty it seemed as if he was trying to mitigate for his youth by adopting the fashion popular during the Carew family’s last dying days.

Paxton led them to his study. Considering the school was a prestigious establishment with fees to match, the headmaster’s study was not even shabby-chic. Yes, he had the obligatory computer and other high-tech gadgetry on his desk, but the oak-panelled walls with their scabby varnish looked as if they had some unfortunate disease and the furniture appeared to have stood here since the school was founded in the late nineteenth century. And while the mahogany desk was large and inlaid, its leather surface was scuffed and stained with ink blotches. There were several ill-assorted heavy Victorian chairs in front of the desk and Paxton invited them to sit down.

Paxton had a foppish manner to go with his dandy clothing. He tended to wave his arms about a good deal and generally gave off an air of being like an escapee from a St Trinian’s farce. But in spite of the clothing and mannerisms, he must have been considered suitably qualified for the post. Perhaps the parents expected an eccentric character given some of the post’s past incumbents, one of whom had been a scientist in the mould of Dr Jekyll, who, instead of using himself, had used his pupils as guinea pigs for his outlandish experiments. If Rafferty remembered his local history correctly a couple of the pupils had died and the headmaster had been removed from his post and just escaped a murder charge.

Rafferty had explained about the situation with Ainsley over the phone and now Jeremy Paxton displayed an efficiency entirely at odds with the foppish appearance, He gave Rafferty a list of the school’s old boys and girls who were currently staying at the school as well as a detailed map showing the school’s sprawling buildings, which dated over several centuries.

‘You said over the phone that Mr Ainsworth would have died within two or three hours of ingesting the poison. That being the case, I’ve taken the liberty of inviting those who shared his table at lunch that day to wait for you in the Senior Common Room.’ Paxton paused, then added, ‘You’ll need somewhere to interview the reunees, I imagine. There’s a room opposite the Senior Common Room which is empty and which has a desk, chairs and a phone. I hope it suits you.’

Rafferty thanked him. ‘You’ve been very through. If you could show us to the Senior Common Room, we’ll get started.’

‘Of course.’ Paxton stood up. ‘Please come with me.’

Rafferty and Llewellyn followed him along several dark, art-strewn corridors and up a flight of massive stairs to the first floor. Paxton opened the door of the Senior Common Room. It was large and surprisingly airy with an array of well-worn mismatched settees, a large plasma TV and the usual technological gizmos deemed essential by today’s youth. The occupants of the room were as ill- assorted as the settees; all seven looked to be in their early thirties, but that was where any similarity ended. They wore anything from ripped jeans to City suits and everything in between.

Paxton introduced them to the group and vice versa, then left them to it, saying he’d have coffee sent up to their new office across the way. The group comprised four men and three women, and while their hairstyles and clothing might be widely dissimilar, they all had a wary look in their eyes. Jeremy Paxton had told them that he had explained the situation to the reunees, who had all received the best education money and the county could provide, so would be under no illusion that – if, as seemed likely, given the dreadful symptoms the poison produced, the dead man had been murdered – they were all suspects.

February 09, 2011

New Review for Steampunk'd!

Great new review for Steampunk'd is up at

Kids review the books and the 17-year-old reviewer gave it a rating of 9 out of 10. See full review here.

My story, "Edison Kinetic Light and Steam Power" by C.A. Verstraete is excerpted at the beginning of the book.

Excerpt from front title page of book (from my story!):

Alva Edison knew her life would never be the same.

"It can be done, sister, I know it can," he told her again.

"Thomas, I keep telling you, remember Mr. Franklin? The founding father never signed the Declaration because he foolishly stood out in a rainstorm, with a kite of all things. And stringing a key on the end? How foolhardy. Anyone with common sense knows that you do not want to be near any metal in a storm. No surprise that he was electrocuted. It was such a tragedy that could have been averted."

"But his idea was right," Thomas insisted. "The power of those thunderbolts can be harnessed as a new energy source."

She snorted at that. "Thomas, dear, next you'll be saying that thunderbolts can do all kinds of things, like that kooky Dr. Frankenstein and his outlandish, sacrilegious ideas about life and death. They took him off to the sanitarium and not soon enough, I say. Please stop such talk. I do not want to lose my only brother to some ridiculous notion."

-From "Edison Kinetic Light and Steam Power" by C. A. Verstraete

February 07, 2011

Miniatures Monday: The Tudor Half-Scale House in Progress

For a change, I thought I'd share a project that I finally am making progress on.

I bought the house a while ago and had papered the inside, but needed to put in the floors and do the outside. So I've been working on it and hope to finish soon.

The bottom floor is a garden/flower shop. The floor is painted tile. The ceiling is the formed "tin ceiling" sheet.

Front counter on first floor is made of matboard trimmed with wood trim and wood strips on top. I glued a garden picture from a magazine to the front. (Ignore the nail polish bottle. ha!)

The side bookcases filled with garden supplies. I glued two bookcase kits together from SDK Miniatures and added a slightly wider top. (I love her furniture and flower kits. Go together well and good prices!)

The top floor will be a cafe/bookstore. The walls are covered with textured paper. Th ceiling is sand-painted and I'm going to add some flat "beams." The window isn't glued in it. Some lace trim made perfect curtains!

I changed the original windows to add a double window on top and a bay window on the bottom. The front is now covered in white stuco (lightweight Spackle) and has several worn brick spots showing through. (Brick is painted plastic sheet brick; add layers of color by sponge-painting, then seal. Glue to surface and layer stucco around it to make it look like the surface was worn away.)

This is what I have so far; I'll do another post with the next stage. I'm trying to make a counter for the cafe with a clear top as I want it to show a selection of cakess and it's not working how I want yet. I need to find something to use for "glass." Or I may end up buying one.

* See my other miniatures at my website.

February 06, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday: The Killer Valentine Ball

For fun, thought I'd try something different and share some sentences from my short story, The Killer Valentine Ball for Six Sentence Sunday.

Jess wonders if maybe, just maybe, there's a way to save this one when she goes out on a blind date -- on V-Day of all days! (Can you say loser?)
Well, it turns out to be a night she'll never forget...

Six sentences from The Killer Valentine Ball by C.A. Verstraete

The music played quietly in the background. When the shadows brightened, Jess caught a quick glimpse of one of the couples. The young man's mouth gaped open. His partner's gown glistened with streams of dark ribbons. The light flashed again and Jess gasped. Those weren't ribbons!

** You can read more about Jess from The Killer Valentine Ball today as well at the MuseItUpPublishing blog.

February 05, 2011

Miniature Gifts!

I'm so behind that I figured I'd better show the mini gifts I got from my mini friend Kitty in Holland. She always makes such fantastic purses, totes and display boxes. I'll have plenty for my ladies' shop I've been collecting things for. (forever!)

The robe is a pretty iridescent fabric, and it's hand-sewn! The tote and bag are great too! She also hand sews her pillows and most of her mini clothing. And she knits the hats, too. Something I can't do!

We've been friends and trading minis for about 10 years now I think? It's always fun and we both enjoy sharing our projects.

Next time I'll show the fantastic things she sent for Valentine's Day! After that, I'll show the half scale Tudor house/shops in progress, so be sure to come back Monday!

February 02, 2011

Peg Herring, author of new mystery, The Dead Detective Agency, says Don't Slow Down Your Readers!

Today, I welcome Peg Herring, author of the new mystery, THE DEAD DETECTIVE AGENCY.

About the Book:

Secretary Tori Van Camp wakes one morning on a luxurious ocean liner where she is offered whatever a person might desire: food, clothes, recreation, and the companionship of congenial people. But Tori has no memory of booking a cruise. What she does have is a vivid recollection of being shot point blank in the chest.

With the help of the stunningly handsome Mike and the unnervingly serene Nancy, Tori soon learns the purpose of her voyage. Still, she is haunted by the image of the gun, the crack of the shot, and the malevolent face of the shooter. Who wanted her dead, and why?

* Contest: Comment here and on any of the blogs, or answer "The Poser" to be entered in the drawing. * See the next blog stop.

The Poser: Name three books/series with a female P.I. as protagonist.

The Prizes: Weekly prizes (your choice of THE DEAD DETECTIVE AGENCY in ebook or print format) will be drawn from the names of those who comment on the blogs as we go. Comment once daily, but the first commenter each day gets entered twice in the drawing on Saturday!

Slowing Readers = Bad Policy
By Peg Herring

In fiction, anything a writer does that slows down the reading experience is probably not good. We read fiction to escape and enjoy, and we should generally not have to stop and think—or stop at all. Reading a mystery novel should be like floating down a river, but sometimes authors make things difficult, and it’s more like slogging up a mountain.

Author intervention, those times when the writer’s attitudes and beliefs slip into the story, slows the flow of the narrative, and I always wonder how it slips past the editors. If in a novel I think, “This guy is trying to convince me that the government is evil,” the story becomes less enjoyable. Now, if I’m shown that the government is evil, okay. But if characters sit around and talk about how evil the government is, or if the main characters think a lot about how evil it is, I’m taken out of the story. And that’s bad.

Another way authors slow a reader down is by going over the emotional aspects of the story again and again, especially toward the end, when the action should pick up. If you’ve read a book where the author visited for the fourth time the protagonist’s doubts about whether his father really loved him, you might have wanted to shout, “There’s someone sneaking up behind you with a knife! Leave the angst for later!”

Avoid the Dump

Some writers describe every outfit worn by a character and every setting visited. Unless it is important to the plot, that information can be woven in or even left out. Most readers create their own images, so brief, simple descriptions, casually thrown in as the story progresses, are better than overkill. Even history or detail on a topic should be inserted carefully. I dislike the “Tell us what you know about the history of archery, Jane” that often precedes page after page of “info dump” in a way no real conversation would.

It’s true that great authors of the past introduced stories slowly, describing everything from rock formations to apparently unrelated action (think THE GRAPES OF WRATH-the turtle crossing the road). Most writers today, especially mystery writers, can’t get away with it (unless you’re a dead Swede).

Another noticeable slowdown is repetition, like overuse of characters’ names. At first it helps us get people straight, but later it isn’t necessary, particularly for major characters. As long as there is no confusion, pronouns work well, being such faint words as to be almost unnoticeable.

The same is true of dialogue tags, modifiers, and what I call “empty phrases”, those that don’t need to be there. “Alicia noticed that Tom seemed angry.” Why not just say, “Tom seemed angry?” For writers, I’ll offer a cure for repetition on the 18th at Bo Parker’s blog, but as a reader, I get irritated at the drag on my consciousness. If a story is moving well, I should not even notice individual words and phrases.

There are people who like a leisurely story, who don’t mind if a body doesn’t appear until page 71. I am one of them IF the writing is good and the characters are intriguing. Even then, readers don’t need to be slowed by unnecessary words, author intervention, obvious “teaching moments” or needless description.

The Perpetrator: Peg Herring writes historical and contemporary mysteries. She loves everything about publishing, even editing (most days). Peg’s historical series, The Simon and Elizabeth Mysteries, debuted in 2010. The second in the series will be available in November from Five Star.

January 31, 2011

Welcome to Lois Winston, author of crafty mystery, Assault with a Deadly Glue Gun; BONUS How-to: Make a Button Pot!

Today I welcome Lois Winston, author of Assault With a Deadly Glue Gun, an Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery new this month from Midnight Ink.

The Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mysteries series features magazine crafts editor and reluctant amateur sleuth Anastasia Pollack. ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY GLUE GUN, the first book in the series, received starred reviews from both Publishers Weekly and Booklist. Kirkus Reviews dubbed it, “North Jersey’s more mature answer to Stephanie Plum.” (And how can you resist a book with a crew of animals, including a devilish French Bulldog?)

Lois is also published in women’s fiction, romantic suspense, and non-fiction, as well as being an award-winning crafts and needlework designer and an associate of the Ashley Grayson Literary Agency.

About the Book:

When Anastasia Pollack's gambling-addicted husband permanently cashes in his chips in Vegas, her life craps out. She's left with two teenage sons, a mountain of debt, and her nasty, cane-wielding Communist mother-in-law. Not to mention a loan shark demanding $50,000.

Anastasia's job as crafts editor at American Woman magazine makes life even stickier when she discovers the dead body of über-ambitious fashion editor Marlys Vandenburg hot-glued to Anastasia's office chair. Marlys collected enemies and ex-lovers like Jimmy Choos. When evidence surfaces of an illicit affair between Marlys and Anastasia's husband, Anastasia becomes the prime suspect. Can she sew up the case and keep herself out of jail before the real killer puts a permanent end to her investigation?

** Comment on this or any of the other blogs during the month-long tour to be entered into a drawing to win one of five copies of ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY GLUE GUN. If your email isn’t included in your post, email Lois at to let her know you’ve entered.

* Watch the Video * Check out Anastasia Pollack's blog
* Keep reading for her take on crafts and a fun, easy how-to!

Now, here's Lois:

Thanks for inviting me to guest at Candid Canine today, Chris! In ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY GLUE GUN, the first book in my recently released Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mysteries, Anastasia is living with quite an eclectic menagerie, including Mephisto the Devil Dog, her communist mother-in-law’s French bulldog. I dare say, the dogs in your books are a lot nicer!

Anyway, I’m here today to talk about crafts, not dogs. I’m always amazed when people tell me they don’t craft because they have no talent. The beauty of crafting is that anyone can do it, talent or no talent, depending on the project. Just as you wouldn’t pick up a paintbrush for the first time and expect to recreate the Mona Lisa, you don’t start crafting projects meant for experienced crafters. You begin at the beginning. Do that, and your confidence will grow with each project, and you’ll begin to challenge yourself, moving from beginner projects to intermediate projects to advanced project.

I’m a big fan of buttons as a crafting medium. Who doesn’t have a tin, box or jar of miscellaneous buttons squirreled away somewhere in the house? Maybe you inherited them from your grandmother or mother. Maybe they’re simply all those extra buttons that are pinned to clothing you’ve purchased over the decades. I love crafting with these buttons. You can turn them into anything from jewelry to home dec items.

By the way, did you know that the button was originally created for ornamentation, not as a fastener? Primitive buttons made of shell, bone, wood, and metal have been found dating back to 2000 BC. However, evidence of buttons being used as closures is not found until sometime around 1200 AD. By the middle of the 13th century there are references to button makers in the laws governing French craftsmen guilds. (Bet you weren’t expecting a history lesson when you started reading, were you?)

So back to crafting… the photo of the button necklace (which was a gift from a crocheter) is a project that requires a certain amount of skill. Although it’s a simple project if you know how to crochet, it’s intimidating for someone who doesn’t crochet.

Now take a look at the flower pot picture. Cute, isn’t it? And you know what? It’s a project that’s easy enough for a child. So don’t be intimidated. Pull out your stash of buttons, and follow the simple directions below. Happy crafting!


Materials: Terra cotta pot (any size); clear acrylic sealer; tile cement or glue for plastic/metal/glass (Note: if doing this project with children, be sure to buy the non-toxic variety of glue); assorted buttons without shanks; felt; marking pen.

1. Make sure pot is clean (scrub well in soapy water, rinse, allow to dry.)

2. Coat the inside and outside of the pot with clear acrylic sealer.

3. Place the dry pot on a scrap of felt. Trace around base of pot to draw circle. Cut out the circle inside traced line so that circle will fit over pot base without sticking out beyond the bottom edge.

4. Glue felt to bottom of pot.

5. Glue buttons randomly around pot.

January 28, 2011

Dumb Crook & Would-be Felon Friday - The Traffic Stop

I've thought about starting this blog series every time I read the paper, so here's the first installment showing just why crime doesn't always pay...


In Wisconsin, a 17-year-old boy pulled over on a traffic stop gets his license out of his wallet, and oops! out comes some marijuana with it. You wanna bet he's thinking, gee, so that's where I put it? (Well, maybe the age explains it?)

** Yes, they'll get better as there's no lack of criminal "geniuses" out there... In the meantime, feel free to share your own DUMB CROOK story....

January 27, 2011

Welcome to Evelyn David, author of Murder Off the Books and other Brianna Sullivan Mysteries

Author Independence Day
By Evelyn David

Last October we – authors Marian Edelman Borden and Rhonda Dossett who write together under the name Evelyn David - decided to join the ebook revolution and become an Indy Author.

Yes, we have two mysteries that have been published through a traditional publisher and we plan to continue that method of getting books to readers. Murder Off the Books and Murder Takes the Cake are available in print and ebook formats from Wolfmont Press.

The cozy mystery series, true whodunits we call "fast, fun, and furry mysteries with a little bite," feature a private detective and his trusty sidekick, an Irish wolfhound named Whiskey. The third book, Murder Drops the Ball will be published in spring 2011.

While our series is traditionally published, with the influx of e-readers and their growing popularity, we not only wanted to be part of the new wave of ebooks, we wanted to ride it from the beginning. We wanted more.

Going the traditional publishing route, it takes two years at a minimum to write, edit, find a publisher, edit some more, get on the publisher's schedule, and finally if everything goes right, end up with that same book in a reader's hands. Often the time frame is a lot longer - or if you can't interest a publisher in your book - the time frame is "never."

With ebooks, the clock runs faster. The author writes the book, edits it (or hires an editor), formats it (or hires someone to format it), creates a cover, uploads it to one of the many new digital publishing platforms (Kindle, Nook, Smashwords, Google), and in a couple of days, the ebook is on sale ready to download into e-readers all over the world.

What's an Indy Author?

The best we can tell, it means the same as "self-published" but without all the negative connotations of the past. Writing and publishing your new novel directly to ebook without the services of an agent or publisher is not only possible, but popular. If you have books that are now out-of-print, assuming you had all rights reverted back to you, becoming an Indy Author can mean continuing to earn money on stories you thought were, pardon the pun, dead.

We had written several short stories detailing psychic Brianna Sullivan's adventures in a small, fictional Oklahoma town, but hadn't found the perfect way to publish or market them. Too short for a novel, but too long for traditional shorts for magazines, we decided to develop the series in volumes of ebooks with the total word count of each volume coming in at about 16,000-18,000 words. And most importantly, we decided to self-publish them. Wait, let me revise that statement. We became Indy Authors.

To date we've published three volumes - I Try Not to Drive Past Cemeteries, The Dog Days of Summer in Lottawatah, and The Holiday Spirit(s) of Lottawatah, available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. A fourth ebook is scheduled for release near Valentine's Day.

Tackling the impossible?

We began the process of converting our stories into ebook formats without any idea of how to go about it. Of course we're used to jumping into the deep end as we only learned afterward that collaborating on a novel was supposed to be impossible and we've been collaborating for six years now without any problems.

So when we decided to publish the Brianna Sullivan Mysteries, we were used to taking risks. We researched the formatting processes and taught ourselves how to do it. We are both readers in addition to being authors, so we learn how to do something by reading about it.

The best "how-to" guide we found was the free guidebook at Smashwords, an ebook publishing and distribution platform. You upload your manuscript and Smashwords converts your book into multiple e-book formats, including Kindle, Nook (e-pub), pdf, Apple iPad, etc. The guidebook also helps get your book ready to upload directly to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

If you have enough patience to read the guidebook several times and can follow instructions to the letter, you can successfully format and publish your own ebook. And if you can't - based on your past history of never being able to put together "some assembly" required furniture without parts left over, or never being able to install a software program without crashing your computer- save yourself a lot of hair pulling and hire someone to format your ebook while you write the next one. Either way you win.

One warning. Being all things - author, editor, cover artist, and publisher - means you are responsible for not only writing a good book, but editing it, and making sure the formatting results in an ebook that readers want to read. If you skimp on any part, your sales and reputation will suffer. If you have questions about our ebook journey, please feel free to ask.

About the author:

Evelyn David is the pseudonym for writers Marian Edelman Borden and Rhonda Dossett who together author The Brianna Sullivan Mysteries, Murder Off the Books, Murder Takes the Cake, and the short story, Riley Come Home.

Marian lives in New York and is the author of 11 nonfiction books on a wide variety of topics ranging from veterans benefits to playgroups for toddlers. Rhonda lives in Muskogee, Oklahoma, is the director of the coal program for the state, and in her spare time enjoys imagining and writing funny, scary mysteries.

Marian and Rhonda write their mystery series via the internet. While many fans who attend mystery conventions have now chatted with both halves of Evelyn David, Marian and Rhonda have yet to meet in person.

** Don't forget the contest at the end!

** Check out Evelyn David's appearance schedule and writing projects at The Stiletto Gang blog, and at the website.

**CONTEST!! We'll give two winners their choice of one of our Brianna Sullivan Mysteries - in the ebook format of their choice. If they already have the first 3 volumes, we'll give them a copy of volume 4, being published next week - Undying Love in Lottawatah.

The first winner is for the best comment left on the blog by Sunday 6 pm Central. Or if they have problems leaving a comment, they can send a email to us at saying they read the blog.

January 26, 2011

Daily A to Z Blog Challenge in April

Glutton for Punishment? Join me in April as I try the Daily A to Z Blog Challenge beginning April 1. Sounded interesting since you use letters of the alphabet as a starting point. Posting will be daily except Sunday.

January 25, 2011

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie?

Or don't, according to a recent study that says that sleeping with your dog will make you sick.

Junk science? Another scare story?

Of course, kids should not make a habit of letting Fido or Kitty sleep with them. (Then again we're talking about kids who roll in dirt, etc., right?) Yes, you don't want to kiss the dog on the lips or have them lick your face... But - has this researcher ever had a pet - especially a dog or puppy, you wonder? (Try dodging puppy kisses!)

But oh before you panic, the disclaimer is despite the spread of some diseases, and the implied risk, the keyword here is RARE.

Like another recent story, probably based on a study, talking about the risk of lead in reusable plastic bags. Like we all think about that??

Or past examples: that frying - as in french fries - releases a chemical linked to cancer.

Or that grilling can have cancer risks. Or... there are dozens of other examples I'm sure.

First it was food, and now it's the dog. So not fair.

This is most likely another of those stories based on so-called "research" about things that will supposedly kill/hurt/harm us. Give them a few weeks or so and they'll change their mind.

You know what? Unless you're a hermit or want to live in a bubble, you can pick up germs anywhere - like the grocery store or the family bringing home those wonderful cold germs. Anything can happen.

Kick the snoozing, snoring dog off the couch or out of the chair? Don't let them lie by you? Yikes! I'll take my chances and let sleeping dogs lie.

(c) 2011

** What do you think?

January 24, 2011

Top 10 Favorite Songs Blogfest

Today I'm participating in the Top 10 Music Blogfest at Alex Cavanaugh's blog.

Music has always been part of my life. Funny I can still remember all the words to a Top 10 song I loved as a teen in the 70s, but I can't remember details of something I did last year (last month? week? haa!)

Maybe it's the age-- back then music had meaning. It connected you to specific events and things in your life: heartbreak, disappointment, happiness, etc.

Here's my Top 10 Favorite Songs (well, really, how can you pick only 10?) - there are probably others but these are the ones I think of that had meaning to me or that I really liked: (in no particular order)


1. Begin the Beguine, Glen Miller
2. Band of Gold - Freda Payne
3. Indiana Wants Me - R. Dean Taylor
4. Shame - Evelyn Champagne King (my dance song!)
5. Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves - Cher
6. Valerie - The Monkees
7. Cara Mia Mi and This Magic Moment - Jay and the Americans
8. Patches - Clarence Carter
9. Baby Blue - Badfinger
10. Locomotion - Grand Funk Railroad

January 22, 2011

Dollhouse Miniatures and Writing in New Hobbies Issue of Mystery Readers Journal

Ooh! The issue I know I've been waiting for the Hobbies, Crafts and Special Interests volume (Issue 26:4) of Mystery Readers Journal. (Click link for full table of contents and to get print or pdf issue.)

Besides some great topics on all kinds of crafts and collectibles by a wide array of mystery writers, I also contributed my take on Writing About and Collecting Dollhouse Miniatures by Christine Verstraete.

The essay relates to my kid's mystery, Searching for a Starry Night, A Miniature Art Mystery, which involves the search for a missing miniature replica of Van Gogh's "Starry Night."

Who says hobbies are just, well hobbies? ha!

January 19, 2011

Miniatures Wednesday: Patty Benedict's Miniature Monsters

If you've never seen the work of amazing doll artist Patty Benedict of Woopitydooart, you're in for a treat (not a trick!)

So what if Halloween is months away? Patty loves indulging her love of the holiday and her creativity with her one-of-a-kind sculpted figures any day of the year.

Known for her witches and amusing witch brooms, Patty hand-sculpts her figures of polymer clay usually in the standard 1/12th - one-inch scale (1" equals 1 foot) dollhouse scale. (See Patty's other figures and read more about her here.)

Well... she's outdone herself this time! Her latest adorably gruesome pair are 1/4th (quarter-inch) scale. Holy cow! The monster is under 1 3/4" and the little Igor is under 1" tall. Check out the detail!!!

I admit, I'm a fan of Patty's work and have written about her before, but even if you don't like Halloween characters, looking at these is sure to make you smile.

* Patty is selling the pair on eBay here.

* Patty's blog link to her little monsters (Take that Lady GaGa! - she calls her fans "little monsters" in case you didn't know.)

January 18, 2011

Headlines that Make you Look Twice

Being a journalist, I know how hard writing a headline can be, given font size, space restrictions etc.

And while maybe these are not true, if they are, then those editors need to read what they write a little more carefully. But they're good for a laugh anyway. Enjoy!

Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says
Really? Ya think?

Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
Now that's taking things a bit far!

Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over
What a guy!

Miners Refuse to Work after Death
No-good-for-nothing' lazy so-and-so's!

Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
See if that works any better than a fair trial!

War Dims Hope for Peace
I can see where it might have that effect!

If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile
Ya think?!

Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
Who would have thought!

Enfield (London) Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide
They may be on to something!

Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges
You mean there's something stronger than duct tape?

Man Struck By Lightning: Faces Battery Charge
He probably IS the battery charge!

New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group
Weren't they fat enough?!

Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft
That's what he gets for eating those beans!

---------------- ---------------------------------
Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
Do they taste like chicken?

Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half
Chainsaw Massacre all over again!

Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors
Wow, how tall?

And the winner is....
Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead


January 17, 2011

Upcoming Blog Guests

Upcoming Guest Authors:

Stop back to learn more about their books and a chance to win some great prizes!

1/27: Evelyn David - Murder Takes the Cake

1/31: Lois Winston - Assault with a Deadly Glue Gun

2/2: Peg Herring, The Dead Detective Agency

2/11: Geraldine Evans, Death Dance, A Rafferty & Llewellyn Mystery

2/18: Mary Cunningham, Cynthia's Attic/The Magician's Castle

3/9: JQ Rose, Sunshine Boulevard
MuseItUp Publishing

January 14, 2011

The color for 2011 is ....

Well for once I'm right on the mark! Call me trendy for picking this new blog background ahead of time.

Why? Well it seems those in the know have chosen the color "Honeysuckle" as the tone for 2011.

Oh, and to most of us it looks like a pretty, good old-fashioned pink, doesn't it?

Actually I like pink - it looks good on most people, bringing out the roses in your cheeks; it's good with other colors, and is a fun "happy" color.

So, yay for pink!

January 12, 2011

End of an Era: Last member of Ozzie and Harriet TV Family Dies

David Nelson, the son of the famous TV family, Ozzie and Harriet Nelson, died, reported Yahoo News. The show, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, aired from 1952 to 1966.

The show, and others of the time - Leave it to Beaver, Dennis the Menace, The Donna Reed Show - were symbols of an era, even if they were idealized.

But wow, compare TV fare now and it's unbelievable how much has changed... not exactly for the better?

* The Bachelor - women throwing themselves at one guy.

* Housewives of ---- - catty women backbiting each other.

* Jersey Shore - excesses of everything.

* "Reality" TV in general - the worst of everyone.

That's entertainment?

** Your thoughts?

January 07, 2011

New Review for Steampunk'd, featuring Edison story by C. A. Verstraete

Found a new review for Steampunk'd, which also mentions my story, "Edison Kinetic Light and Steam Power" by C.A. Verstraete, and some other "standout" stories.

** See review.

January 05, 2011

2011 Writing Goals: What are yours?

I had hoped to get my current project done last week, but I knew I wouldn't. Luckily, it didn't get me too off track as it usually would. Maybe because I'm soooo close to the end that I have to finish!

It's YA so I'm aiming for around 42,000 words. I'm over 35,000 now. So about three, four chapters maybe? I really had wondered if I'd ever get to this point, but I love the story and want to finish it. It's different as it's about zombies but with a twist, first person, funny, horror, and fun to write!

What helped was really getting serious and writing some every day last week; even 500 words done put me closer, I figured.

Next comes the dreaded synopsis and query letter.

Any published YA/mystery/horror authors interested in being a beta reader? Could use a few extra eyes to catch things I might have missed. I'd like to get the first three chapters and synopsis sent out in the next few weeks.

** What are your goals or what are you working on?

January 03, 2011

Banned words for 2011

Heard enough of these already?

A small Michigan college issued its annual banned words list which would go "viral" if it was on video - viral incidentally being one of those vastly overused words, according to Yahoo news.

The recent banned list includes:

1 Viral - agreed

2 Epic fail

3 A-ha moment (?)

4 back story - well important to writers if no one else.

5 BFF (Guilty as charged, I used it describing Sam's friend, Lita, in my children's book, Searching for a Starry Night, A Miniature Art Mystery.)

6 Facebook and Google as verbs

7 Mama Grizzly - yes please ban it.

8 Man Up - yeah enough.

** What have you heard enough of or hope you never hear again?

January 01, 2011

Happy New Year 1-1-11. Wishing you and I:

Wow, talk about lucky! All those one's. Go play the lottery. ha!

Wishing everyone in 2011:

* Much happiness

* Fun with your hobby

* Great friendships and happy relationships

* Writing and other job success

* Good finances

* Great health

* Love, joy, faith and peace!