December 14, 2019

#Christmas in #Miniature 2019-1: Teapots

12 Days of Christmas in Miniature 2019

Well, why not?

I admit early on when the month started, I wasn't really not into Christmas.  And certainly not before Halloween as the stores seem to think. Too much pushing to spend, etc.

But as the month goes on, I start looking at Christmas minis and past projects, and I feel like I'm almost ready to start decorating.

So in keeping with the seasonal spirit, I thought I'd share some of my past and present Christmas projects. NOTE: I'm keeping most of these posts fairly simple, but be sure to come back on Days 11 and 12 for the annual Christmas Miniatures story!

** All links for this series can be found below and  on the Halloween in Miniature tab on top of this blog as well.

Next: Day 2 - (Links may not be immediately active.)

Christmas clip-art:


** Don't forget to come back on Day 11 - Christmas Eve - for part 1 of the annual Christmas Miniatures story!! 

Christmas Cabinet:

The cabinet is filled with dozens of teapots and Christmas tea containers. Originally I might've been thinking of doing a Christmas shop, but I changed my mind. Now I put the cabinet, furniture and a tree inside the greenhouse case for a Christmas display each year. 

My friend Kitty from Holland made all the Christmas teapots. She has quite the talent for these!  Here's a couple photos of more of her Christmas teapots she made for me (aren't they cute?) and her Christmas scene. 


December 04, 2019

December 02, 2019

#Paris #Miniature Project 24 - The Name!

Construction and decorating is moving along on the Serendipity shed project remake!

Last post #23,  we showed a bit of what was going on. Now, everyone we know is being rather hush-hush at this point as the contest deadline nears, so yes, we're keeping the full building a secret yet, too.

Painting and touching up is nearly done. Fences are being installed, along with other special touches. 

But.... remember at the start waaay back in March when we talked about the theme? (See post 1.) The theme was inspired partly by the books, The Paris Key and Letters from Paris, both written by Juliet Blackwell. And...  Gigi stuck with the theme.

She previously showed part of the building front before so this is just a hint.

The store is called The Key to HappinessLa Clé du Bonheur, based on a real locksmith shop in Paris run by fictional Locksmith Artisan (distinguished tradesman) Louis Gustave.

The bottom sign reads, Clés, Masques, Horloges et Souvenirs de Paris - Keys, Masques, Clocks and Souvenirs of Paris.  The key decorations definitely add something special to the facade!

That's the fun of a miniature project. Adding the special touches and pieces of history and research help in making it real and tie everything together. 

More to come. The deadline is Dec. 17!  Thanks for reading and Happy Creating!--Gigi

PS--- Look for 12 Days of Christmas in Miniature - Coming Soon here on the blog, mid-month! -- Chris 

November 20, 2019

New Cabinet Project

I saw a project that I thought it would be the perfect way to display some of the many things I've been saving to put in a Lady's Shoppe. I ordered the cut pieces from Shellie at MiniEtchers to make something similar. Here's the pieces she cut that I laid out and wallpapered.

How will it look, you ask?

Well... so far....I loved the print on this scrapbook paper. I painted other areas and the edges Khaki (Apple Barrel)  first to match the paper, then lightly brushed Rose Pink (FolkArt) over it. I then lightly brushed gold paint as an accent. (I  use Tulip Soft Fabric paint as it's a bright gold.) I may yet add small doors and another shelf on the bottom though I've run out of the floral paper! I used a contrasting flower print on the center shelf.

I'm not finished trimming yet. I have to add a border strip and trim on top. I also plan on adding battery LED lights on top. 

I have an old front-opening jewelry box that I want to fit this inside as it will also give me a small amount of floor space. I have to paint and wallpaper it. We'll see if it works the way I want so I'll share the next steps and the cabinet when I start doing that.

Ideas - This is but part of the items I pulled out for this project and some things that I may use for something else. So I'll decide what to use and what to put in a room box. I took a lot out as if I don't when I see it, I'd have to remember where it was! ha! Of course, it won't all fit! Stay tuned for the next stage!

November 18, 2019

New Light Idea - LED fuse lamp

Interesting new idea I came across.

These are LED lights called fuse lamps that are 8 volt and will plug into a florescent light holder. They are incredibly bright as they have 3 lights. These are warm white and are  7 for $7.99 on ebay.  (They're cheaper through the consumer electronics section than sold as dollhouse components.)

The holders are called flourette sockets on the Cir-Kit page. There is a nail version (first photo) and a solder version. Of course these use the traditional 12 v bulb which is $2.48 each. 

The light holder pushes into the tape run. The LED light can be used with a 9 volt battery but the more lights you use, the less life in the battery. 

You might be able to use 12 volt - but not sure if it would burn the light out. You could solder the 9-volt battery holder wires into a tape run. Or you can get a 9-volt transformer. Many transformers for household items will offer different voltages. You can often find these at second hand stores, too.

I haven't tried this idea yet, but may get some more of these LED lights and try it out. I'll post if I do. Let me know if you decide to experiment.

I also found this LED light at Oakridge Hobbies which looks similar but is a flat shape instead so it doesn't need a holder. There is no information on voltage. It looks like it has wires on each end, which would solder in or attach is my guess. It's $7.89 (sale). 

November 12, 2019

Wee C Dollhouse Show 2019-3

Last past of some of the great dollhouse displays at the annual Wee C Dollhouse Show.
Hope you enjoyed seeing them! (Begin at Post 1  -  Post 2.) Click photos for full, large size.

More Shops and Interiors - 1" scale

Game room. Wonder if they made all the games?

 Map/travel room.

Christmas room.

Neat front of L-shaped room.

Nice cafe. Hungry?

November 11, 2019

Wee C Dollhouse Show 2019-2

More miniature rooms and displays at the annual Wee C Dollhouse Show.
See more photos - Post 1.  Click photos for better, full size view. Next: Post 3 tomorrow.

Half Scale

Was glad to see quite a few smaller scale dollhouses and scenes on display this year.

Cute trailer.

Loved this idea of making small cubicles with small items. I have several boxes like these set aside. The dogs are adorable!

Great way to display some lovely little lady figures and accessories.

Cute themed idea - a genealogy room in a small box. Lots of detail in a small space.

Stores and Fronts
Amazing carvings for doors. 

Love the men's shop. I have this kit to do (Street of Shops). Like the look of the stained wood. I have several of those kits, too, from Lisa's Little Things for my men's shop.

Cute Dinette. Look who's peeking in!

Neat way to do a small storefront in a small space by building the front in a shadowbox. I'd like to do something like that yet.

** See More Tomorrow!

November 10, 2019

Wee C Dollhouse Show 2019-1

I'm back from the annual trip to the Wee C Dollhouse Show in Elk Grove Village, Ill. Always a fun time with my good friend, Gigi. Lots of minis and lots of exhibits. (See Post 2 tomorrow.)

The best part is the amazing display room, a chance to see all kinds of cool projects. So enjoy some of my favorites that I took photos of. There were more than this, too! Come back tomorrow for more photos!

All are 1" - 1/12th scale unless specified. Click photos for best and largest size.

Unusual Settings and Structures

One of the best displays, I thought, was this circus wagon. Really well decorated and nicely done. 

Anthropologist's office in a container. Clever use of an interesting box.

Tick-tock. Neat when you have lots of the same items.

Market Stalls

Traditional German stalls. Love the tiny houses and ornaments. 
You can get a lot of detail in a small space. 

The Halloween stall is fun, too!

Back view:

Rooms in a small cube.

A picture really says it all.

 Like the colors. You can do a lot in a small space.

This is that window room display box that was a past kit from NAME (National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts). I did Raggedies in mine, too. (See photos.)
Nice to see someone else did one!

More tomorrow!

November 04, 2019

#Paris #Miniature Project 23 Update - Really!

Yes... now that Halloween is over (oh the Halloween mini making is far from over Chris says!), it's time for a new Paris Miniature Project Update! (You can see the beginning by clicking the photo in the left column.)

I know, nothing has been posted since the Curtains post in August but... back to school, her classes, work, and all that has Gigi really busy!

But.... she has been working on things. See top photo... (Chris says, trust me, I nag her and can see it in person. ha!)

So...  here are a few photos. 

The insides of the rooms are papered and the curtains are up. She finished her flowers on the balconies and will be attaching those. (And they look nice!) The rooms are being assembled and trim is being put up on the outside. She now is starting the outer stucco work. Like everyone else, we're saving the outside views for later.

For now, how about some shopping?

Here are some items in the cabinet on the first floor shop.  Remember the mask theme mentioned in the first post? You might spot a few in here... (Click photos for full view.)

 Souvenirs, anyone?

I had to add this photo - look at the key board and more masks. That looks great!

I know, it's only a sneak peek, but the reveal will be coming soon. 
Until then, Happy Creating! 

October 31, 2019

Happy #Halloween in #Miniature! 6

Well... sadly, it looks like it's the end of our 2019 tour! (If you missed it, go back & start at Day 1.)

(Ha! I couldn't resist this photo of The Asylum's Morgue by Debra Hinton.)

Before you leave, be sure to join the party!

"Ooh, such great snacks. Even Uncle Ed decided to hang around for the goodies. haa! " (Table and food, C. Verstraete. I bought the ribs.)

"Mmm, don't forget to have some pie, too. Cook just made it. All fresh! heh-heh." (Pie, Linda Cummings.)

"Don't be in  a hurry to leave... Stick around. I hear Mr. Skellie has some drop-dead jokes to share. haaa!"

"Okay, okay. Here are  a few of his favorites. Hey, no groaning!"

  1. Who is the most famous French skeleton? Napoleon Boneapart. (Get it?)
  2. How did the skeleton know it was going to rain? He felt it in his... bones.
  3. What song do skeleton crooks listen to after a heist? Why, what else? Bad to the Bone.
  4. What do skeletons order at restaurants? Spare ribs!
  5. What was the skeletons favorite rock band? The Grateful Dead.
** Be sure to visit the websites and pages of those who were featured! Thanks to them for making this week special! **

💀 Christine Verstraete, miniatures and books.

💀 Debra Hinton, Darkside Morbid Miniatures and The Kangley Hill Asylum

💀 Georgia Marfels of Germany. Spooky minis on Etsy.

💀 Haunted Orchid Dollhouse Club on Facebook

💀 Linda Cummings, IGMA artisan - Etsy page  

💀 Mary K (HalloweenGirl) on Instagram

💀 Patricia Paul Miniatures (Sign up for her newsletter and get some free book printies, too!) - Check out more of her cool work on her Etsy page and visit her Facebook page.

💀  Sharon Cariola's Facebook page - hand-sculpted miniature figures

Thanks for voting! 

(**** Don't forget - Please VOTE for my Mr. Skellie's Porch 

at Miniatures. com - click HERE - Or see all, Mine's on Top of Pg. 2
Please vote daily through today Oct. 31 ***** )

**** COMMENTS MAY NOT BE WORKING - Enter rafflecopter (day 1) or send comment to me at my website page. I'll pick a random winner for a book, ebook or a mini Halloween goodie bag. (Gifts US Mailing only.) ****

WINNERS: I ran the random number generator and based on comments - #4 and #8 - Irina and Nadine won! I'll be emailing you!

I hope you've enjoyed all the posts and photos this week. It really is a treat (no trick!) to share the amazing work of fellow miniaturists! I just love Halloween minis!-- Chris Verstraete

 * Free Halloween animations:

BONUS: Don't forget the giveaway on Day 1. - Back: Day 5. 

 *** Plus -- A little treat for you: Some Freebie Halloween Printies!

💀 has some fun Halloween coloring pages. (Bonus: Right click to save the thumbnails at the site as minis.)
HINT: Make some mini colored pencils by cutting down a toothpick. paint the body and end with a matching color acrylic paint. Seal with Mod Podge, gloss or matte.
   Crayon: You can make a crayon in the same way but cut the toothpick tip down slightly to the fuller point to make a bigger tip. Paint the whole toothpick with matching acrylic paint. Seal with Mod Podge matte. Find a crayon label online and shrink it down. Find more crayon and pencil box printies at

👽  Cute Halloween boxes  (Chinese blog; just save and follow the images. Right-click wasn't working so you'll need to use your snipping tool and save. Some may need to be resized.)
 👽 Elegant spell book covers (large size. I reduced them in the photo program to 342 pixels on the larger side to see how that size fits.)

 👾  Full page of different Halloween printies at Happiness is Home

💀 Potion labels on Pinterest (Some are for sale, some are free, and some you might need to save as the preview image (right click.)

👹 Tutorials, videos and printables page at My Small Obsessions.

💀  Simple box-style kid's dollhouse to download and build.

** I have freebie Halloween record album covers and mini books on my website Miniatures page.  Follow the printables links from there.

💀 Mrs. Skellie's Reading List:

* There also are a few spooky and other books relating to miniatures in my 2017-19 Dollhouse Miniatures Books list. See the tab at the top of the blog under the logo or click here. New books added! I'll be working on 2020 books next so be sure to check back!

 New! The History and Haunting of Salem: The Witch Trials and Beyond, Rebecca F. Pittman - Over 600 pages with history and new photos surrounding the history of the infamous witch trials in 1692 in Salem, Mass. 

 Weird Tales Magazine #363 - Return of the classic horror magazine with new stories, now edited by Jonathan Maberry. 90 pages.

Happy Halloween!

 Hope to see you again soon! Please stay in touch as I hope to update my miniatures books and hopefully add a new one in the future!
 * You can also subscribe to the blog updates  in the first box in the left column. *  -- Chris Verstraete