March 05, 2010

Perception: Do You Stop and Smell the Roses, or Listen to the Music?

Someone emailed this to me and I thought it worth repeating.

Washington, DC Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007. The man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time approx. 2 thousand people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After 3 minutes a middle aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried to meet his schedule.

4 minutes later:

The violinist received his first dollar: a woman threw the money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.

6 minutes:

A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.

10 minutes:

A 3-year old boy stopped but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. Every parent, without exception, forced their children to move on quickly.

45 minutes:

The musician played continuously. Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.

1 hour:

He finished playing and silence took over. No one noticed. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before Joshua Bell sold out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

This is a true story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities.

The questions raised:

*In a common place environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty?

*Do we stop to appreciate it?

*Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?

One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this:

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made....

How many other things are we missing?

March 04, 2010

How Sweet It Is!

Talking about my favorite topic - chocolate - today at Fatal Foodies. Great way to start the day huh?

March 02, 2010

Sci fi anthology Timeshares out today

I just got my copy of Timeshares, a time travel anthology from DAW Books, edited by Jean Rabe and Martin H. Greenberg.

I'm tickled pink for many reasons. It includes my story, "A Night to Forget," in which a woman visiting an unusual travel store gets tickets for a dream trip to see an exhibit about the Titanic - and finds the experience more real than she ever expected.

It's also my first appearance with this publisher. Check out the cool back cover (see my name?) and be sure to go check it out at your local bookstore or Amazon.

Not that I'm the reason to buy it, of course! (Oh? ha!) The anthology is organized around a frame story by noted author Kevin J. Anderson involving Timeshares, a company that allows customers to vacation anywhere in time.

It includes the story, "By Our Actions," by noted fantasy/sci-fi author Michael Stackpole and features stories by: Robert E. Vardeman, Matthew P. Mayo, Greg Cox, Dean Legett,Annie Jones,Kelly Swails, Chris Pierson, James M. Ward, Jody Lynn Nye, Vicki Steger, Gene DeWeese, Patrick McGilligan, Steven Saus, C. A. Verstraete, Donald J. Bingle, Allister Timms and Linda P. Baker.

March 01, 2010

Miniatures Monday: Weird Plants

Got inspired and did a few more strange plants for the Witch's Greenhouse.

They're a relation to a Venus Fly Trap. I'd seen a couple on eBay one time and had to try my hand at making some.

They were made with Crayola Model Magic Air dry clay. I also added a few fake silk leaves on top. The "teeth" are from the same clay, too.

I'll let you guess what the flowerpot is made from?

(* Check out the greenhouse, inside and out so far.)

February 24, 2010

2009 Agatha Award-Nominated Mystery Short Stories

The 2009 Agatha award nominees for best short story were recently announced, and the stories can now be read online. The awards for best mysteries and short stories a la Agatha Christie are awarded at the annual Malice Domestic Mystery Convention, to be held April 30-May 2 in Arlington, Va.

Agatha Award Nominees - Best Short Story:

“Femme Sole” by Dana Cameron, Boston Noir (Akashic Books)

“Handbaskets, Drawers and a Killer Cold” by Kaye George, Crooked ezine

“The Worst Noel” by Barb Goffman, The Gift of Murder (Wolfmont Press)

“On the House” by Hank Phillippi Ryan, Quarry (Level Best Books)

"Death Will Trim Your Tree” by Elizabeth Zelvin, The Gift of Murder (Wolfmont Press)

February 22, 2010

Miniatures Monday: Ah, Spring flowers (almost!)

Spring is coming! Really! I heard cardinals singing. Just waiting for the red-winged blackbirds to return.

So I made some flowers... I punched these - the plant has 3 layers of petals and faux flora leaves in a painted wood paint with moss.

** KITS: Kits are available for $6 with $2 shipping. Choose red, yellow, mixed, or pink. Includes all materials for three flowers (plus a few extras in case you mess up) and unpainted pot.

(I'll try to get new pix of the yellow flowers as the definition doesn't want to show up.)

February 19, 2010

Are you Ready to be Published? Writing Advice from Jennifer Stanley, author of Stirring Up Strife

Are You Really Ready to be Published?

By Jennifer Stanley

You can feel it. Your book is done. You’ve worked on it for months, for years. It’s been all you’ve thought about for ages and now it’s finished.

Your baby. Your hopes and dreams printed out on crisp, white paper.

Now what?

It’s time for an initial test.

Test Question One: Have you taken your punches?

In other words, has your book been critiqued by a group of honest, educated peers? Not your mother, your spouse, or your best friend, but fellow writers.

Have you heard and responded to both praise and criticism?

Have you gone back and examined portions of your writing because a member of your critique group made a solid recommendation?

Have you struggled, yes, struggled, over points raised by others?

Answer: If you haven’t exposed your book to several rounds of constructive criticism, you’re not ready.

Test Question Two: Have you edited your book at least three times?

Once is not enough. It is sometimes helpful to take a break between rounds of editing, but you will find new areas to tweak each time. Be patient. Hone your writing. Get that manuscript polished until it glows in the dark.

Answer: Edit, edit, edit.

Test Question Three: Have you done your homework?

In other words, you know into which genre your book falls; you’ve abided by the general word count rule (approximately 80,000 words for fiction – more for sci-fi and fantasy); you’re emotionally prepared to be rejected by multiple agents and publishers and will not throw yourself off a bridge.

Answer: If you’re done all the above, you’re ready! It’s going to be a tough road, but if you can write an entire book, you can make it!

Feel free to post questions and I’ll do my best to provide intelligent, helpful answers!

Jennifer (J.B. Stanley) is the author of two mystery series (the Supper Club mysteries and the Hope Street Church mysteries). Her third series will debut this summer.

** Jennifer, thanks for the constructive, and timely, advice. A few possible questions:
What things do you look for in subsequent edits?

Do you remember what were your first editing pitfalls that you overcame in later books?

What do you find to be the hardest point of editing?

What are the main things you advise writers to search for in their manuscript that can be easily overlooked?

February 18, 2010

Talking about Miniatures, Writing and Olympics, oh my!

I'm all over the place today like... well, never mind. ha!

I'm sharing a few comments about writing and miniatures - is there a connection? - at the Cozy Chicks blog. Stop by and say hello! Thanks for hosting me, Jennifer.

And I'm talking about Olympian chocolate and other kinds at Fatal Foodies.

Speaking of food... I thought these pix would be included too at my blog stop so I'm sharing them here. The fast food items are in my collection from a swap some years back. Hungry yet?

** Be sure to stop back tomorrow for a few thoughts on agent hunting and other writing advice from Jennifer Stanley, author of Stirring Up Strife, A Hope Street Church Mystery.

February 15, 2010

Miniatures Monday: Greenhouse Front

I finished the front of the Witch's Greenhouse so thought I'd share a photo. I added a front mat from that snakey print fabric and put some of the inner wallpaper on the door panels. There are green hanging beads in both windows. I like the flower emblem on top; the shop has more of a hippie feel to me, doesn't it?

Well sharp eyes will see that I haven't added one thing yet - the doorknobs! Had to look for them! haa!

February 13, 2010

Pink Saturday: Happy Valentine's Day!

Welcome to another Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.

I also stopped by Marina's blog, Only Cute Things. Marina, who blogs from Argentina, had a fantastic post on Friday of some fascinating buildings. (And being into dollhouses, I love looking at architecture, especially the older brick and stone photos she posted.) Hi, Marina!

We're celebrating from the heart this week and what better symbolizes Valentine's Day than a yummy box of chocolates?

Doll artist Christa Chayata summed up the best part of the holiday with her new miniature doll named Ann. Christa says she'd already made the chocolates, so why not have someone like a cute little girl holding them?

Good idea, right? She's darling! See more of Christa's work (and a fantastic closeup of those chocolates!) at her blog.

February 11, 2010

Snow Snow Snow!

Tons of it. Sigh. Here's a use for it - how about snow ice cream?
See recipes and a video at Fatal Foodies. Let me know if you try it. :>)

February 08, 2010

Miniatures Monday: Congratulations to Anna Hardman for Doll of the Year Award!

Doll maker and IGMA Artisan Anna Hardman can add another title to describe her amazing, hand-sculpted miniature dolls - award-winning!

Anna's wonderful miniature porcelain bride, Livia, made from her own original mold, was named a 2010 Doll of the Year Industry Choice Winner from Doll Reader Magazine.

Doll Reader Announces 2010 DOTY Industry's Choice Winners

Artist Miniature Doll
• Tiny Wonder, by Claire Taylor Dolls
• Livia - Victorian Bride, Anna Hardman
• Elle, by Laura Tuzio-Ross
• Little Darling “Joy of Life,” by Gabriele Mueller, Gaby-Dolls
• Chocolate Bunny Surprise, by Goodreau Doll

Anna, who sculpts many of her own dolls, says this doll is special as it was named for her grandmother, Livia, a rare name in Russian. Sadly, Anna says the week she finished the doll she'd found out that her grandmother, whom she called Babushka Livia, had passed away in Ukraine. But she feels her grandmother "must have been watching over me or something."

Anna decided to dress the 5 1/2" tall doll in late Victorian style, deciding to go "the less the better. I didn't want to lavish her with flowers and gems and ruffles. She portrays youth, beauty and sadness. No Victorian woman was very happy to get married then."

Congratulations, Anna! The recognition is well-deserved! Be sure to check out her other amazing dolls, too.

February 06, 2010

Pink Miniatures for Pink Saturday: An early Valentine

Getting a late start today for Pink Saturday at Beverly's blog, How Sweet the Sound.

I also stopped by Jeanne's blog at Back Yard Neighbor - she's showing some great vintage Valentine's today. I love those!

Seeing so many beautiful pink cakes and mini goodies lately on The Mini Food blog got me in the mood to create a Valentine's scene.

I had this table and several cakes, so decorated a few more and made some mini magazines which was fun. Hadn't done these in awhile. But there are some great covers out there! (I added the pic with the penny so the non-miniaturists can get an idea of size.)

I included a couple of the cover pix already shrunk down for you to use. Just add your own back cover. These magazines have a slight edge so leave about 1/16" of white space in the center.

Megan's Miniatures has some great modern magazines to print, too.

** Be sure to come back for Miniatures Monday and see an amazing original - an award-winner, too!

February 05, 2010

Is it Real or Miniature? Photo Scenes

These are some of the most fantastic photos I've seen. Check out these
amazing scenes. Look at the cars! These are incredible 1:24th scale models. These are the kinds of photos you can look at again and again. These are the best I've ever seen.

February 04, 2010

A Good Laugh Today at Fatal Foodies

Sharing a good laugh today with two famous women at Fatal Foodies. It's a good one! And we all need that once in a while right?

February 03, 2010

First Graphs: Children's book, The Secret of the Bradford House by Albert Bell Jr.

Welcome to Albert A. Bell, Jr., author of THE SECRET OF THE BRADFORD HOUSE (Ingalls Publishing Group, April 2010), the sequel to the award-winning SECRET OF THE LONELY GRAVE.

In The Secret of the Bradford House, friends Steve and Kendra find a new neighbor-and a new mystery.

What is that light in the attic window of the spooky old Bradford House? Could it be a ghost? Hidden stairways and secrets from World War I draw the friends into investigating the mysteries of this small town in Kentucky’s Land Between the Lakes... what they find is beyond any of their imaginings.

The spooky old Bradford House at the top of the hill has loomed over Steve Patterson and Kendra Jordan's neighborhood for years. But not until a new neighbor, 11-year-old Rachel Mendoza, notices an eerie light in an attic window does the question arise: Is there a ghost in the house?

While they try to answer that question, Steve and Kendra have to deal with the tension caused by the presence of a "new kid" in the neighborhood, one who seems to have a more than casual interest in Steve. Steve is also reconnecting with his divorced father and learning how difficult that process can be.


“Okay, ten more serves from each side and you’re done.”

When Kendra and I heard the tennis pro at Barkley Lodge say that, we knew the lesson before hers was almost over. That was always the last thing he made his students do. We stopped in the shade of a big maple tree beside the tennis courts, where her mother had dropped us off. Kendra put down the bag with her rackets and other equipment in it. I had brought along a book my dad sent me and a folding chair.

The pro held up one hand and waggled the fingers to us. “Hey, Kendra. Good morning, Steve. Five minutes.”

He spells his name Rolfe and, for the tourists, pronounces it like a dog barking, but everybody around here knows he’s actually just Ralph from over in Paducah. He must be a pretty good tennis instructor, though, considering how good a player Kendra is becoming.

Today Rolfe was working with a dark-haired girl. She was wearing white shorts and a green t-shirt with a school name on it. I guessed she was my age.

“Boy, she’s booming those serves like she’s mad at somebody.” Kendra put her arm up against the tall wire fence surrounding the court and leaned her forehead on it.

** Get information at the author's website. Sample chapter to come!

** A Buy link will be added when the book goes up on

** Review:

Even if I hadn't received an ARC of this book, I'd still have to say I loved it! Kendra and Steve are fun kids to get to know, with a natural curiosity that makes their investigating a perfect extension of their personalities. The book offers an interesting historical tie-in and information that makes the past real and more than just dry facts. I have to admit that I even learned something I didn't know! Boys and girls both will enjoy reading the book.

February 02, 2010

Welcome to Melissa M. Williams, author of children's book, Iggy the Iguana

Today we welcome Melissa M. Williams, author of IGGY THE IGUANA. Oh, and we welcome Iggy, too, who seems to have a lot to say. (Take that insurance company lizard!)

IGGY THE IGUANA is the first book in the Iggy chapter book series for ages 7 to 11. The story focuses on the major themes of acceptance, friendship, and diversity as Iggy goes from a private "all-lizard" school to a public "all-animal" school.

Iggy soon accepts that just because other animals are different doesn't mean they can't be your friends. By the end of fourth grade, Iggy realizes that changing schools was the best move he ever made.

Who is Iggy? Let Him Tell You…

Well, before I became a cartoon character in the Iggy the Iguana series, I was a real, live three-foot green Iguana living in Houston, TX back in the 1990's.

I think the author liked to pretend I was human, because she used to dress me up in clothes, send me to school, and I even slept in her bed. Yes, I was basically human in her eyes, so eventually she turned me and my friends into cartoon characters.

In Iggy the Iguana, I get to experience most everything real kids my age do in elementary school. As I change to a new school, I show the kids that it's okay when life changes and you move to a new environment. I made all kinds of new animal friends—one of them, Liz the Lizard, even became my secret crush! Kids love when they can relate to the life of a lizard!

So, Iggy, what else do you like to do?

Definitely baseball! Ever since I was a little lizard my dad would play catch with me in the back yard after dinner. He is a professional marathon runner, so being healthy and active is a big deal in my family. I've been in Little League ever since I was five. My favorite pastime would definitely be the time my dad took me to Chicago to see the Cubs play at Wrigley Field.

What do you want readers to learn?

Acceptance. I learned that just because I'm a reptile—or green—or not like the other animals at my new school doesn't mean there's anything wrong with me. We are all different, and our differences make us cool! I learned so much about other animals when I became friends with a box shell turtle (Surfer Dude), a silly cat, a bullfrog from the Bronx, and a mouse from Spain. Since I accept others who are not like me, I actually accept myself more, too!

What else do you want readers to know?

I'll let Snap Shell, my best turtle friend, take this one…

Well, dude, I want readers to understand that even if we go through difficult situations in our lives, it doesn't mean we can't learn from those experiences and become better animals. We all have a purpose in life, and later we can help others who may go through something difficult.

Iggy, share a favorite phrase in the book.

I like Snap Shell's comment, "I'm Land Only, Dude!"

When I asked Snap Shell, why he couldn't swim, Snap had to explain to me that not all turtles are swimmers. Snap's not a sea turtle and doesn't have webbed feet, I learned much to my surprise.

What is the lesson of the story?

First impressions are not always correct. Don't be too quick to judge others on the outside. We all have a story.

About the author:

Melissa M. Williams is an advocate for literacy and creativity in children. Her children’s chapter books were inspired by real life experiences with childhood pets she owned while growing up in Houston, Texas.

While finishing her Master’s degree in Professional Counseling, Melissa started substitute teaching in elementary schools to understand the daily life of her young audience.

She now enjoys speaking to students about her own journey as an author and the process of creative writing, while encouraging them to be creative thinkers and write their own stories.

Win Cool Iggy Stuff!

Win the newly released items in the Iggy Collection: Snap Shell the Turtle plush doll, Iggy collector's baseball cards, and the Read3Zero T-Shirt supporting the fight against illiteracy 30 minutes at a time.

** To win the Iggy collection, be the most active visitor during the tour. See tour schedule.

** Buy:

February 01, 2010

Miniatures Monday: Kitty's New Ladies' Shop

I had to share a couple photos of my friend Kitty's latest project, a Ladies' Shop. The project is in an Ikea miniature greenhouse. (I used the greenhouse for my tropical room, which I'll have to share here yet. They do have a lot of room inside.)

* See more of Kitty's minis at Minis by Kitty blog.

January 29, 2010

First Graphs: Stirring Up Strife, A Hope Street Church Mystery by Jennifer Stanley

Today, we welcome Jennifer Stanley, author of STIRRING UP STRIFE, A Hope Street Church Mystery. (St. Martin's Minotaur, Dec. 2009).

WELCOME TO THE HOPE STREET CHURCH…where good folks study The Good Book, but everyone loves a good mystery!

Cooper Lee can repair a copy machine—but can she repair her life? After being dumped by her boyfriend, she moves back home and goes back to church.

The members of the Sunrise Bible Study Group offer the friendships she needs. Then her new friend- the woman who invited her to church-gets her wedding ring stuck in a copier and is found dead. The suspect? Her husband. Now Cooper and the the Bible Study group members hope to snoop out a murderer...


Chapter One

Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.
Psalm 25:16 (NIV)

Cooper Lee was more comfortable with machines than with people. She drove all over the city of Richmond to fix them. By the time she got to these copiers, laminators, or fax machines as they waited in their offices, hospitals, or schools, they were broken. Broken and quiet.

Cooper would arrive and meticulously lay out her tools, and as she did so, the machines didn’t raise their brows in surprise or barely concealed amusement that a woman worked as an office-machine repairman. A thirty-two-year-old woman dressed in a man’s uniform shirt didn’t seem odd or funny to them at all.

Most importantly, they never stared at her eyes.

Her left eye wasn’t worth a second look. It was a flat, almost colorless blue. No one would have dreamed of comparing it to sapphires or deep seas or cloudless summer skies. But the other eye, the eye Cooper had received through ocular transplant surgery after being smashed in the face with a field hockey stick in junior high, was a shimmering green. It was exotic—invoking images of lush jungles flecked with firefly light or the green shallows of tropical waters, in which sunshine was trapped just below the surface.

That single moment at field hockey practice, when a girl on Cooper’s own team had accidentally swung her stick too high as she prepared to hit the ball with incredible force, made Cooper more self-conscious than other teenagers. Still, she wanted what most people want. She longed to have one close friend, to be loved by someone she could grow old with, and for her life to have purpose. Cooper thought she had found all of those in her boyfriend, Drew. Until he dumped her.

Shaking off her gloomy thoughts, Cooper cut a piece of crumb cake for breakfast, wrapped it in a paper towel, filled her twenty-eight-ounce travel cup to the brim with milky, unsweetened coffee, and tossed a banana onto the passenger seat of her truck.

She drove east on I-64, the sun blinding her most of the way. According to Bryant Shelton’s weather report, there wasn’t going to be a cloud in the sky this April Friday. For once, it appeared as though Bryant might be right, though it didn’t matter much to Cooper. She’d be inside offices most of the day, but could enjoy brief moments of sunshine while driving the work van from one destination to another.

At ten minutes to nine, Cooper pulled into the parking lot belonging to one of a dozen corporate buildings re­sembling silvery LEGO blocks. The Make It Work! head quarters was on the fringe of an area called Innsbrook in which hundreds of different companies, replete with an abundance of office equipment, depended upon Cooper and her coworkers in order to operate smoothly.

“Mornin’, Coop!” Angela called out a chipper greeting as Cooper approached the reception desk. Angela’s smile, combined with a vase filled with plump, yellow roses, created a warm welcome. Few people visited the office as most of Make It Work!’s transactions were conducted via telephone, but Angela bought a dozen roses every Monday, claiming that a good workweek always began with fresh flowers.

Angela was in charge of setting up appointments and billing. She was at her desk every morning before anyone else, wearing one of her vintage sweaters, a pencil skirt (both of which were always too tight), and a pair of sexy heels. Angela’s platinum hair, powdered face, and fire-engine-red nails and lipstick were supposed to call to mind an image of Marilyn Monroe, but Angela was older and plumper than the late actress had ever been. Still, Angela was the heart and soul of their small operation. Filled with pluck and boundless optimism, even the frostiest customers thawed once Angela worked her magic on them.

“You’ve got an emergency waitin’ for you, sug.” Angela examined her reflection in a small compact that was never out of reach. “Some poor lady has gotten her weddin’ ring jammed in the insides of a copier.” She held out a pink memo pad and ripped off the top sheet with a flourish.

** Visit the Cozy Chicks Blog

** Buy:

January 28, 2010

The Miniature White House

I finally had the chance to do something I've always wanted - tour the Miniature White House, now on display at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry until Feb. 15.

I discuss the house and some of the rooms today at Fatal Foodies.

** Check out the Chicago Tribune's 36 photos of the miniature White House in this photo gallery.

January 27, 2010

Doll Collecting Inspires Historical Fiction Novel

I first spotted the book, THE QUEEN'S DOLLMAKER, when The Historically Obsessed blog mentioned it and being a doll collector, too, I thought how cool!

Well, although the majority of my collection involves dollhouse miniatures, I also enjoy large size dolls. I have several Barbies and a Cher doll on the shelf above my computer, along with my favorite Thumbelinas sitting in a chair in the living room. Mostly my dolls are smaller and fit in the dollhouses, a way to save space and enjoy two hobbies in one.

But besides thinking this book was a super idea, it appears that author Christine Trent found a way to make her hobby a tax deduction! Laugh, but 300 dolls is no small collection!

In a recent interview, Trent said she was inspired by her dolls, and after reading about France's queen, came up with an idea to combine both interests.

The book, which is sympathetic to Marie Antoinette, is part romance, but deals mostly with the main character's dollmaking profession, which sounds even more interesting.

And get this--Trent is a debut author, who after receiving dozens of rejections, was signed by Kensington after meeting an editor at a conference. Nice to hear good news for a change amid all the the doom-and-gloom book and publishing news lately.

** Buy:

January 25, 2010

Miniatures Monday: Greenhouse Additions

I finally got back to finishing up some things on my Witch's Greenhouse. The 1-inch scale project is set in the Bay Window Shop of the Houseworks' Street of Shops. It is 12.5" w, 11" h and 13" d.

The double window shop of the set houses my Teapot Shoppe. The third corner shop will be a Witch's Bakery, which I have been collecting cakes for. (Most made by my talented friend Kitty. See her work at the Minis by Kitty blog.)

It took me a while but I'm pleased with how the greenhouse is turning out. I decided to make the outside a "regular" shop so if I ever change my mind, I can take out the spooky plants and use it as a regular plant/garden shop. I like the wallpaper (scrapbook paper) so all I'd need to do is change the wall art inside.

The back and outside walls are painted with a gray sand paint (sand added to acrylic paint) to give it texture. After painting and gluing the art, I sprayed the sides with Krylon Matte Acrylic Sealer.

I decided to make a stone/stucco lower strip on each side to match the bottom of the front bay window. I glued different vintage seed packet art on each side as posters. (See preview of house front here.

The stucco is lightweight Spackle tinted with Linen color acrylic. The stones are different shapes cut from the gray egg cartons.

The egg carton stones are tinted with shades of brown, green and orange acrylic, dabbed with black and brown for accent.

The stones are then sealed with Delta Ceramcoat Gloss Varnish and set into the stucco. I like to add a thin layer of tacky glue before I put the stucco on. More glue is added to the loose stones.

(Note: Victoria Miniland has a great egg carton tutorial using pastels to tint the "stones.")

The inside floor is also egg carton stone, though I added more browns to make it darker. I added the wall shelf from a Michael's hutch and am using an old cabinet for plants and supplies. I will also will add a table by the front door. The potting table is handmade and is my original design.

Next, I'm gluing a string of green beads to hang in the front window and deciding how to add a small valance to the door and maybe the windows. The green fabric has these colored stripes that remind me of "snakes."

I probably have more than enough odd plants to fill the shelves, but I keep coming up with new ideas! I'll share more pix as I add new items. Thanks for stopping by and looking!

** Have you done a greenhouse project or are you making any plants of your own? Got a favorite plant? Whose kits do you like to use? Please share!

January 21, 2010

Food and Fiction - sharing favorites

Sharing some favorite mystery books with food today at Fatal Foodies. Check out the questions at the link and share yours!

January 20, 2010

First Graphs: Undivided, a fantasy-mystery story by Marian Allen from Sword and Sorceress XXIII

Today's First Graphs features "Undivided," a fantasy/mystery story by author Marian Allen from MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY'S SWORD AND SORCERESS XXIII. (Norilana Books, Nov. 2008) (What a gorgeous cover!)

The SWORD AND SORCERESS series focuses on strong female protagonists with physical and magical prowess facing difficulties.

"Undivided" is the story of a warrior who must use these weapons, and her wits, to solve the mystery of her servant's kidnapping.

Excerpt from "Undivided" by Marian Allen:

Pimchan's Female did the unthinkable--she burst through the workout room doorway, knocking over the rosewood filigree screen, and entered her Mistress' practice arena uninvited.

Pimchan, ripped from battle meditation, whirled from her knees to her feet and grasped the girl in a double-handed grip designed to tear soul from body. With a brief quiver of muscle, she stopped herself on the very brink of harm.

Through clenched teeth, she said, softly, "Give thanks, my Female, to Chaos, who has granted me control. Now you know why I must not be interrupted."

"Mistress, come!"

The lack of repentance rang alarms. Pimchan released her gently, registering the panic of her female slave, a dark-haired and dark-eyed child of twelve, padded with baby fat. When the girl turned back toward the doorway, Pimchan grabbed her arm.


Allen said she wanted the beginning of the story to paint an image: "the 'seed' was the picture of the girl--called just 'Pimchan's Female'--running to her Mistress for help.

"I wanted to lead with action, communicate who the main character is (Pimchan) and give some flavor of the setting (they have slaves, they use screens instead of doors, they have fighting so they have practice arenas)," she says.

"If the girl has done the 'unthinkable' in interrupting her Mistress, something disastrous must have happened--and it has. Pimchan's reaction to the interruption, and to the news the girl brings, leads directly into the thick of the story. Her punishment of the girl for her action shows what kind of Mistress she is, and foreshadows the resolution."

** Buy:

January 19, 2010

New Logo and new book

New year, new logo.

If you haven't noticed, or haven't been here before, I decided to change my logo and add a photo of my real dog, Shania.

I thought I'd share her photo as the book I'm now sending around, a mystery set in a diner involving a mother-daughter team, also features a white Malamute based on my real-life dog. I'll be sharing more pix at a later date.

January 18, 2010

Miniatures Monday: My Namesake

My friend Kitty and I enjoy trading miniatures and sharing gifts at Christmas. I often find dolls or doll kits during the year that I send to her to redo and re-dress. This year's gift resulted in my own namesake! The doll is named Christine. Thanks, Kitty!

Quite a change as the doll had long (bad) brown hair and now has pretty strawberry blonde hair and a matching dress. I love the colors! I have the twin of this doll so I'll show the original at some point when I redo mine.

You can see more of Kitty's work at her blog, Minis by Kitty

January 14, 2010

Don't Read When You're Hungry!

You know not to shop when you're hungry, right? Did you know not to read when you're hungry? Well, that might be hard to do with some of the latest punny/funny mysteries. See what I mean today at Fatal Foodies.

Be sure to comment and follow us!

January 13, 2010

First Graphs: Children's Paranormal Mystery, Ghost for Rent by Penny Lockwood

In this week's First Graphs, we welcome Penny Lockwood, author of the Middle Grade novel, GHOST FOR RENT. (Hard Shell Word Factory.)

After her parents' divorce, 11-year old Wendy Wiles leaves her city home for a cheaper home in the country in rural Oregon. She soon learns that her quaint country home is haunted.

Wendy, her brother, Mike, and her new friend, Jennifer, soon discover the truth behind the haunting, uncovering an accidental death, a suicide, and murder.

Excerpt from Ghost for Rent:


With the rain pelting her, Wendy ran from her bus stop to her apartment building. She couldn't wait to get home. Maybe she'd call Darcy and see if she could come swim in the indoor pool.Or, maybe, she'd just go to the exercise room and work out before dinner. She couldn't make up her mind. Her twelve year old brother, Mike, liked to go straight to the arcade room, so she and Darcy would stay away from there.

Karl, the door man, greeted her as she skidded to a stop under the rain awning. “Good afternoon, Ms. Wiles.” He opened the door for her with a theatrical flourish.

“Good afternoon, Karl.” Wendy smiled, careful not to show her braces. She always felt grown-up and elegant when Karl open the door for her.

After entering the foyer, she groaned. Mike, dressed in his usual black jeans and tee-shirt, leaned against the elevator button, banging his head to the awful heavy metal music he enjoyed so much. She heard his Walkman even though he listened through earphones. Life would be almost perfect if it weren't for him, she thought.


** Visit Penny's blog

January 11, 2010

Miniatures Monday: Half Scale Dollhouse Rooms

Between writing, I've managed to finally get most of this half-scale shadow box house decorated. (Ignore a few half-finished things in the photos.)

I used some items I've saved from swaps with the Half Scale yahoo group and repainted some plastic furniture like the bed.

I also added some inexpensive wood kit furniture like the living room couch.

I made the fireplaces, and loved trying to make everything match the wallpaper in the blue toile room.

I made all the curtains and the kitchen cabinets. The kitchen table is also a small vintage plastic piece. I painted the top to make it look like an older metal-topped table to go with the wallpaper, and added a matching tablecloth.

As I bought the house already wallpapered, the fun part was adding flooring to divide the lower floor. I wanted to give each section its own look and give the whole floor a shabby chic feel.

Note: Half scale is roughly half the size of 1-inch scale. To give you an idea of size, the refrigerator is just under 3 inches tall; the couch is about 2 1/4 inches wide.

January 08, 2010

Let the Countdown Begin- Agent Search and Book Publication

Yesterday officially began my search for an agent for my mystery featuring a mother-daughter team set in a Wisconsin diner. The first query has been emailed!

This is not the only book I have circulating, but I thought I'd pick one book to track publicly. So stay tuned for updates!

January 07, 2010


Now that I've got your attention...

With my food-related mystery now completed and the submission process ready to start, I've begun blogging about food and mysteries again. I'll be blogging on Thursdays at the Fatal Foodies blog. Today's topic: cheesecake! Why? Well read the post and find out!!

I'll be sharing my submission progress and writing tips also so stay tuned!

January 06, 2010

First Graphs: Killer Career by Morgan Mandel

Today we welcome romantic suspense author Morgan Mandel. The excerpt is a little longer than usual, but I think you won't be disappointed!

In her latest book, KILLER CAREER (Choice One Publishing), a lawyer’s career change could be a killer when her mentor, a NY Times bestselling author, does more than write about murders.

Julie McGuire wants to leave the law firm she and her partner, Dade Donovan built, so she can follow her dream to be a writer.

She’s flattered when well-known author, Tyler Jensen, shows an interest in her. Is she attracted to him or the world he represents? Dade's not taking her defection lightly, and Julie’s not happy about deserting him. Where will he fit in her life?

Excerpt from KILLER CAREER:

Julie McGuire gazed intently from her table in the filled-to-capacity dining room of the Wyndham Hotel. The Love To Murder Mystery Conference had saved the best for last. New York Times bestselling author, Tyler Jensen, now approached the podium.

His entire bearing commanded attention, from his shoulder length wavy chestnut hair pushed back behind his ears, to his sexy sideburns and piercing hazel eyes. She guessed him to be thirty-five, about five years older than she. Clever, rich, tall, and handsome, Tyler Jensen looked the embodiment of any woman’s fantasy.

“Many of you have killed,” Tyler said, pointing to his audience of two hundred plus.

Julie stared. What did he mean?

“Yes, you’ve slaughtered your creativity. You’ve squashed your dreams in favor of immediate gratification.”

My God, he knew. She ignored the tinkling sound, as a waitress placed a carafe of ice water on the table.

Julie stared, transfixed, at Jensen. His every word spoke to her. She’d taken the easy way out and become a lawyer instead of following her heart’s desire to be an author. The decision ate at her. After six years in the practice, she’d saved enough money to get by. She badly wanted to claim her dream and step forward into the world he described.

All too soon, he’d finished his speech. “Any questions?”

Julie shot up her hand. Jensen’s knowing hazel eyes fastened on her, as if assessing her straight blonde hair and tall, slight frame.

He nodded. “Yes, second table.”

On suddenly stiff legs, she rose. “What makes you write mysteries?”

“I have an urge to voyeuristically experience atrocities. I’ve no idea where the fascination comes from. Perhaps I was a criminal in a former life,” he said with a self-deprecating laugh.

Julie swallowed. His answer filled her with a vague uneasiness, but she didn’t know why.

** More information:

* 5-star review, Midwest Book Review

* Choice One Publishing

* Visit Morgan's blog

** BUY:

January 04, 2010

2010 Resolutions vs Goals

With 2010 underway, many people have already broken the New Year's resolutions they made. That's why it's better to make goals.

Goals are something to work towards and things you know can be achieved. Resolutions are often vague notions that sound like a good idea but don't usually get followed up on.

Making a list of goals is motivating and helps you to stay focused. Often when there are too many things you need to do, it's easy to get overwhelmed. By working on one goal at a time, you stay focused and once you check off that goal, you can look at your list later in the year and see what you accomplished.

So feel free to make a list here or publish it at your blog so we can all check in later and see what was completed. Here's to a successful 2010!

My Goals for 2010
1. Find an agent for the just-completed mystery set in a diner.
2. Find an agent and/or publisher for a fun kid's picture book with monsters.
3. Finish short stories in the works and find markets for completed stories.
4. Find more paying nonfiction.
5. Usual ongoing diet and exercise stuff.
6. Complete miniatures projects that are half-done.

* Later, I'll be sharing more posts on the writing process and the agent search process.

** What are your goals and projects for 2010?

January 01, 2010

Happy New Year 2010! The Year 2009 in Review

A look back on some of the year's posts for 2009. I've listed some, but not all, of my favorites, Happy New Year!


* Writing Tip 10: Make a Timeline by LJ Sellers
- Put writing tip in search box to get more great tips from other authors.

* Writing Tip 17: Limit Sentences says Debbie Macomber

* 10 Easy Ways to Improve your Writing
- A few reminders every now and then can't hurt.

* Five Simple Ways to Finish Your Stories - Simple. Really.

* Interview, Barbara Techel, author, Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog
- Inspiration from the little dog who can - and does. Fun kid's book.

* First Graphs: Makeovers can be Murder by Kathryn Lilley
- A fun mystery for readers to sample. Put First Graphs in search box to see excerpts of other books.

* Book event in Galena, Ill.
- Had a great time in a great spot with great company. Can't you tell it was great? :>)

* Interview with 'Bollywood' author Shobhan Bantwal, The Sari Shop Widow
- A fun light romance with an Indian background

* Meet author and miniaturist Margaret Grace, Malice in Miniature
- Who can beat that? Miniatures and a mystery! She shares a how-to also on day 2.

* Story in New Timeshares anthology
- My turn: a little about my upcoming story in this time travel anthology from DAW Books. Put new story in search box for information on other stories I've done.

* First Graphs: My Dear Mrs. Jones
- Excerpt of my story in the new anthology, The Bitter End: Tales of Nautical Terror


* Kitty's Fashionable Miniatures
- What woman doesn't love shoes? And in miniature they're even cuter! (Put miniature or miniatures in search box to see work from other great miniaturists.)

* Kitty's Chocolate Shoppe
- Kitty does it again! Who can resist chocolate - and it's calorie free! An amazing yummy room!

* Miniature Rooms in Unusual Containers
- Miniaturist Fern Rouleau has a knack for making the most interesting scenes. Chicken, anyone?

* Patty Clark's miniature babies
- Cutest little babies (and toddlers) ever; a Mother's Day interview

* 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature, Day 1
- Check out the great spooky miniatures. Boo!

* 12 Days of Christmas in Miniature: Twas the Night Before Christmas
- Enjoy 12 days of great Christmas miniatures from various miniaturists

* Thanks for visiting and see you in 2010!