June 30, 2024

A Special #Miniature Skellie Guest!

 Funny as I was wondering before what to post about and now I have a bunch to schedule. Well, that's good, and yes, more minis to come!

Up first - I'm reading an ARC (advance reader's copy) of a new mystery collection, The Skeleton Rides a Horse and Other Stories by Toni L.P. Kelner, that I think will interest everyone here for several reasons.

First, not only is the main story in the title involve two faves - a Skeleton (ya know I like Halloween!) and a mystery - but the author has a mini version that is her companion, let's say, on a lot of her book-related excursions!

 (* Get the paperback on Amazon. Publisher Crippen & Landru also has a wide array of excellent short story collections.)


 Meet the mini-version of Sid, the main character in Toni L.P. Kelner's (also writing as Leigh Perry) delightful Family  Skeleton mystery series!

And just like in the books, the mini Sid gets around, going to various conventions and the like. Here he is at Times Square in New York City! (Huh, he travels more than me! ha!)

Hey, Sid should come meet his "cousin," lounging here at my miniature Witch's Cottage

Speaking In full disclosure (ha!), the "cousin" took up residence with his dog in my half-scale Witch's Cottage. These mini bendable Skellies are such fun little figures as they are fully jointed, yes, even the dog is! (I got my pair a while back on ebay!)

 ** While Toni's mini Sid does have a coffin to sleep in, he needs his own home and bed, too, don't you think? Maybe Toni will find some mini inspiration here! 

About the Book:

Here's the actual book cover. The new mystery collection contains a dozen stories with different inspirations - pirates, carnivals, the circus, and more! Toni says, '"Murchison Solves a Mystery” was from a name that intrigued me, “Skull & Cross-Examinations” was me trying to write a legal thriller story, “Bell, Book, and Candlepin” was for an anthology of paranormal game stories.'

The story of the same name in the collection's title is set at a convention revolving around a retro TV series, Cowtown. 

When a beloved actor is found dead and a priceless memento goes missing, Georgia, her boyfriend, Brownie, and Sid, work to solve the crime - and have some "cowpoke" fun! 

Yes, Sid, who can see and interact with Georgia, (even in pieces as hinted at on the cover!) does get to fully reassemble and fulfill one of his own past-life life-long dreams! I won't give it away, so you have to read the story!

Each story also has an afterword explaining the book connections and sometimes the reason they were written.

 Fun stuff and I'm enjoying the stories so far. I'll let you know which is my favorite in an upcoming post.

For fun, I figured readers would be interested in a different twist on reading and collecting, so I asked Toni to share a bit about Sid and how he came to be:

(Photo: Sid being chewed on by the dog representing Byron from the book series, made by Dana Cameron.)

About the Main Character:

What inspired Sid?

Toni says, "honestly, I wish there were a “Eureka!” moment, but if there was, I no longer remember it. I came up with Sid and wrote the first couple of pages a solid decade before actually selling and writing the books. But as best I can remember, I was trying to sell a book which took forever to sell, so while I was waiting, I started thinking about writing something paranormal. 

"But which creature should I use? Vampires? One of my best pals was Charlaine Harris, and she had those covered. Werewolves? Another pal is Dana Cameron, who was doing great stuff with hers. Witches? Ghosts? Wizards? Angels? Magical cats and ghost cats. All being done and done really well. Then some odd part of my brain said, “Hey, nobody has done an ambulatory skeleton yet!” I decided instantly that his name was Sid, and his voice and character are pretty much as I imagined them from that moment. Georgia changed a lot from the original piece, but not Sid. And everything in the series started with that."

What is Sid’s background?

"Sid came to life without warning when a young girl was in trouble, and came to live with the Thackery family. Well, not live exactly, but to hang out with. I don’t try to come up with a rational explanation, though I do have many irrational ones. As in, “bitten by a radioactive skeleton” and “when a Mommy skeleton loves a Daddy skeleton very much….”

"He has no memories from his pre-skeletal life. Well, other than one person who looks familiar, whose appearance became the catalyst for A Skeleton in the Family the first book in the series."

Start the Series: 

 Sid first appeared in Book 1, A Skeleton in the Family, A Family Skeleton Mystery, now a six-book series by Toni's alter-ego Leigh Perry. In Book 1, adjunct professor Georgia Thackery moves back to her childhood home to teach in Massachusetts where she also discovers Sid, a walking, talking, joke-making skeleton in her family's attic. On an outing, Sid recognizes a face from his actual past life, and Georgia vows to do whatever she can to solve his murder and dig up bones from his past.

Sid becomes Thackery's best friend, with the duo making quite a crime-solving team, which includes their latest venture solving the murder of a beloved actor from the Cowtown TV series in the short story of the same name in the title of the latest collection, The Skeleton Rides a Horse and Other Stories."

About the Author:

Toni L.P. Kelner (recognize that other famous face?) has been writing mysteries for over thirty years. She won an Agatha Award for her short story "Sleeping With the Plush", included in her new collection, The Skeleton Rides a Horse and Other Stories. Her story "Baby Trap" was selected for inclusion in Best American Mystery and Suspense 2024, edited by S.A. Cosby and Steph Cha. She also has been nominated for the Anthony, the Macavity, and Derringer awards.

As Toni L.P. Kelner, she's the author of eleven novels: eight Laura Fleming mysteries set in Byerly, a small North Carolina town filled with Laura's extended family members, and three "Where are they now?" mysteries, about a freelance entertainment reporter who specializes in stories about the formerly famous. She's also the co-editor of seven urban fantasy anthologies with Charlaine Harris.

As Leigh Perry, she writes the Family Skeleton series about Georgia Thackery, an adjunct English professor, and her family's unusual family skeleton, Sid, who walks, talks, and tells bad bone jokes when not solving crimes with best-friend, Georgia.

(Photo: The author with writer/actor Eriq LaSalle (Remember the show ER?) at the Bouchercon horror convention, San Diego, CA.)

Hope you enjoyed Sid's visit. This was fun! Thanks to Toni and Sid for stopping by and letting me share your photos!

June 24, 2024

Writing: Ghost Stories Anthology Pre-Order

 Like ghosts and spooky stories?

The anthology, Noncorporeal II, featuring my story, "Secrets of the Last Mine," (the story is eerie, not scary or gory) is now going up for pre-order on various sites! A spooky mix of stories from near-horror to sci-fi and more! See author list.

  * Get the paperback at Amazon.- paperback & e-book: B&N

* Get the e-book version from Apple, Kobo and other sites; see links here.

June 21, 2024

Updated #Miniature Tiki Room


Box: full view

Worked on putting drinks and food in the miniature half-scale Tiki roombox. Still have to put the glasses and decorations on the back shelf. (*See last post. Click photos for full size.)

It's been a fun project to do, considering it came about as a last-minute idea. I'd had the thought in the back of my mind and just decided to work on it between "bigger" projects.

As I mentioned before, the room is set in a former photo storage box. The box is 10 1/2" w, 7 1/2" d and 6 1/2" h, so plenty of room. I covered the sides and top, added lights on the ceiling, and used a wood placemat for the walls. Added wood strips to make it look like an attic, with brick on one side.

Here's the right side: filled the buffet table and added some wall decor. I think I'll add another shell on the right side of the picture to even it out.

Buffet foods on the side table. I have to add some silverware and a serving spoon yet.

Showing the layout - the buffet table on the side. I added a couple more plants and the coffee table by the couch.

Left wall:
Front tables:

The decorated guest tables at the front of the room by the window.

Finished drinks on the bar - loved making these! I added the fern and other plant, too. 

This really was a fun project! Now what to do.....? 

Well, I've been thinking of pulling out the camper kit I got a loooong time ago. I was going to make it into a coffee bar. My friend, Gigi, and I are planning a camper display once she starts setting up her dollhouse collection and her mother's houses. She has a larger camper for a B&B, and the tinier camper kit. I'm also thinking of getting the larger camper since I saw it pretty cheap at Hobby Lobby. 

I'd put the camper aside, but it's already papered on the inside and most of the trim is painted a dark rose pink. I also have to make a lot of boxes and bags for display/"sale" items. Looked at it again, and it might work. 

I checked and I also have another box similar to this, but with a wall inside (which I'm not sure I can get out). So wondering if that can work for the gothic library but with a small entry/hallway. Will think on that!

We'll see what's next... Stay tuned for more projects & updates! Thanks again for visiting.

June 12, 2024

Eat, Drink, Be Miniature Tiki Merry!


Been having fun figuring out the food and drinks for the half-scale Tiki Bar! (*See last post.** Click photos for better view/full size. Other post links in left column archives.)

Dug in my stuff and had forgotten I'd bought some tiny Tiki cups at the last show. (Blackthorn Miniatures.) I also had some 3D printed bowl glasses and hurricane glasses (KM Wohrstein). Lots to experiment with!

Here are the Tiki cups painted and unpainted so you can see the size. Love the faces!

I decided to experiment and used glass stain, or gloss Mod Podge mixed with acrylic paint to fill these. The straws are painted/cut florist wire. I didn't realize some of these glasses don't go all the way to the bottom inside. They're not-quite-finished as I'll have to paint the outside yet and do some touching up. Sand (for salt) will go on the edge of the blue drink - Margarita! I used cut pieces of Fimo fruit canes, too, for garnish.

They are just so darn cute! Fun stuff!

Also made some food plates with air-dry Crayola Model Magic clay to make sandwiches, fries, and "shrimp." The "lettuce" is torn pieces of floral tape. I seal the clay with matte Mod Podge and also gloss things like the tomato cane slices with Gloss Mod Podge. I'll set up a food buffet on that larger table. I have to find some silverware yet, too.

I did end up making a small table for in front of the couch. It's cut from a wooden fan with 1" scale moldings for supports. Thought it looked good with the food and a drink added. The mixed salad dish was made by my friend, Gigi.

I'll post more photos once I get everything set up and some other things made. This has been a fun little project!

Thanks again for visiting! Come back soon for more updates!!

June 10, 2024

Half-Scale Tiki Bar!


Made some progress in getting the half-scale Tiki bar built. I think it turned out pretty well! (See last post-couch and first post. ** Click photos for full size & better view.)

* See the food and drinks so far!

As I have my own design preferences - usually colors - I went a different way on this and used shades of green between bamboo strips with the Tiki pictures on the bottom. I also used the same design for the roof instead of the straw-like fronds. I added some vines and more of the medium and large colorful flowers. I think it has a tropical flavor! 

I also added the palm trees in flower pots and put seat cushions on the bar stools - 2 of them are those thinner thread spools I mentioned before and the other is a 3D printed stool (MiniDecorandMore/Etsy).

Then I worked on the "not-fun stuff" next, which is putting hooks (actually vintage sewing "eye" hooks) inside the box and figuring where the flamingo lights should hang. And trying, trying to get them to stay up. Ended up dabbing dots of Quick Grip as I figure I won't be taking them down anyway.

I also got all the furniture in, and while I may make some additions yet, I like it! Maybe I'll add a tropical bar sign above the window on the outside.

 Here's the full box:

The posters gave it a tropical feel. It's kind of a cozy place, isn't it? It all looks a bit bare yet as I have to add food and drinks on the tables and bar, and cups/decorations on the shelves. I have to see if those Tiki candles fit in a couple corners, too. 

Here's the left side: (Maybe I'll add a small coffee table in front of that couch, too, I think.)

Right side:

I'm still probably going to make some Tiki cups, but I have to reprint as I realized the cup pictures should be slightly larger and wider. Back to the drawing board on that.

I was thinking I'll have to look around and see what kind of foods might be served in a place like this. Bar appetizers? I should probably have some appetizer dishes on the tables. A few ideas:

* Here's a Florida Tiki restaurant - pretty decor. I see things I can make: Orange-hued drinks, chili fries, seafood sandwiches (and fries), a bright green cocktail, ooh, a fuchsia pink drink!, yellow plates, pineapple slices, garnish tray with pineapples, orange slices, cherry tomatoes.

* I still like the look of these mini pineapple cups; and cups with straws; and cute Tiki cups or Coconut cups. Will have to order some. (Ruth Stewart Minis/Etsy) and Ruth Stewart Miniatures.

(** PS - I knew I bought some! Found the Tiki cups I got at the last show. They're so cute! I'll do another post once those and some other drinks are done.)

I'll share more once I get some of the food made and if I add some other things. 

This was a fun little project. It didn't take much to do it, basically just a few kits and the rest I made. Plus, it's in a neat container (former photo display box) that I'd picked up at Goodwill (cheap) a while ago. The bonus is it fits in the bookshelf. (I'm running out of room!) 

I actually have a couple more photo boxes I'd found before that stack; one looks like a cupula. Maybe I should look at that again for the idea I've been mulling over - a haunted Gothic library and bedroom, and I haven't decided what to use as a container/building yet. Maybe it would work... Stay tuned! 

Thanks again for visiting! Come back soon for more updates!

June 07, 2024

Adopting a Senior Dog - Book Tour


Today I welcome back Carmen Leal, author of When Love Wags a Tail - a memorable book on dog rescuers and their furry rescues!

About the Book:

Our four-legged friends have huge hearts. Carmen Leal never dreamed tragedy could bring positive change. Suffering a traumatic brain injury after a car wreck, the marketing pro struggled to find her center and reclaim her life, but found her world changed forever when she adopted a rescue dog.

 Flourishing on her new furry friend’s unconditional love, she turned her talents to supporting canines still facing grim futures. Working tirelessly over the course of four years, she’s helped find homes for over 6,500 dogs and collected endless tales of wonderment and triumph. A portion of her book sales are also donated to a foster-to-adoption group.

 BUY at:  AmazonBarnes and Noble, and Bookshop.org. Add it to your GoodReads reading list.

Adopting a Senior Dog - By Carmen Leal

 I was sixty-two when we moved to Wisconsin from Hawaii after I experienced a traumatic brain injury. My doctor back home had suggested more than once that I get an emotional support dog. I could not imagine how having a dog would help; the cost and time I’d need to invest had me saying no each time he brought it up.

When I finally gave in and went to an independent rescue shelter, I knew what I didn’t want. As cute as they were, there was no way I was going to get a puppy because my many years ago my young sons talked me into taking home a cuddly, eight-week-old golden doodle. Within a year he was over eighty-pounds! That was the scoundrel that had me saying no more dogs.

 Now that I have owned my own dog and helped over 6,500 rescue dogs find homes, I can tell you that Brutus, the dog who soured me on ever owning a dog again, was just the wrong dog at the wrong time for the wrong family. Both adults worked, we didn’t have a fenced yard, and we didn’t understand the needs of a high-energy puppy.

 I ended up adopting a medium dog who was fourteen-months old. A lot of that puppy behavior was already gone and, this time around, I had time to learn how to train him to be a great dog.

 Today, Coconut is almost eight-years-old and I am seventy. I can tell you without hesitation that we’ll be adopting a senior dog our next time around. Puppies and even adolescent dogs are cute and fun and full of energy. But, and there’s always a but for every age group when it comes to choosing a dog, here are five benefits of adopting a senior.

 1.    They aren’t teething so they won’t chew up your furniture and other items in your house.

2.    2. Older dogs are typically housetrained so that middle-of-the-night trot in the sub-zero back yard isn’t usually an issue once you and your new pooch learn to communicate with each other.

3.   3.  An older dog has grown into their size and personality, so what you see is what you get and there aren’t many surprises.

4.    4. Senior dogs sleep. A lot and preferably near their person. Best of all they sleep through the night.

5.    5. Every dog needs exercise, but older dogs like a more leisurely pace, just like senior adults.

 The last, and actually most important reason to adopt a senior is because you will truly be a life-saver. They're often overlooked in shelters because of all the fun puppies and younger pooches. They make instant companions and, while you might not have them for as many years as a puppy, what could be more rewarding than making the last years of their life the best they can be? You’ll never feel more loved than by a dog who knows you are his or her hero.

 About the Author

 Carmen Leal is a storyteller, mom to "Coconut," the best imperfectly perfect rescue dog in the world, and a reluctant gardener. She is the author of multiple books, articles, devotionals, and human-interest stories. Carmen relocated from Hawaii to Oshkosh, where she and her husband learned a "crazy amount" about Wisconsin weeds. 

She is also an active member of the Oshkosh Southwest Rotary Club, part of her neighborhood association's leadership team, and is an adjunct professor for Fox Valley Technical College's award-winning E-Seed Entrepreneurship workshop. When she is not writing and speaking, Carmen reads, cooks, and is a major bargain hunter at consignment and antique shops.

**** A portion of every book sold is donated to Second Chance North, an area foster-to-adoption group that helps to rescue more dogs. Follow Carmen on Facebook at #rescuemoredogs.

 * Find Carmen online at Wagaway Publishing or her personal Facebook page.  


Blog Tour Calendar

*  June 7th @ Candid Canine

Visit Chris' blog for a guest post by Carmen Leal about the benefits of adopting a dog as a senior. https://candidcanine.blogspot.com

*  June 10th @ The Faerie Review

Visit Lily's blog for a spotlight of When Love Wags a Tail by Carmen Leal. https://www.thefaeriereview.com/

*  June 12th @ Barbara Barth's Art & Words

Visit Barbara's blog for her review https://barbarabarthartandwords.blogspot.com/

*  June 13th @ Knotty Needle

Visit Judy's blog for her review http://knottyneedle.blogspot.com/

*  June 15th @ The Forgotten Books

Join Heather for her review https://www.instagram.com/The_forgotten_books_

*  June 16th @ A Wonderful World of Books

Visit Joy's blog for a spotlight of When Love Wags a Tail by Carmen Leal. You can also win a copy of the book! https://awonderfulworldofwordsa.blogspot.com/

 * June 17th @ Frugal Freelancer

Visit Sara's blog for a spotlight of When Love Wags a Tail. You can also enter to win a copy of the book! https://saratrimble.wordpress.com/

*  June 18th @ Words by Webb

Visit Jodi's blog for her review https://www.jodiwebbwriter.com/blog

 * June 20th @ Knotty Needle

Visit Judy's blog for a guest post by Carmen Leal about taming a wild garden when you don't know where to begin. http://knottyneedle.blogspot.com/

 * June 23rd @ The Shaggy Shepherd

Visit Isabelle's blog for a guest post by Carmen Leal about the value of planting a rain garden. https://theshaggyshepherd.wordpress.com/

 * June 25th @ World of My Imagination

Join Nicole for a review. You can also win a copy of the book. https://worldofmyimagination.com

 * June 27th @ Fiona Ingram's blog

Visit Fiona's blog for her review https://fionaingramauthor.blogspot.com/

June 30th @ Jill Sheet's blog

Visit Jill's blog for her interview with Carmen Leal https://jillsheets.blogspot.com/


June 03, 2024

Half Scale Tiki Bar Update!

 Ok, now I'm starting to like this project more! (* See first post on the Tiki bar project. * See the finished bar!)

It takes making a few things to get you in the mood for a project.

I had this bamboo couch kit for quite a while that I picked up somewhere. Pulled it out once before, I think, and got kind of intimidated so it got put away. 

Well, this project was in the back of my mind, so thought I'd see how it'll go. Figured if I don't like it, I could always stash it away again. But, so far, so good.

I pulled out the directions and... Sheesh! Eight pages of tiny type. I ignored that. Looked at the diagrams, cut out a base from matboard, and started gluing the bamboo/cane around the frame. It's not perfect, but it turned out pretty well!

Once I made the cushions with my favorite bright orange/pink colored fabric, it really looked good! Pretty happy with how it came out! I used pressed foam packing material for the cushions and glued hot pink twine thread around the edges. I still have some bamboo pieces left so I have the crazy idea to try designing a chair... Maybe. haaa! We'll see...

The bonus is I made a small side table using some cut bamboo strips, a square mat board piece, and a dowel. Covered the top and bottom with some of the leftover straw mat fabric that I used on the other tables. (See first post.)

** Something funny: I didn't notice until after I wrote and scheduled this that there's what looks like a 5 on the fabric. I'll let you try to find it... Looked at it again, and thought someone wrote on it. Turns out....hey there are small numbers in the pattern! I saw a 3 and a 5... Why??? How odd! So... knowing it would bug me, I put another piece of fabric over it (and I'll glue down the top edge better). And it's probably the case of no one else would've seen it either, but I can't un-see it (and now you can't either!) haa!

Working on the bar itself next. Stay tuned!

Thanks for visiting again. Come back soon for more updates!

May 30, 2024

Working On An Oldie Mini - A Tiki Bar!

 Often when I'm between big projects and can't decide what to do next, I start thinking about something I started and set aside. Like this:

Remember this photo box? 

I showed this a while back, not even sure when. It's a decent-sized box that had these hanging rods inside with "pockets" to hold photos, but I knew it could be a cool room. The box is 10 1/2" w, 7 1/2" d and 6 1/2" h. It could fit 1" scale but I thought half-scale would fit better because of the height.  (* See the update and finished bar.)

I used some wood placemats to cover the walls and floor, added vertical wood strips to give it an attic look, and covered the top with textured scrapbook paper. The other side wall is textured brick paper (Starboc2 on Etsy) and I added two battery lights on top.

I'd seen a while ago that the NAME (National Organization of Miniature Enthusiasts) group was working on Tiki bars; here's all their NAME Day kits. Thought it was a cute idea, but never followed through on it. But I kept it in the back of my mind. Here are the Tiki bar kits from S&S Miniatures. 

I started thinking of that again, and decided it still would be a fun little project to do. What got me going on it again was pulling out this half-scale table/chairs kit I'd bought a while back from Charrita Teague (Grapevine Miniatures) at a Chicago show. I changed the top to a hexagon piece I had and added padding and fabric for cushions. The shelf unit is a kit from CastleCrafts

I started working on the table set and since I have enough of the material left, I decided to make a few more tables for this room, and one to go in a deck or outside scene. It uses 3/4" square wood cubes for the chair, which I have, and have made chairs out of before. I bought another 3/8" dowel rod for the bottom support and changed the top piece. I made a square and an oval table also using 1/4" square rods.

Next, I'll make my own roofed Tiki bar. I'm cutting pieces from mat board, wood, square dowels, and bamboo sticks from another placemat. 

I have a couple 3D printed stools (have to find the other one!) from MiniDecorandMore on Etsy. I also noticed that a couple older thread spools, which are taller and thinner, are the right size and might work, so It'll experiment with that. I don't have any leafy material that'll work for the roof, so far. Maybe those green fake ferns I have (used on the HS Mansion roof) might work. Or? I have a couple rummage sales coming up, so I'll look around.

 I have an idea to try using some printies of small Tiki-type cups wrapped around tiny Perler beads (which are straight and look like cups). We'll see if this works or not. I just want to give the illusion as I was thinking of putting a bunch of cups on that shelf stand and it gets costly buying everything. I do have a couple actual half-scale Tiki cups I bought before from Blackthorn Miniatures on Etsy I can use on a table, too. Apparently, I must've thought I'd do this project at some point.

Here's a pic I found of what the beads look like; they're actually  tiny enough to make good mugs in half scale, too, using thread thickened with glue as handles.

I tried something different for flowers. I wanted to have tropical-type plants, so I punched out some 4-petal flowers from printed poster paper that I didn't have to paint, then I cut and glued on a fifth petal. I guess they look more like a Dogwood-type vine but they'll work. I cut the small points off a fake plant (the yellow ball I used in my HS Witch Cottage - scroll down on post here to see garden) and glued that in the center of the flowers. 

The small planter is also a CastleCrafts kit. The large planter a plastic piece from a clothing hanger tag that I cut in half and painted. I glued on a piece of 1" scale railing molding for the planter box. 

I also have several fake palm trees I found in a thrift store bag of Egyptian mini stuff, which I saved for something like this. I'll set those in small flowerpots. Then I have an LED light string with flamingos to use and I'm printing out several flamingo posters.

This will be pretty colorful inside, lots of bright orange and pink. I have an older cane-style couch kit (it says Twin Palms Miniatures) that I'd set aside as it looked intimidating, but hoping I have enough room for it so I'll have to get brave (ha!) and try to finally figure out how to put it together. 

Almost forgot! I found these cool-looking Tiki-shaped candles at Goodwill. They're just under 1 1/2" high. Despite being a bit larger, I still thought they'd be cool to use as wall decorations. Maybe a couple on shelves, maybe a couple on "poles." We'll see how it looks.

I also found these faux tropical drinks in my stash; they're for Polly Pocket but they might work on tables or on a shelf once I paint them.

So, lots of possibilities and it shows the direction I'm headed. Let's see how far I get. haa!

Come back soon (hopefully!) for some updates. Thanks again for visiting!