Des Moines Homicide detective Harry Reznik teams with F.B.I. agent Lori Campisi to investigate a series of gruesome murders.
While dealing with personal problems, the unlikely pair find themselves battling malevolent creatures from another dimension.
Getting Published
By Stephen Brayton
For some it’s 8th grade graduation. Or high school graduation. Maybe yours is the first day on the new job. For women it’s their wedding. (For guys, too, I realize, but work with me here.) Maybe it’s the birth of a child.
I’ve experienced the first three but I can tell you about some other personal ‘big days’. When I received my first degree black belt. And my second degree. And third. (See the pattern here?) The first day in a new (read: used, but new to me) car. The first date with a girl. (Let’s see, the last one was…uh…well, let’s move on, shall we?)
February 15th. Another big day and one I’ve thought about for a long time. The day my first book gets published. Now this didn’t happen the way I thought it would. (That holds true for most things, doesn’t it?)
For instance, I thought another book would come first. Beta (release date July 15), was written first and I had been querying agents and publishers awhile before I had completed Night Shadows. Then both novels and four short stories were accepted.
This was the first unexpected thrill. The second was my books were going to be released in eBook format. This format has become so popular in recent years because of the ease of book readers. There are some old school people (and I’m still partially one), who will only read hard/soft covers of ‘real’ books. That fine, but they’re missing out.
So it’s the big day. My perseverance, years of writing and editing, endless hours at critique groups, and miles of travel have paid off. How am I going to celebrate? Well, I have martial arts classes scheduled, so I’ll be teaching tonight. LOL. Yep, I still have a schedule to follow and obligations to fulfill. However, my celebration comes in the form you’re presently reading. Telling people about my book, letting them know they can finally read my work. This is the day I can shout to the world, “I’m an author!”
I’ve been a writer and if you want to get cute, I was an unpublished author. Now, today, the title "Author" can be attached to my name.
I think every author experiences this. Surely they must, even if the newest release is their second or twenty-second. They must feel some sense of accomplishment. Yes, they’re selling a product, but General Mills sells products, too. I don’t know if they revel in every cereal box they sell. Books are personal, even if they’re products. A person took the time to write the words, submit the manuscript, edit the work, and he or she should feel something special to see it in print. (Or in my case downloaded to a book reader.)
Everything in moderation, they say, but you can tweak a little more pride out of an accomplishment like publishing a book. Sure, there are thousands of books printed every year, but thousands more that aren’t.
This year, I get to celebrate twice, and maybe a few more times when my short stories are published.
Yes, this is my big day. Help me celebrate it, won’t you? I’m not looking for praise or even a pat on the shoulder, but you, the blonde over there? Yeah, you, I wouldn’t mind your number. Ahem! Anyway, all I’m asking is check out my book and I hope you enjoy it. I thank you.
* BUY: See author's website for latest purchase links. - BUY at OmniLit
Welcome to authorship, Stephen. I'm in the middle of writing a paranormal, so I hope to read your book. Since I'm a published short story writer, but an unpublished novelist, I wonder what day will become significant for me, too! Shoot, any date would be fine with me. Good luck!
Sounds like a great book - I'll have to look into after I get my e-reader (should be coming soon)
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