September 09, 2024

Halloween Spooky Season: Skellies!


Today is Day 9 of #septemberspookyseason24 on Instagram. Daily posts and some giveaways via @wyrdworldminiatures. 

* Follow me also - @cwrite12. I'll try to post my daily (hopefully) Halloween inspiration here also with a reminder. Join in! 

I may not be able to match all of these but I'll try.... (Click photos for full size.)

Today's prompt: Spooky Scary Skeletons! 

I don't know about scary... my miniature skeletons seem to be enjoying themselves!

I love putting them in the dollhouses, like the guy above visiting at the half-scale Witch's Cottage.  See more pix at the link above.

He seems to have made himself right at home, why, even spying on the neighbors! haa! (Well, he's doing better than his dead-looking friend standing in the back corner!)

Even better, he also has a dog! Every skellie needs a dog, you know.