While she does go off on a different path once in a while, most roads on New Yorker Nicole B's blog,
Linus's Blanket, lead to books, books and more books.
For Nicole, blogging came along as a sideline, initially as a way to keep in touch with friends, but now, she's found a niche writing about books and her love of reading.
Her blog is full of books, interviews, and more; not bad for someone who's only been at it since this summer.
"I'm pretty new to blogging," she says. "I was going to be traveling a lot over the summer and mainly, I wanted a place that I could put up some pictures and share stories with my friends, but then somehow I got sucked into the world of book blogging. I was reading a lot while on vacation and started posting my thoughts and then started reading what other people were talking about on their blogs. I just got addicted and haven't really been posting about anything else, although I reserve the right to start posting other things." :-)
Nicole admits that the blog has come to feel comfortable, almost like being at home. She likes being able to discuss her likes, maybe her dislikes, and get the feelings of others. The bonus, she says, is that blogging has brought a whole new dimension to her reading, and her writing.
"I love having a place that I can go back and look at how I have felt about a certain book," she says. "Sometimes my thoughts change and now I can have a reference point and a record. Also, through blogging I am getting a ton of other recommendation from some great blogs. I'm reading some really great writing from other bloggers, which in turn helps me improve the content and quality of my own writing."
Reading, blogging and a few other things

Photo: What is this man doing? (Submitted photo)
The blog has become a kind of online home for Nicole, a place where she can sometimes wander into other "rooms" (or subjects), or go back and reflect on her previous interests.
"Mostly so far I am writing about the books I am reading although I do plan to branch out to traveling and eating, which are my other two loves," she says. "I love having a place that I can go back and look at how I have felt about a certain book. Sometimes my thoughts change and now I can have a reference point and a record. Also, through blogging, I am getting a ton of other recommendations from some great blogs and reading some really great writing from other bloggers, which in turn helps me improve the content and quality of my own writing."
While Nicole feels she's still too new at blogging to offer advice, she says it shouldn't be rushed. The main thing is to enjoy it.
"I think it just takes some trial and error and being patient with the process," she says. "I spend a lot of time trying to get the right feel for how I would like to talk about the books I have read and developing a format for me to present my ideas.
"I love to read a lot of blogs, but I have been trying to cut down on the number of blogs I read (just for a little while!) so that I can concentrate on getting to know some people.) I love to follow my comments. I appreciate folks stopping by and I have found some really great blogs so far. The book blogging community is lovely and I am enjoying becoming a part of it very much."
Nicole is a big reader, but she does take time for other activities, like bocce. Did you guess what the photo was about?
"When I'm not reading or more recently on the computer reading book blogs, I love to cook and to socialize," she says. "I am in a couple of book clubs and a friend hosts a game night in my neighborhood which I attend once a month. I throw dinner parties and I am also on a bocce league that plays on Sunday afternoons. I also like to go with my friends to sports games. I never watch them on TV, but I love to watch them live."
** Check out Nicole's 11 book bests lists.
** Your Turn: Be sure to stop by Linus's Blanket and comment. Share your favorite book.
** BBAW Contest: Post a comment about your favorite book here and at Nicole's blog to get your name entered to win a copy of my spooky ebook, "The Witch Tree." Be sure to leave a blog or website to contact you. Contest ends 9/30.
* Read other blogs and news for Book Blogger Appreciation Week at My Friend Amy's Blog
* Find new blogs and read other BBAW interviews here.
Hey thanks for the heads-up post. I'll bop over to Linus' Blanket and check it out also.
Marvin D Wilson
blogs at: http://inspiritandturhts.blogspot.com/
eye twitter 2 - http://twitter.com/Paize_Fiddler
Hello just visiting to see your interview. I've got my interview already posted. It was a podcast.
What is that man doing? ... How weird.
You said we can post for the contest here too... so I'll just post here... if that's alright... ?
My favorite read is Alice in Wonderland and through the Looking Glass... I was so glad I actually went and read through the books, I love the movie, but the books are way better!
etwilight @ yahoo .com
What a nice interview, Christine. I've been trying to stop by all of the interviews and this is the first one that seems conversational.
I've played bocce but I never would have guessed that is what he was doing. After knowing the picture makes a little more sense.
My favorite book of all time is To Kill a Mockingbird. The voice is wonderful and it's one of those books that reminds us there are good people in the world.
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