April 01, 2016

A Mini A Day 2016 - #AtoZ Blog Challenge Begins!

Today is Day 1 - the Letter A - for the 7th annual A to Z Blog Challenge in April! 

The idea is to blog daily (except Sunday) from A to Z.  So expect lots of minis, maybe a few guests, maybe even a giveaway or two - you never know! Now I may repeat a pic here and there that I've shown before but there'll be a lot of new visitors this month, so bear with me! 

Check out the 1000+ blogs on the list!  If you like books, etc., I'm also doing the same on my GirlZombieAuthors blog. I may even share a spooky mini or two there!

I'm going to share various minis for the month like....

A is for.... Assorted Minis

Don't be put off by today's plain, boring photos. It'll all make sense soon and yes, I'll include the "real " miniature projects. 

For now, I figured, why not? Decided I'd show a bit - just a bit - of the stash I have. And I know I'm not alone....

If you don't know what this is... it's a bit of the things that us collectors save or have on hand to use in that next project.

These containers hold some of the mini gifts I got this past Christmas from my two collecting friends, Gigi and Kitty. I'll show some of the items along the way.

This basket has items I'll be using in other projects. That pink item is a neat woven paper basket made by Alice Zinn that I won a while ago. It'll probably go in one of the Ladies Shoppe projects. 

And this? Well, let's call it chairs in waiting... I seem to have collected quite a few different chairs and tables... they always come in handy. The room is my Teddy Bear room I made a while ago...

Be sure to come on back for the rest of the daily mini tour!

March 16, 2016

March 07, 2016

A to Z Minis in April!

Yes, I'm crazy and going to again enter the 7th annual A to Z Blog Challenge in April! 

The idea is to blog daily (except Sunday) from A to Z.  So expect lots of minis, maybe a few guests, maybe even a giveaway or two - you never know!

Check out the 1000+ blogs on the list!  If you like books, etc., I'm also doing the same on my GirlZombieAuthors blog. I may even share a spooky mini or two there!

Here is the letter schedule for April:

March 05, 2016

It's Curtains! Ideas...

Found an interesting book for $1 at the Dollar Tree.... all kinds of images of different curtains.

I keep making the same ones so this will give me some new ideas. It's only images, no instructions, but lots of pictures! Once you have your basic pattern, it provides some inspiration to change things up. 

February 24, 2016

Half Scale Beach Cottage Dollhouse

(Half scale cottage - Terri Correll photo)

I've been toying with the idea of doing a half scale Sea Captain's House. Originally the idea was to set it in a large boat-shaped shelf. But... I also happened upon this dollhouse kit that was sold as part of a North Carolina NAME project organized by Terri Correll so I might have - probably - changed my mind. 
The half scale cottage by Laser Tech Designs was a good deal (probably a special for the club) with the kitchen kits and a few tote bag favors included. One I couldn't resist. ha!
I asked Terri if I could share some photos of a few of the finished cottages. See below.

I may not get to my own house for a while yet but I keep thinking it would be a cool Witch's Cottage too. Still, I'm leaning toward the Sea Captain's House.

The house likely will have some kind of story connected with it. I have a love story evolving in my head about the sea captain's discovery and love for a mermaid that'll fit into the house plans and design. I wanted to make another half scale mermaid so now I have a reason. Plus, I have some great art and shimmery design ideas in mind. 

Furniture KITS: 
I got the beach house idea as I had this half scale sea captain figurine and then I saw these different kits from Mini Etchers at the Spring Three Blind Mice show in Schaumburg and also at the Online Miniature Show. (Coming up March 17-20). 

 So I have some of Mini Etchers' kits already like the cute boat shelf, sofa and cottage table. I see a few more to get, too.

 I also got the sink, stove and want to add a couple more cabinets to do the cottage-style kitchen. (She has several styles you can mix and match.) And the Eastlake furniture is  something different you never see. I got the settee (so far! ha!0 for the HS Victorian House.  

 So far I did find these two fabrics, also, that I posted earlier and want to use in the Sea Captain's House. I think the color scheme is perfect to fit into one of the rooms. I loved the designs of the fabrics! -- I'll keep you posted on updates!


Here are some photos of the interior of Terri's beach cottage: 

House 2 by Donna Deal:

House 3 by Gayle Hansen - barn and farm!

House 4 by Lynn Frank

Latest Miniature Finds

The latest finds...

Saw an interesting set of Victorian-fancy furniture on ebay and decided to check it out.

It's 1/24  - half scale and yes, it's plastic.  But it has nice detailing and thought it'd be interesting to see how it looked painted and covered. And it was only $4.50, free shipping from China. Not bad, I thought.

I also found this fabric on sale at Hobby Lobby and while I have a lot of fabric already,  (you know how that is) I liked it and thought it'd be perfect for a seaside/beach theme. Found the trim and matching ruffled ribbon, too. I'll do another post on the ideas surrounding this and the eventual project...

February 06, 2016

Winter Fun! Snow Sculpting

Just went to the national championship snow sculpting tournament in Wisconsin. Always such incredible work. Amazed at the detail these artists achieve. Thought I'd share some pix for your enjoyment. 

2nd place winner from Minnesota

Below - the champion entry, from Wisconsin

Third place winner from Illinois

February 03, 2016

Clay and Dollhouse Molds

This is something I want to try one of these days. I've bought mold material, but haven't done it yet.

(photo: Angie Scarr)

Just found that Angie Scarr has an octopus mold.  I've always loved the way these look - such great ideas for spooky projects, I'll have to look for this at the next show! I can see adding these to some Halloween scenes!  (Love those arms coming out of the bucket!)

Cool! She also has a how-to video!  (Sorry, can't embed it here.)

January 31, 2016

New Miniature Finds!

Some new mini finds from Michael's that I thought would work great with the half scale garage:

The doghouse is only 1 1/2" high to the peak in the front. (Only $5 for the house and dog.)

I also found these two figures at Goodwill. Thought they were cute. The one half lady can be propped behind a counter or something. I guess that one is some kind of plant or shelf sitter. I'll have to make a pool for the other one! The seated lady is about 3 inches tall as seated, head to toe.

January 28, 2016

Half Scale Garage Update!

Remember the Half Scale Garage I started a while back? (See first photos).

It's still going along. Making some progress!

Might have to add some more trim to the side door, but that wall and the front are done. (Yes, missing a doorknob and curtain yet!)

Side wall: 

The back wall is a now attached and the paper clay foundation is ready to be painted. I'm using some items I had for another project. A counter is going under the shelf. It has a garden scene on front, but hey, this is a lady's garage! There will be some tools, of course.

Here's  the inside of the back wall with the art. (Art is also glued to mat board for dimension.)  I also shrunk down some photos of license plates and glued the strips to mat board. They're glossed with gloss varnish and glued to the dividing strip of wood. I colored the edges with black Sharpie marker before gluing them down. (Ignore that piece of Styrofoam (TM)  that got stuck on the wall for the moment!)

Full interior - floor is painted and glossed.

Below - outside foundation ready for painting, then adding wood strips. Wood strips have to be added to other side yet as well.  

I like the results but hate doing it! Stay tuned, more updates coming!!