October 25, 2011

Day 6: Halloween in Miniature 2011 : More Spooky Places & Pumpkins

Welcome to Day 6 of the 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature.

(** If you haven't, be sure to check in at Day 1.) (NOTE: Today also is the Internet Bookfair Blogfest, see info and check an excerpt of my spooky eBook at the end of this post. )

Let's get back to the party, shall we? We'll take the long way around...

Oh, careful! Mrs. Bones has been trying sooo hard to lure guests to her party in the graveyard (above). But I wouldn't do it - you know how cemeteries are.... guests check in, but they never check out! haaa!) Cemetery scene by Janet Whittig - see her Facebook page.

Here, I see a shortcut. Let's take this path and....

Ahhh! LOOK OUT! Oh, I didn't see the sign to THE HAUNTED FOREST! (Crazy tree and haunted tree by Jacqui, Ceynix Miniature Trees and Trains. )

Run-run! Oh there's another one--is-is it reaching out?

Hurry! Let's slip in the back door. We'll go to the kitchen first and get some goodies. Still thinking about pumpkins....

Mmm, Pamela of Pamela J Minis has a fantastic assortment of fresh pumpkins... So which one to pick?

Wait. Oh, I see it. There's one in the back...

Arrgh! Who would've expected the pumpkins to be so, well, aggressive? (Attacking pumpkin by Patty Benedict, Woopitydooart.)

Oh, and those pumpkins? Well... I'd be careful. The last person who tried to pick those left a few things behind (haaa!) - (Rest of the pumpkin scene from Pamela J Minis.)

Well, we don't seem to be having much luck with fresh pumpkins are we?

Oh, and you asked about the pumpkin pies again? Well, uh, there's a reason production's been kind of slow... Here's why: (Okay, kind of sick but hey, it's Halloween! Sorry I couldn't resist I saw this somewhere and it cracked me up. And if you did the photo, please share and I'll credit you, unless you'd rather not admit it. haa!)

Okay, next stop, let's mingle and meet more of the guests, so come back tomorrow...
** NEXT: Day 7 - BACK: Day 1

** ** Check out the Internet Bookfair Blogfest My entry:

Spooky reading, perfect for Halloween! A light horror short with a dash of humor....The Killer Valentine Ball by C.A. Verstraete:

BUY: Muse Bookstore - Other links

The music played quietly in the background. When the shadows brightened, Jess caught a quick glimpse of one of the couples. The young man's mouth gaped open. His partner's gown glistened with streams of dark ribbons. The light flashed again and Jess gasped. Those weren't ribbons! The girl's dress shone with dark glimmers. Like-like blood, she thought. No, it can't be! She looked back at Dylan, who shook his head and urged her on.
"Light tricks," he whispered. "It's not real. It's Halloween stuff, like the movie. Don't worry."

October 24, 2011

Day 5: Halloween in Miniature 2011: A Sweet Side Trip

Welcome to Day 5 of the 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature.

(** Make sure you check in at the door on Day 1.)

Got your costume? Today, we're going to take a side trip and go Trick-or-Treating! I know some unbelievable places to satisfy the biggest sweet tooth so grab your candy bucket and let's go!

First stop, wow check out the window! Barbara Adair (Barri) of Belfast,Ireland LOVES Halloween. Well she has a good reason, she says: "My birthday is October 25th so we always used to have a family combined birthday and Halloween celebration. I have happy memories of dressing up, ducking for apples, fortune telling and so on."

The "treat" is that Barri was the first in her area to get into miniatures and it took a while, but finally got a few others to join in the fun. "There are four branches of a club operating once a month in the Belfast area and a group of five of us also meet weekly in each other's houses. I started all by myself in 1961, thinking nobody else would be interested," she says.

Her fun project is neat - one of four shop windows (Summer, Christmas, Easter, Halloween) she made to fit into sweet shop post office scene. "I can suit the window to the occasion (when I remember to change them - it is often Christmas in July!)" She made the shop, filled the sweetie jars and collected and/or made all the rest in the window.

Next stop is another place to fill your goodie bags. Oooh, look at all the candy!!!

The amazing "Powell's Sweet Shoppe" in miniature is a dentist's nightmare. Miniaturist Kim Saulter of Kim's Miniatures, (known for her exquisite cupcakes!) made much of the goodies, and added others by fellow miniaturists. Dolls are by Bonnie Justice.

Our tour wouldn't be complete without a stop for some yummy cupcakes, also by Kim Saulter, at the "Little Cupcake Bakeshoppe." Yes, this is a miniature scene. Wow!

* Blogs:
* Visit Kim Saulter's blog, Kim's Miniatures

* Check out more of Barbara's minis

** NEXT: Day 6 - BACK: Day 1

October 23, 2011

Day 4: Halloween in Miniature 2011 - Haunted Places

Welcome to Day 4 of the 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature. It looks like some of the guests are wandering around, so we're organizing a little tour to some of the spookier properties nearby.

(** If you haven't, please make sure you check in first at Day 1.)

Oops, tiptoe past Hays House (by Dorothy Hays, see above and below.) Dorothy, who only began making minis a year ago, (welcome!) made this house from a Michael's puzzle house so she could have a haunted house that lights up.

Oh, no, hurry-hurry. I see Mrs. Finster peering out the window and she does not look happy!

The old bag HATES strangers sneaking around her house. Make sure you stay away from that cane of hers.(Ghost by Nancy Cronin).

Maybe the owner at Henry House is home. I hear she's a fantastic baker! (Kate Henry made the house last year for her granddaughter as a way to cope with the loss of her oldest Pug.) Funny thing about the house though, Kate says her 4-year-old granddaughter, who loves Halloween, "decided it's too scary to go home with her so it should stay in my workshop 'till she grows up. It's nearly a year and she can now look inside without screaming out of the room, but she doesn't want to be any place around it when it's lit up at night."

Kate, who's been making minis for over 10 years, found out how giving miniaturists can be when she moved from Florida to New Mexico to escape the hurricanes.

The late doll maker Beth Lane and her husband invited the Henrys to stay with them, offering the family (including nine dogs, two cats, and a then-pregnant daughter) a place for three months until their home was finished a half-mile away.

Everyone please, back in line. The next house....

Oh, no. Sorry. RUN!

It's the Skellie Dogs, Spike and Fido. Run.... oh, heh, look at that. He wants to play. What do you know? Well, let's keep moving anyway, shall we?

These amazing original dogs are handmade by Alice Zinn.

Alice, who makes an assortment of realistic dogs, also has the distinction of creating a miniature version of the Obama's dog, Bo for the White House in Miniature.

Shall we continue the tour?

* See more of Dorothy Hays's miniatures photos. See more photos here.
* Read my story about Alice Zinn here.)

** NEXT: Day 5 - BACK: Day 1

October 22, 2011

Day 3: Halloween in Miniature 2011 - Sweet Rooms, Sweets for the Sweet

Welcome to Day 3 of the 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature for 2011.

The party went on so late last night that some of the guests stayed over, so we're serving breakfast before everyone gathers for today's festivities. (** Don't forget - before you go into the dining room, get your ID checked at Day 1.)

It's best to start the day with a good breakfast, so today's menu features some protein-rich Witch's eggs and some fortified orange juice made by these bloody red oranges. Oh, and never mind, please ignore the screams in the kitchen. (Foods by IGMA Fellow Kiva Atkinson of Kiva's Miniatures.)

Before you go through the door into the courtyard where the buffet is being set up, you may want to peek into some other rooms for the party. (Courtyard by Tracy Topps, Minis on the Edge.)

Matilda is allowing guests a quick look at her Potion Room, but hands off! This is mighty potent stuff. (Sorry, no children are allowed!) (Handmade potion cabinet and contents by Victoria Dark Squirrel, Dark Squirrel's Miniature Asylum; doll by BellaBelle Dolls.)

Oh, it seems those mischievous Pumpkinhead twins (BellaBelle Dolls) are sneaking around again. Excuse me while I scare them off with a warning about the guard dragon under the stairs. What, you don't believe me? Do you really want to see if this is real?

If any of the kids (or adults) are up for a little snack, there's a great selection of sweets on the party table.

Help yourself, I hear the Graveyard Cakes are nice and chewy. Or how about a tempting green marshmallow Franken-cookie? (Table and sweets by Amelia Schmelzer, The Frippery Factory.)

Amelia, who 's 16 and started making minis in grade school, says her items today are a far cry from when "a lot of the stuff I made looked like something you'd scoop out of a litter box!" (ha!) She loves making minis, plus practicing and improving her skills.

Btw, Amelia invites readers to craft with her in the "I'm a Giant Challenge" to make and furnish a dollhouse by Dec. 15. She says, "mini making is expensive, but I want to prove that you can create an awesome scene without spending hundreds of dollars. I'm thinking there'll be lots of tutorials and maybe some swaps (it's much easier for me to swap mini food than it is for me to actually buy things), so if you have any resources and/or friends who're thinking along the same lines, let me know!"

* This sounds fun! * Read more about the Giant Dollhouse Challenge.

* Blogs:
* Check out the amazing original Paper Clay houses and scenes by Tracy
Topps, Minis on the Edge
* Amelia Schmelzer, http://www.etsy.com/shop/FripperyFactory
* Julie Campbell,BellaBelle Dolls
* Victoria, Dark Squirrel's Miniature Asylum
* Check out Amelia's new venture, free mini food tutorials

** NEXT: Day 4 - or BACK: Day 1

October 21, 2011

Day 2: Halloween in Miniature 2011 : Meet Some of the Guests

It's Day 2 of the 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature party for 2011, and wow, what an event! (* Before you enter, get your ID checked at the door on Day 1.)

We've got some great guests this year - celebrities even!

Why, can it be? Yes, it's the Bride of Frankenstein!

Frank's lady (by doll maker Doll by Julie Campbell of BellaBelle Dolls) is a little cranky, it seems, as Mr. F. has been making eyes at one of the witchy Gagnon sisters! (Witches by Gina Gagnon of Lone Wolf Mini Creations. )

(And in case you didn't know, figures are 1" scale - one-inch equaling 1 foot, so female dolls are under 6-foot, 6-inches-tall, usually about 5 1/2" tall.)

Of course, I'm sure you know which witch caught Frankie's eye without my saying! Ah, but that Mildred, she's a flirt. She's positive Frankie is keen on her. Look at her checking out Frankie when Mrs. F's not looking. Sly witch!

The guests are getting a little nervous, it seems, hoping all this will pass over as you know what havoc happens when Frank loses his temper! And I hear the Mrs. has quite a temper, too. We certainly don't want them ruining the fun!

In fact, Mrs. Stevenson's so nervous, she's lost her head over it! (Groan, couldn't resist! Headless ghost also by BellaBelle Dolls.)

Maybe everyone will feel better when they have a bite to eat. There are some tasty tidbits, sure to please anyone with a "monster" appetite. haaa!

First up are some to-die-for treats from IGMA Fellow Kiva Atkinson. Her food is always a big hit with the guests, and no wonder, considering how yummy everything looks!

Oh, dear, one of the guests asked about fresh pumpkin pie, but it seems there's a problem in the pantry. Well, we'll have to use the frozen pies. Shhh, Mummy's the word!

Besides the sweets, I'd suggest some fresh fruit to start. How about a juicy papaya?

Then there is a wonderful fresh fish plate, though many of the guests prefer the special Eyeball Stew. (Try the blue ones; extra crunchy. haa!)

Still hungry? We'll have some desserts after we tour a few more of the rooms, so see you tomorrow!

Dolls -
* Visit Lone Wolf Mini Creations on Facebook.

* See BellaBelle Dolls on Facebook - Download a PDF story I did on Julie on my miniatures page.

* Foods - Kiva's Miniatures

* Kiva's Miniatures

* BellaBelle Dolls

** NEXT: Day 3: Visit some of the party rooms - BACK: Day 1

October 20, 2011

It's here! Welcome to the 2011 - 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature


Grab your spookiest duds, put on your favorite witch hat and...
-- Get ready to P-A-R-T-Y!!

(Photos: clock, Patty Benedict, Woopitydooart; hats, Kat Hazelton, Kat the Hat Lady)

This is the 3rd annual 12 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN IN MINIATURE. I began the event since:

1. I love miniatures.
2. I get a kick out of Halloween
3. What better way to share my love of both and introduce my visitors to some fantastic miniature art.

So, get on your broom, or if you must use conventional means, hop on your mouse and stop by through Oct. 31. We'll have all kinds of fun tidbits, and maybe even a prize or two so be sure to leave a comment - and don't forget to check out the participants' blogs and websites!

NOTE: If you get lost along the way, each day will have the beginning and next page links at the bottom, so be sure to read to the end of each day's post!

Hungry? There'll be plenty of goodies to sample, so grab a glass of the house wine and enjoy! (I'd sip it slow, though, as it's an oooold vintage and has quite the kick, I hear! haa!) (Wine, C. Verstraete)

Oh, one of the first guests have arrived! Why it's my little witch Minerva. She says she'd love to act as your hostess and introduce you to some of the guests.

But beware, I hear behind that sweet smile, she likes to play a few tricks on the unsuspecting. haaa!


LURKERS will be put in the dungeon! heh-heh-heh (You'll get a better glimpse soon during the tour - skeleton by Karin Foster).


* Real-life vintage clock with handmade sculpted ghost by Patty Benedict, Wooopitydooart. You'll be seeing more of Patty's amazing Halloween figures in polymer clay in the coming days. Check out more pix on her Facebook page.

* Witch hats - wonderful, handmade witch and other hats made by British miniaturist Kat Hazelton (Kat the Hat Lady), who studied millinery and has fashioned original hats for life-size and miniature clients. Read more about her, and see more of her hats, in my short interview in last year's Halloween blog here.

* Visit the Kat the Hat Lady blog - and her Facebook page.

* NEXT: Go to Day 2

*** CONTEST: Comment along the way for a chance to win an ebook copy of IN MINIATURE STYLE II (make a Halloween screen!) or a Halloween salad and cake. (Pic on the website, see Halloween page)!

October 10, 2011

New Mysterical-e Author Snapshot for Fall: Mystery Reads and new anthologies

My latest fall Author Snapshot column at Mysterical-e is now up!

This issue features short and long reads, books and eBooks, in quite an assortment from '30s style pulp and stories with an ocean theme and real estate background, to a mystery with a punk PI sidekick, an inner city lounge owner, and more.

There are stories by S. Furlong-Bolliger, Kaye George, Teel James Glenn, Nancy Lynn Jarvis, Percy Sperlark Parker, Jeanne Matthews, Tim Wohlforth and a cast of others in two anthologies: "Fish Tales" from the Sisters in Crime Guppies and "Mystery Times Ten," a YA anthology, so check it out!

October 05, 2011

Talking Animals, Gracie and Fala 'talk' about writing and such

Today, author Nancy Lynn Jarvis's cat Fala and my dog Gracie (see her pic in the header) are meowing and barking today about why we're not paying attention to them when we're writing.

Read more at Nancy's blog

October 04, 2011

Today's Guest, er, Cat...and Nancy Lynn Jarvis, author of The Widow's Walk League

Today I have a special guest... Nancy Lynn Jarvis, author of the mystery, THE WIDOW'S WALK LEAGUE, is stopping by with her cat, Fala. (Actually, the cat is doing most of the meowing.)

And as a treat, my German Shepherd, Gracie, is "talking," um, barking over at Nancy's blog so be sure to go there, too -- tomorrow. Huh, cats, you know how they are.... ;>) Gracie did manage to ask our guest some questions before she pranced off:

Q: Nice to meet you. What's your name?

I’m Fala. I was named by children who met me at Christmas and were overexcited by the season. They thought it would be fun to call me Falalala, la, la, la like the carol. It was more than seventeen years ago. I was just a kitten and didn’t know better than to accept my fate.

Q: We understand you live with a mystery writer. Is she the parent of the children who named you?

Heavens, no! I climbed into my peoples’ car repeatedly when they came to visit my original people. It took me three years of clawing furniture and leaving mice in their shoes before they understood how unhappy I was and allowed me to escape with my new people. Humans can be so obtuse, don’t you agree?

Q: What breed are you?

That’s such a doggish question! I’m black with green eyes and intelligent and opinionated. Whatever breed that makes me, I’m certain it is a superior one.

Q: I'm not in my writer's book- yet - but I will be. I know it. Does your writer use you in her books?

Unhappily, no. She does have two cats who figure more or less in her mystery series, but both are modeled on cats who were members of the household before I arrived. In her books, Harry was adopted by the protagonist Regan McHenry and her husband Tom after his person was murdered, and Regan and Tom’s other cat, Cinco, is modeled after my writer’s cat Sophie.

Q: Do you help your writer when she writes?

I try to, but she’s not terribly receptive to my suggestions. When I try to type on her keyboard she gets quite agitated and shoos me away. Granted I’m a terrible speller, but she doesn’t even try to understand what I’ve written. Some of my best work has been committed to the ether by her too-quick finger on the delete button.

I’ve tried sitting on her lap purring to calm her as she types, but even that doesn’t work. She’s forever flopping around and talking out loud to herself as she writes as if she were living what she’s putting down on paper. Why, she has on occasion even ducked down behind a chair and pretended to hide.

I feel sorry for her sometimes; she seems to be in such a state, especially if finding a body is happening in her writing.

I remember when she was writing her first book, THE DEATH CONTINGENCY, she actually wound up curled in a ball crying and shaking, she was so upset. I think it was because her characters start out as someone she knows --- Regan was my writer, I think, until she found that body --- but now she renames them right away and says it lets the characters be free to do things the real people she starts them as would never do.

An independence expert like me could have told her that if she asked, but she didn’t. My writer has written four books now and she’s gotten better at the acting out part, but I still have to be careful if she’s doing a tense scene lest she trip over me.

** BUY: Click covers for Amazon.com links:

Q: Writing sounds hard on her? Do you know why she does it?

She says she enjoys it. Humans. I’ve heard her tell people she began writing at the start of 2008 as a game because she got bored when she took time off from being a Realtor, but who really knows.

If she’s having fun like she says, why does she work so hard on the mystery part of writing? Some reviewer said her mysteries were, “smart, funny mysteries.” Another one said they were “well constructed mysteries filled with well hidden secrets like Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple series.”

I think she took those reviews too much to heart. When she’s writing, she doesn’t even want to take a break to play string chase with me. I just don’t think she can possibly enjoy what she’s doing when she doesn’t even want to take time out to watch me being cute. Is your writer as foolish?

(No comment.)

Q: What sort of cat-astrophes happen in your writer’s books?

Cat-astrophes. Aren’t you clever? There are always catastrophes; she writes murder mysteries. Someone is always getting killed. The murderer is always trying not to get caught. Her character Regan is always trying to figure out what really happened even when the police think they know.

Regan’s people reading approach to amateur sleuthing is forever making her very logical husband Tom a little crazy and driving her long-suffering semi-retired policeman friend Dave right up the walls even though he doesn’t have claws. Sometimes Tom and Dave have reason to worry about Regan. I fear she’s not always as clever as she thinks she is because, even if she does figure things out in the end, many times she gets herself in real messes before she does.

Q: You said your writer has four books out. Which do you think my owner would enjoy the most?

Well, cats Harry and Cinco are prominent in THE DEATH CONTINGENCY, so I like that book. You might like BUYING MURDER because it has more action than the other books, you know, tail-chasing and things like that.

I haven’t had a chance to read THE WIDOW'S WALK LEAGUE yet because it’s new and we’ve had a gopher problem that has been requiring my full attention, but my writer laughed often when she was writing it and was talking about Halloween night, an old cars show, and a séance…wait, what am I thinking? Of course, you would like BACKYARD BONES the best. Duh!

You could always go to my writer’s website, and read the opening chapters of each of her books and decide for yourself, or if you have a Kindle, download a sample. Whatever.

Q: In closing, I'd like to remind you dogs rule. Do you have an opinion on that?

Have you ever heard of cat obedience school? Need I say more?

** Well! Nancy it was a pleasure. Gracie is reserving comment on Fala. Thanks, for stopping by!