November 18, 2014

Wee C Miniature Show Displays 2014-2

More fantastic houses and rooms on display at the 2014 Wee C Miniature Club Show in Elk Grove Village, Ill. (Click the photos for full size.)

Elegant lobby and room

Whitledge roombox (class?)

Side of kitchen

1950s Diner

Mexican store

Monochromatic Christmas

Love this one! Recognize these ladies? 

(Little Women Scene)

Bakery Scene- Great way to display cakes! 

Ice Cream Shoppe - pretty colors! Come back tomorrow for more photos!


November 17, 2014

Wee C Miniature Show Displays 2014

It's that time of year! Went to my favorite dollhouse show - The Wee C  Mini Show in Elk Grove Village, Ill. put on by the dollhouse club there. It was their 40th show!

The show is notable for its fantastic display room! Here are some of the entries I saw - and not all of them either! 

Be sure to come back as I'll share more pictures over the next few days.

First off, I wanted to share some of my great finds. I was amazed to find these beautiful porcelain, dressed dolls for... $5 each!!! 

I love the girl's face.  The photo doesn't do her justice, she is that cute, with beautiful hair! And the boy is cute with lots of freckles! The thimbles/busts (?) also are great for hat stands. (they were $2). (Click images for larger photo.)

Some other finds for $3 each:

The set of both bowls and candelsticks were $3 for all.

Show displays:

Since this is a mini club, they have a lot of their members' work on display. This was a neat club project that featured different door and window displays.

I really liked the realism in this one.

I'm guessing this was a club project too. Neat ways to decorate a trunk and chair.

This was one of the raffle prizes. They also have a huge raffle display. What a great selection!

Come back tomorrow to see more rooms and houses!

October 31, 2014

Halloween in Miniature, Day 5 - It's Halloween!

 Welcome to Day 5 of Halloween in Miniature 2014!

(If you missed the beginning, go to Day 1)

Finally! It's the day of the big party. I hear everyone's been cackling and trading their best witch's brew recipes for the Halloween bash today and they've been cooking up a storm! Let's see what they have to offer...

We'll start in the kitchen. Oh, look, it's Witch Lucie and she's invited us for tea! (Doll and scene by Lucie Winsky, Lucie Winsky dolls. Doll kit - Nancy Cronin.)

She said it's been one of those days, you know, when the mice keep running off with things and the ghostly helpers simply won't pour into the cups and not all over the table!

Have a spot of willow bark tea while you wait?


All right, we'll head to the back now to... wait... do you feel like you're being watched? (Original oil painting by Lucie Winsky.)

Oh, don't worry. Esmeralda insisted that Mona goes by the motto of "what happens in the haunted house, stays in the haunted house."  

Now, watch your step in case the cats are about... no, that step on a cat thing is NOT true!

Wow, that's quite the gathering! Looks like everyone is having fun. Don't tell me, Uncle Ernie wants to play strip skeleton poker -- again! Ignore him, please! (Though judging from their lack of clothing, we're already a little too late!)

Lucky for us, Witchy Wanda has a spell to take care of such things. Oh-no, now what? What is that smoke?

"Sorry," she says. "Guess I'm a little rusty."

(Witch doll and party by Lorrie's Little People. Lorrie has been selling individual dolls like Wanda from her collection to help homeless cats. Since the shelters are so full, she's built a space in her garage to house them come winter. She also gets them spayed and helps find homes for others. She recently found five abandoned, starving kittens and has helped them survive.  The party scene is not for sale.)

I think we better move on.  

Wait. did you hear that? A-a screeeeeam? It looks like Esmeralda is torturing pumpkins again. Don't look, hurry, keep moving! (Kitchen witch by Nancy Cronin.)

Maybe we can visit with Hagatha, who says she's been slaving over a hot cauldron for hours, just waiting for us to come out.  Yeah, she does tend to exaggerate!

luciewinskydolls-nancy cronin

 (Witch doll and hand-sculpted frog by Lucie Winsky, Lucie Winsky Dolls. Rat/cat  - Nancy Cronin.)

Do you think we dare ask what's in that pot?

So, Hagatha, what have you been cooking for us? 

Oh... "Frog Stew" you say? You're not going to use that frog in your pocket, are you?

Whew, that's a relief. I'm glad to hear the frog is actually the rat/cat's play companion. I'm really glad for the frog (on both counts!)

Sit down and have some snacks now. I hear Hagatha has some other goodies cooking up in the other pot... 

Wait, where are you going? Come back - come back!!

Heh - heh.  That's one way to get guests to not overstay their welcome!  Bye! Thanks for stopping by!


    Death stalks the night... and the day. Psychic detective Abraham Stroud faces a lonely battle against monsters no one else believes in.

 Werewolf's Grief: Archaeology vs. Supernatural (Bloodscreams Series Book 2) - by Robert W. Walker 
    A madman heads to Chicago, leaving behind a trail of corpses Only psychic detective Abraham Stroud dares to think the most forbidden names, and faces the most terrifying truth of all - wolves travel in packs. 

 Kingdoms of the Dead: Chemical Rot zombie -  Ian Woodhead - Every survivor has the zombie virus in their bloodstream. How far will one scientist go to save the human race?

  Duplicity duplicity - The creatures took their form and their memories... they became the humans they ate. Now this place becomes a killing ground.

** Here are a couple of miniature book covers for your dollhouse bookshelf! (*Personal use only! Covers (c) of artist and author, used with permission. Do not pin or re-post.)

Thank you for visiting this year's Halloween in Miniature 2014!

I hope you enjoyed this year's tour. Please be sure to check out the authors' books and the artisan's websites. Don't forget to leave a review for the authors, as well. 

Thank you for coming by and see you next year! - Chris Verstraete, author, GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie

(Print and ebook - Amazon US - Amazon UK

(Please do click like on the author's page - my name link - on Amazon!) 

What happens when you're 16 and turn part-zombie?  

Sixteen-year-old Rebecca Herrera Hayes faces every teenager's biggest nightmares: bad skin, bad hair, and worse . . . turning into one of the living dead.

Becca's life changes forever when her cousin Spence comes back to their small Wisconsin town carrying a deadly secret—he's becoming a zombie, a fate he shares with her through an accidental scratch.

Thank you to all of this year's participants: 


Kiva Atkinson of Kiva's Miniatures.

Ewelina Hasnik of  Ewelina's Amazing Clay World

Linda Wooten, Wooten's Miniatures 


Hallowed Horror  - 10 paranormal stories by various authors

Horror 101: The Way Forward - various authors, Crystal Lake Publishing

Margot Justes  - Blood Art

K.F. Kirwin - Haunted Bedtime Stories 

Jamie Johnesee  - The Misadventures of Bob the Zombie

Chantal Noordeloos  - Angel Manor

C.A. Verstraete - 
GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie 

Robert W. Walker  - Werewolf''s Grief/Bloodscreams, etc. 

Ian Woodhead - Kingdoms of the Dead, Duplicity, etc. 

c.verstraete -

October 30, 2014

Halloween in Miniature 2014, Day 4 - Spooky Party!

It's Day 4 of Halloween in Miniature 2014 and the party is in full swing! 

(If you missed the beginning, go to Day 1)

Let's cut through the hall. I want you to meet some of the guests. 

Oh, dear. The twins seem to be wandering the house again unsupervised. We insist their nanny stay with them after they tried scaring guests with that representation they did last year  of the ghostly girls in the movie based on Stephen King's The Shining. Scared half the guests back to their graves!

(Scene by Patricia Paul,; dolls - Amanda Skinner)

Please, keep walking. We don't want to encourage their behavior. I'll have cook check where the nanny went. Maybe you should take a seat...

WAIT! No, not there. Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Mort, Finney, and Darryl, our resident ghosts, already claimed those chairs. Quite handsome, aren't they? I mean the chairs. No, guys I wasn't slighting you. It's just that the guests can't see you yet. Yes, yes, please forgive them for trying to sit on your laps. It's rude, I know, I know.

I'm sorry, the Specter brothers are quite touchy. I hope we don't have any other surprises. . . 

Well, we won't complain about a pleasant surprise! Why, it's the Skellie Sisters! Such a fun trio they are. They insisted on coming  out this year as they said they had some jokes that just couldn't stay buried! (groan!)  (Chairs and scene, including hand-sculpted skeleton ladies below also by Patricia Paul.)

 Artisan Patricia Paul says she's been making minis "forever," but professionally for about 35 years. Growing up, she made cardboard houses and clothes for Barbie, played with clay and had a dollhouse with Renwal furniture, which sadly, her mother "gave it away when she figured I was finished with it. I probably could have done a lot with that had she waited," she says. "I have always loved tiny things all my life and discovered as a newlywed a catalog of miniatures and could not believe that grown people did this."

Patricia studied art in school and thought of being an art teacher except for some parental interference... "I really should have studied fine arts but my dad was nervous that I might starve," she says. "I really hate that starving artist meme."

Amusingly, she got into haunted stuff when her son fell in love with a pop-up book. ..."I had a weird little kid who loved skeletons from a very tiny age. He learned by heart that pop-up book 'In a Dark Dark Room' and was thrilled to see the reaction of people he was ‘reading’ it to when the ghosts pop out at the end. I made him a haunted doll house along with some things to go in it. He wanted and got an articulated skeleton which he promptly broke so I sat it in a chair with a book in its hands to cover the break. That’s how the posed skellies started. I took those things to a show promising him no one would buy them and they flew off the table. I just saw one of my earlier pieces sell on eBay for $699. So maybe I should look into making those again."

She's now clearing out a stash of chairs by transforming them into "gothic delights" with sculpted decorations and hand-printed fabrics altered from full-size designs. She also will be selling some witchy things and really wants to sculpt more animals. "I guess I can include black cats, hounds of hell and gargoyle creatures," she says. "There is a nice gargoyle that sits on Notre Dame that looks like it might make a nice haunted house pet."

Speaking of pets... Little Witch Julie wanted to know if you saw her pet spider? No? well, she says to look out for something fuzzy and the size of a small puppy (If you haven't seen it - beware. Yikes! Yes, it's real).

Such a sweet girl to have such a gruesome, I mean, uh, a nice pet. And she seems so innocent with all that candy, too. (Doll by Julie Campbell, She has the most proper of manners and wanted to ask the guests if anyone was thirsty?

Lisa Parker Clark brought over the absolute perfect refreshment.... her bubbling delight. What flavor is it, you ask? Well, er, it may have some Ear of Toad, or Eye of Newt, but I know there's some peach flavoring, too, to cover the after-taste. 

How about a cup? No? Alright, then we best move on. Gosh, the party can't be nearly over! Why we have many more stops to make, people to meet, and ghastly, I mean yummy, things to eat! 

 ** Easy Miniature Halloween Project: Make a mini skellie mummy **

 ** DAY 5 - The Big Party! ** 


* Author Heather Graham just released a new book in her Krewe of Hunters series - The Betrayed (Krewe of Hunters). (Just started reading this series and I love it! Great suspense and paranormal stories, each in different time periods and locations.)

The latest has FBI paranormal unit investigator Mo Deaville and new agent Aiden Mahoney going to Sleepy Hollow as they explore both past and present events to figure out who killed Aiden's friend Richard--and wants to kill them, too. As they work together, they discover that they share an unusual trait—the ability to communicate with the dead. They also share an attraction that's as intense as it is unexpected…if they live long enough to enjoy it!

* Coming soon in November!  Two Must Reads (and some great book covers!) 

 Early November - Author Jaime Johnesee is releasing a new collection, The Misadventures of Bob the Zombie, which contains not only her three novellas, but a new novella and bonus short story, plus great new art featuring Bob, the Zombie with bad luck! 

Fun, funny humor and zombies! Watch her website for news!

(Aren't these the coolest covers??)

  Coming Nov. 14! Who can resist a story about a haunted house? Author Chantal Noordeloos has a scary new book coming out.  In Angel Manor, Freya sees inheriting her mother's old childhood home as an opportunity. It's a chance for a new life with her best friends as they transform the crumbling mansion into an exclusive hotel. Instead, they'll barely escape with their lives...  

Be sure to check her website for release news! * Read more about the book.

 ** BONUS! Here's a mini book cover printie for your dollhouse shelf! 

(*Personal use only! Cover (c) of artist and author, used with permission. Do not pin or re-post.)

c.verstraete -