Don't be shy! Make yourself right at home. There are tons of spooky but fun people expected to attend, and there'll be plenty of great Halloween treats to eat -- and no tricks, promise! haa!
Oh, look, there is Pat Benedict's Witch CC - (short for Cotton Candy). The lady has a real sweet tooth - but watch out - her treats definitely have a bite! (Haa!)
Don't worry, this witch is a friendly soul, they say, besides being a real whiz at coordinating! Love the stylish witchy hat! I wonder if she got it from a certain well-known English milliner? Wait'll you see her latest creations. Wow! Well, be sure to say hello, and we'll be visiting with Patty and that "hat lady" in an upcoming post.
My little witch Imelda will take you around to meet everyone. We don't want anyone feeling left out now, do we?
Have a sip of our house specialty, the Golden Eye Wine, (still has quite a kick!) and come back tomorrow to meet more of the guests! ** Contest: For fun, one person commenting during the 12 days will win a couple of my handmade medieval books for their own haunted setting or wizardly table.
(Note: each day's next event will be linked at the end of each post.)
How About a Swap?
I'd love to swap one of my flower-filled pumpkin planters and/or a small medieval book for?? Email me at profile and let's see what we can figure out!

* Go to Halloween in Miniature 2010: Day 2
* Enjoy my Halloween miniatures menu
I like Imelda's pumpkin "handbag". Great!
My Darcy Mutates
Hahahah.... das Highlight für diesen Tag ist für mich die Zuckerwatte mit Gesicht. Find ich richtig klasse.
Und swappen.... würd ich gerne! Ein Kürbis würde mir gefallen!!! Was für einen Wunsch könnte ich Dir erfüllen??? Meld Dich einfach mal bei mir....!?!?
Liebe Grüße an Dich PuNo/Monika
Hey Chris... trade you a book for a hollowed out JackOLantern or I have a spare heart on a tray or a bowl of eyeballs... let me know & I'll send you photos.
My party doesn't start until Sunday so can't show photos til then.
hugs Karin
I Love the cotton candy! Please lets me bite!!
Die Zuckerwatte ist der Hit - und die Hexe dazu einfach bildschön.
Die Bücher sind toll gemacht, das Getränk verbirgt sich hinter der Bücherempfehlung, das würde ich auch gerne sehen :-(
Bin gespannt was ich in den nächsten Tagen noch sehen werde, freue mich darauf.
Halloween is my very favorite holiday. I plan on stopping by every day.
Serve me up some of that Golden Eye!! Nice!!
Mini Hugs
Adorable witches. Your books look priceless. And the pumpkin planters are cute. Sounds like a fun party.
I love your days of Halloween!! I especially enjoyed the veg attack!! I don't have much time to wander thru all the web sites. Will this be up after halloween too?
Thanks for stopping by! Tina and anyone, you can access the features after Halloween by putting Halloween 2010 in the search box or looking at the archives, both in the lower left column.
Your miniatures are so cute - I am envious. Makes me want to make some.
The 12 days of Halloween are a wonderful idea and the dolls spooktacular. just serve up some of the cotton "Candy" and everyone will be howling through the rest of the days ....Pat Jackson
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