May 24, 2024

New Story & Horror anthology coming!


Remember that "eye" photo I shared before?

My story, "Blink!", will be coming soon in the Shadows II horror anthology from Inkd Publishing. (See their Facebook page.) The story is a bit gruesome, but not gorey. It's more creepy-weird-Twilight Zoneish. This one was fun to write!

*** There will be a Kickstarter for the anthology starting in July. Check out the page here and sign up to get in on some cool stuff! 

May 20, 2024

Minis Boxed In!


While I've been doing "writerly" stuff, I also was working on that shadow box I mentioned before. (* See last posts on a new story coming and the sunflower tiny house project. Click photos for full size.)

The "before" above, just a plain display box I found some time back at a yard sale or something.  Nothing special, but I know I got it cheap and I must've seen some potential in it. There was blue felt on the back, which I knew had to come out.

The "After": 

Much better! Sanded off that felt, then painted and papered the insides with scrapbook paper. I also put some lightweight spackle (wall covering compound) on some of the side inner walls and painted it. 

I thought of it as a kind of "house," so you have the front door entrance, various rooms, a basement, an outside, and then the attic spaces. The spaces are actually not that big - the center door space is only 5 1/2" high and the bottom smaller spaces are about 3 1/2" high - so it's a good size to fit half-scale (1/24th) furnishings in.

I used scrapbook paper tile on the bottom here, "stuccoed" walls, and put some vines up with wisteria-type flowers. The flowers are wire with glue stuck into that shredded colored foam. I bought a bargain pack of half-scale doors at the last show, so I used one of those. I  made two steps under the door from pieces of painted foam board. The pots are 1" scale, but I liked using bigger pots here and already had some geraniums made. I'll add a few furnishings in here as well.

The bottom floors have brick paper and flooring made from egg carton stones. The right side is an outside space so it has the "grass" between the stones.

For fun, I put a cute fireplace I had in this room, which I figured had a Halloween feel. The fireplace light actually flickers. I'll probably hang some spooky art in here temporarily.

For the top "attic" space, I cut pieces from a wood placemat I had. I thought this dial on one of the scrapbook papers made a cool background. I like that and might use it in a house later on, too. The other attic space has textured brick wallpaper (from Starboc 2 on Etsy.)

Just a little preview, until I decorate these more. I was considering this as kind of a "holding" project for furniture and things until I use them somewhere else. 

I still haven't really quite decided on what to work on next. I am considering the Raggedy Ann house since it's assembled and has electric tape in. And it's a smaller house, though it still takes as much time to do no matter the size! I have to decide on wallpapers (likely shades of red, yellow, and blue) and what colors to paint the outside (probably the same as the papers.) I did put some papers together, so at least I am thinking about it. ha!
Maybe I'll just start doing something so I get in the mood to work on it. I don't quite have any inspiration - yet! I'll let you know when I have some things to show on it.

Thanks again for visiting! Come back soon for more posts and other news!

May 15, 2024

Writing Interruption: New Story Coming!

 While I'm working on that display shadowbox - the wallpaper is almost done in all the cubicles - I've got some new writing news!

Yay! A new short story's been accepted. This is a rather creepy one, but I had fun with it and hopefully you'll get a little chuckle out of it in a strange way. Kind of Twilight Zoneish, I think.

More details soon but here's a hint:

You'll see. It makes perfect sense! haaa!

May 06, 2024

The Tiny Sunflower Dollhouse - Progress!

Ta-dah! The back!
Below: the front (which I showed before, but not attached yet)

 I finally worked some more on that tiny yellow sunflower house. (See previous post.) * See the 50% off sale link at end below!

That piece of chipboard fence I used above on the balcony sure came in handy. I also cut teensy pieces to use for chair "legs" instead of cutting and gluing pieces of wire that they always want you to do in these kits. (It was a leftover fence piece from Alpha Stamps.)

So far what's done:

I did get the side walls and floor glued in, and some furniture placed. There are some goofs, but hopefully, they're not too noticeable. 

The living room/kitchen:

I decided not to use the center counter. I made a table with a bead base and used wood pieces to make a chair (using those horrible wires, but this time they stuck on!) That bead table looks a little hokey but actually looks better from the top angle. Maybe... I may change that top yet to a small painted square. What do you think?

That small white table with the "greenery" plant by the window was cut off another piece and sanded down. I thought it fit there well. I hate that I see every little flaw I have to touch up. haa! Oh, well! 👀😇

I ignored all those fiddly lights and decided to cut the plastic piece they gave for a standing lamp and glued it to the ceiling. I used a clear pony bead on the second floor ceiling and painted inside as a side table by the bed.

Odd that the bathroom didn't have a toilet so I adapted one using a bead base, cut an oval seat from mat board, then trimmed part of a wood cabinet piece for the back tank. I used the kitchen counter in the bathroom instead.

 I have to make some sunflowers yet, too, which I may put in "pots" (beads) on that front walk. I'll probably put this in a small dome or case, so I may have room for a little grass  and some other flowers or "foam" flowers. We'll see how it goes.

Here's the top floor:

There is a spiral staircase for the right side to the third floor and a ladder that goes in that notch on the second floor, but I honestly don't like either one. I may just leave it as is or think of something clear I can add instead. Then have to connect the LED lights and hinge the front on yet. So far, so good.

Overall, it's not too bad. This stuff is so small that I think it works best to view it overall and not up too close. ha! It's busy, but if you've followed any of my stuff, you know I like busy. 😁

What's interesting is the wallpaper doesn't look that oversized once everything is inside. I still like that top sunflower paper a lot and will use it in another project.

The kitchen pieces again: 

I decided not to use the counter on the right here and painted it lighter for the bathroom.

Here's the bedroom and living room pieces to show the size.

I'll post again once I get more done.

Stay tuned for more posts and updates! Thanks for visiting again!

* FYI: If you didn't know - SALE! 50% off highest item at with code FiveFive50 - to May 9. * Excludes RGT dollhouses, previous orders, landscape kit, no other coupons or discounts. But there is free shipping over $35 (and it counts before the % off.)

April 28, 2024

Soon Summer sunflowers!


One of the tallest sunflowers I had last year!

It is finally nice enough outside and is expected to stay that way now so the real-life planting begins!  (* Click photos for full size.) (* Except....what a storm last night! But the rain will be good for the seeds!)

So, we started planting the rows of sunflowers (about 6 to 8 in each row). First mammoth ones, then a row of what are supposedly giant sunflowers, then a row of lemon sunflowers that are slightly shorter. Then I'll do a row of the bushy sunflowers and if there's room, an extra row of Mexican sunflowers.

Mini-wise, I like making flowers, too, sunflowers being a favorite. Here's some I made for the Witch's Cottage before: I hadn't made these in a while, so they they were fun to make again. Will have to do some more, plus make even tinier ones to go with the Tiny Sunflower House underway. Here's more pretty hollyhocks and yellow daisies I also made for the Witch Cottage.

In real-life I also put in a patch of Mexican sunflowers in an old tire and opposite the large sunflower area. I also have another spot visible from the deck that had only a few come up last year, so I want to add even more this time. I love the different bright orange shades of these flowers. (See Tithonia.)

Also have been soaking the Morning Glory seeds and got one planter done. Have three more to go once the seeds are ready. This was a pretty flower last year. I'll share more photos as things bloom.

The planters go next to some trellises we put up on the side of the house. Hopefully we'll have a bunch bloom this time.

I'd like to try something like these in miniature yet. Will have to look at my punches to see how close I can get.

That's it for now! Will post more as I make progress on some things.

I did start painting that compartmentalized box to make into "holding" rooms. I'll share that, too.

Thanks again for visiting! I appreciate your stopping by! Btw, you can sign up for email headline alerts in the box in the left column that'll let you know when I have a new post!

April 26, 2024

Xtra Special! #Ghost Fiction Coming - Surprise!

Another writing interruption - and a cool, or should I say booooo! Surprise!


Taking the third listing on the cover, C.A. Verstraete brings "Secrets of the Lost Mine" to Noncorporeal II where "The mine has haunted Jake Simon since childhood. Now, with its closing, maybe he'll find peace - and discover its secrets."
* Time to get in yet on the Kickstarter!!
* See their Facebook page.

April 25, 2024

W for One Hit Wonders Fiction: A to Z Blog Challenge 24

 Today for the A to Z Blog Challenge, I'd thought I'd share again a great short fiction anthology I have a story in. The stories are really fun to read. Be sure to put up a review if you read it!  (Back to Day 1 - Next: X-Y-Z, The End)

The unique anthology, (I Just) Died in Your Arms: Crime Fiction Inspired by One-Hit Wonders is now available!

** New review: 4 stars! See

Based on 12 somewhat familiar songs, including my haunting tale, "Wildfire," inspired by the sad song  of the same name. See the song and story list below.

***BONUS! Buy the paperback - free shipping anywhere!! * Get it here! (If any problems, use main link here.) Paperback only $10! 

* Another option - paperback only $12 at IngramSpark.

 * Also available on Kindle and at Barnes & NobleSmashwordsKobo - UK, Kobo - US 

* Just saw it on the Japanese Kobo site  * German site - and Australia 

* Find it on Goodreads.

(Note: affiliate link may earn some commissions.)


Songs and stories: 

* Vinnie Hansen: 96 Tears

Song: 96 Tears, ? and the Mysterians (1966) - Listen 

Jeanne DuBois: Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye

Song: Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye by Steam (1969) - Listen

* Josh Pachter: The Rapper

Song: The Rapper by The Jaggerz (1970) - Listen

* J. M. Taylor: It’s Hard to Die

Song: Seasons in the Sun by Terry Jacks (1974) - Listen

Christine Verstraete: Wildfire

 Song: Wildfire by Michael Martin Murphey (1975) - Listen

* Sandra Murphy: Pigeon Talk

Song: 867-5309/Jenny) by Tommy Tutone (1981) - Listen

 * Joseph S. Walker: Come On Eileen

Song: Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners (1982) - Listen

* Wendy Harrison: It’s Raining Men

Song: It’s Raining Men by The Weather Girls (1983) - Listen

* Bev Vincent: Somebody’s Watching

Song: Somebody’s Watching Me by Rockwell (1984) - Listen

* Leone Ciporin: Life in a Northern Town

 Song: Life in a Northern Town by Dream Academy (1985) - Listen

 * Adam Gorgoni: Bitch

* Song: Bitch by Meredith Brooks (1997) - Listen

* Barb Goffman: Teenage Dirtbag

 Song: Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus (2000) - Listen 

April 24, 2024

Update on Mini House: A Z Blog Challenge 24

 For U, I decided to add an update on that "tiny house" kit I was working on. It's almost together, but I've been working on getting the inside pieces put together and finishing the outside.  (*Click photos for full size.) Back to Day 1)

Here's the kit as it was: (The house is 5" h, 3" w.)

I decided to add some lace with glitter touches on it in the inside windows. I'll share that later when I show how it's assembled. 

Here's the new outside. I decided to use a bolder, larger brick on the bottom step. I think it adds 'something.' I cut pieces from a chipboard railing I had for the balcony. Easier than using the tiny pieces they wanted you to cut. Of course I've lost pieces so had to improvise. I made a new plain front door from mat board and made a wreath for it. The smallest top shutters were cut from pieces of wood.

I rather like how this is coming out so far!

This is the paper on the inside walls.

The kitchen pieces again: 

Here's the bedroom and living room pieces so far.

I went with yellow and print fabric instead of the gray for the couch and chair. And I painted the formerly pink bed headboards white. The other furnishings were in shades of blue and turquoise. There are more pieces, but they need to be accessorized yet.

I'll show more as I get things done. The biggest part was getting all the exterior done, so, moving on! Next is getting the floors glued, the wires attached, the walls glued, and then putting the hinges on the front wall. The crazy teensy spiral stairs are assembled, though I had to add a few steps since I didn't space them out enough for the height.

Stay tuned for more posts and updates! Thanks for visiting again!

April 23, 2024

The Dollhouse Mansion Roof: A-Z Blog Challenge 24


Mansion, thrid floor sitting room/bedroom

Continuing the A-Z Blog Challenge. (Back: Day 1; click photos for full size.)

I'm probably behind a letter or two, but I'm just continuing on.

Today's part 2 of showing the finished mansion (so far, there are always things to add!). See yesterday's post of the outside, diner, and floor 2.

I know I showed parts of these rooms, but I've added some pictures and might've moved things around too.

Floor 3: the cook/chef's rooms

I like the old-fashioned feel of the bedroom/sitting room; see other photo at top of post. I used my favorite textured brick paper (from Starboc2 on etsy). I really like this one with the different colors which gives it an aged look. The tile floor sheets are from Melvin's Miniatures. The bed was made from mat board scraps. I realized later the purple tufted chair is signed from Judee Williamson. I changed the Michael's TV (former Christmas scene) to show I Love Lucy.

The table and one chair is part of the kitchen cupboard kit from D. Tales (Ron Chase). The other chair is from All About Miniatures. I still have to add books in that bookcase too! (Bookcase kit, SDK Miniatures.) Yes that's a tiny fishtank under the light, found it in my stash from a past swap.

Right side bedroom/kitchen: 

This house kit was fun as I could adapt it with the idea of separate apartments in mind. So this is the diner chef's room. And since he likes to cook, he doesn't mind sleeping in the same space with a small sink and cooktop so he can try out new recipes. Have to add a small TV in here for him yet. 

The sink counter and small cabinet is from the kitchen cupboard kit from D. Tales. I painted the table from a past half-scale group swap. The bed was made using extra pieces from a punch-out furniture kit. TIP: I glued the top bed cover to a piece of aluminum foil so it looks like an unmade bed. 

The rooftop:

I loved making the rooftop garden, giving me another floor to decorate. I have to find/add a small grill yet. I also put LED lights around the edge of the greenery. And had to have a gargoyle figure on top to guard the house.

The nice thing is this house isn't real big, so it's easy to take off the cover and decorate for the holidays. I look forward to putting Halloween and Christmas items in here. You'll be seeing more of this house later when I add other things and re-decorate.

What's next? Some updates on that "tiny house" kit...

After that? We'll see.... Stay tuned for a few more monthly posts.

Oops! Sorry, about the video front being on the side! The rest is normal! (I can't test these until the post goes live. If they don't work, they're on YouTube - front video.)

Video: back of house -  on YouTube.

Thanks again for visiting! Hope you've enjoyed touring the project. Hard to believe it's about complete now except for a few additions. 

Now what do I do????? haa!

April 22, 2024

Putting the Dollhouse Mansion Rooms Back Together - A to Z Blog Challenge 24


The Park Ave. Mansion front

* Continuing the A to Z Blog Challenge, I'm putting several days' letters together and probably mixed some days up. (Click photos for full size; See previous L post on the mansion with other photos. Back: Day 1)

Finally - finally! I can show some final pictures of the Park Ave. Mansion (from Laserdollhousedesigns which I bought on eBay.) Hope you're not sick of this project yet. I'm not! haa!  ** Link at bottom but here's part 2 showing the rest of the mansion. ***

I love flowers, mini and real! - Front of the mansion (this was at Easter.) The left planter is kind of cool - for something different, I used an old wood spool. I made all the flowers from punches.

Sad... the real-life tulips aren't even open yet and now it's gonna get near freezing again. Even some frost expected. Grrr! Hope they survive as they'll be so pretty!

As I mentioned in the last post about my favorite Half Scale Mansion, I had a lighting problem 💩 which I'd put off fixing for quite a few days since I was really aggravated about it. Well, last Monday I I finally decided to tackle it and---TA-DAH! It worked - the "it" being fixing the diner wall light and rewiring the standing lamp on the third floor. What a huge relief!! 😅

Well.... Never be too quick to celebrate. 💩💩The diner wall lamp bulb burned out. Again, a second time. *&^%!!! And several days later, I finally got brave enough to fix it. Yay!!!!! It  wasn't as bad as the first time. What a freaking nightmare! I'm leaving the house alone for now! I moved nd covered it until I decide to add more things. 

Lesson learned: I ended up having to re-solder a separate bulb and light cord on.I kept the light wire super long and all I have to do is pull the lamp frame (which is glued separate) to fix the light. Whew! I know, more than you want to know, but I have to rant a bit. ha!

On to the tour!

 Here's the finished back, which I didn't show before. (I admit, I get tired of retaking photos and sometimes I'm just too lazy to re-do them! ha!) For example, there is a fern plant and screen added since this photo at the end of the second floor bedroom so the chaise is in a different spot now. haaa!

Despite some initial building problems I had, probably since I had changed some of the original design to delete some walls and fake walls, this came out better than I thought. To be different, I made false walls, doors, and lit exit signs on the left side walls that would go out to "the halls" instead of using stairs. Yes, that's where the bathrooms would be, too. Gotta use your imagination. 😀

Floor 1: Diner
I've shared this before (See previous post with diner photos) as I just love how it came out.
A tip: the hanging globe lights here and on the third floor ceiling are actually cut from LED Christmas light replacements. They're a cut-glass pattern and work really well!

Here's the left side. I changed the curtains on the door as I think they match better now.

 I'd thought of making a diner awhile ago, but it was fun adapting it to the smaller half-scale size. (1/2" = 1 foot, so a person is roughly near 3" tall.) I still have another cafe table kit (SDK Miniatures) to make and put in.

I moved some things around and added appliances on the end counter. I might add a glass yet for the shakes. I did add a mug under the coffeemaker after this photo and touched up the blender. (All from ShopMiniDecor and More on etsy.) The counter is my own design, using some cabinets from  MiniEtchers.

I love how real the cooking food looks. Made them from Model Magic Clay, painted, (red/pink, and burnt umber) then added some Glaze and some paint to make it look like cooked grease.

Added some buns with toppings in the works for the burgers. The tomatoes are cut from a polymer clay cane I bought awhile ago. Some of this stuff is close to 1" scale size (like the tomato cane) but I sized everything to the smallest plates. I don't like things so tiny you can't see them or handle them. I drop enough stuff and have to hunt for it. ha!

Floor 2: The rich widow's apartment

I loved the colors in here. The bedroom furniture is part of a Victorian set from HartsDesireMinis on etsy. I think the screen is from a second Victorian set with a vanity and dressing table I haven't made yet. I made the chaise from a d. anne ruff furniture pattern.

Floor 2: sitting room, right side

I made the chairs, chaise, and octagon corner table from the d. anne ruff patterns. I remodeled the fireplace and made the mantel for it using marble wallpaper. I added a gold filigree flower with glued on "jewels" in front of the fireplace opening. I bought the right side lamp (a Brooke Tucker Golden Christmas idea) from someone a long time ago.

I do have a pair of resin half-scale doll kits from Marcia Backstrom saved that I was lucky to find a long time ago. They're assembled but I have to dress, paint, and wig them. They're an older couple and I'd thought they'd fit the theme here. But that'll take me a while to get to making them. I haven't worked on dolls in a while so this will be a challenge.

* Part 2 tomorrow: I'll share the third floor and roof garden, and the videos next, so be sure to come back tomorrow!

Thanks again for visiting!