August 19, 2024

Halloween: Abandoned Room 2

Still working on the abandoned room project I started recently. The background and ceiling - scrapbook paper; floor - wood placemat - are done and I'm really happy with the results. I may put curtains up, or some raggedy remains yet though it is fine as is. This is something I've wanted to try for awhile so finally had the right container to do it. The photo box is  5 1/2" h, 8 1/2" w, 3" d.  (Click photos for full size.)

Funny, as it turns out I switched the windows by mistake, though it doesn't really matter. Either side worked for either window. The photo below is to show the lights as it's hard to take a pic of it lit up.

I know, it's so small, what's taking me so long? Well, I decided it needed another light, and the problem I had was getting the corner lantern lit... I couldn't seem to get the push-button connector to work for some reason. It lit if I touched the light wires to the battery itself, but wouldn't work otherwise. Hate when there's a hold-up - this was giving me fits! The solution: always works - soldered the connections and now they'll stay. 

It's not real bright; probably would be brighter if I'd used AA batteries but that's okay. It'll work. I didn't want it super bright. I made the lantern using one of those plastic Christmas lanterns, then drilled a hole in the bottom and glued painted mat board around the bottom to cover the wires. I put a painted jewelry finding on top, though it's not really visible. There also are two yellowish-tone LED lights behind the windows. 

I do have some of the furnishings figured out. Just have to age and destroy them. ha! It's a good way to dig in my stash for things that got messed up or I don't mind dirtying up. That'll be next.

Got the couch done, so thought I'd share. Made of mat board, rickety, broke... and a dirty rug.... That really adds a dingy touch! 💀

More photos as more stuff is added! Pretty cool, huh? I'll be adding more cobwebs in the room, too. 

I hate that summer is almost over, but I am sooo ready to go to a miniatures show! The next one is a ways off yet, however - not until Nov. 8-9 in Elk Grove Village, Ill.  I really look forward to these events!

* Thanks again for visiting! Don't forget, you can sign up for the email headline updates in the left column. I plan on doing more Halloween-related posts soon!