April 10, 2024

Have to See Dollhouse Displays: A to Z Blog Challenge 24

 Some things seen at the annual dollhouse shows. 

Miniature Chicago Sports Bar

Today for the A to Z Blog Challenge (See Day 1, April 1 ), I thought I'd share a few of the neat things I saw at the shows. I also just got the box for this year's half scale swap but I won't be able to share it for another week at least so everyone has the chance to open theirs. Stay tuned!


Went to the annual dollhouse shows in Chicago on Saturday, which is always fun. I love to show some of the things I saw and what I got. (*Click photos for full size for better view.)

Always fun to go see what's new, meet people, and well, buy stuff. ha! 

Saw some neat things at the Spring Miniatures Showcase in Schaumburg, IL - T&D Miniatures. I'll try to credit the makers if I can find the information.

Cool Miniature Sports Bar

This was so cool! Fantastic project by Kelley Kuehnert. What's neat is this mini Chicago sports bar also has a working TV showing the winning 2016 world series game! Actually it is an mp4 player which is a cool idea I haven't seen anyone use yet. It's really a well-done project.

Another cool table. She has a lot of neat haunted items. That haunted cauliflower is a riot and she said she'd made a whole haunted garden for someone years ago. How fun!

The spooky foods are a riot!

Another cool haunted table.

Found quite a few neat displays at the Bishop Chicago International Show at the Marriott hotel in Chicago. 

Room setting in a frame

Pretty table. I really liked the floral border.

Longtime miniaturist Kathi Kuti dolls had the cutest display table. And aren't these cat and animal figures just adorable???

These foods from Whimsies Dollhouse Shop are sooo realistic. Yum! Hungry yet??? (Pizza photo: Gigi N.) (The watermelon had a great transparency, better than my photo shows.)

This was the cutest thing. Someone shared a photo online of another lady with a yellow house purse. Happened to see her on the bus and then spotted this lady's purse. Now isn't this great? (Her daughter shared the link on Amazon. Link I found shows it at  $19.54 (other link didn't work anymore. Search will bring up other sellers.)  It also comes in black and white. Very tempting! It was a decent size, too, and not too small or too big. Just  so cute!!! Maybe I found my birthday gift. ha!

This is but one of several amazing crystal chandeliers made by artisan Frank Crescente. Here is a link at the Museum of Miniatures of a miniature view of the Titanic grand staircase and ceiling by him as well. 

New house kits from Little Vintage Lane Miniatures. Half-scale model, too.

(You can see full views of the full HS model at link above.) I like that it has an attached deck/greenhouse.

Scary snakes, cool lizards, great detail. Karl Blindheim animals

Next:  4/12 Fri: J-K - Just a new Kit   👱