August 27, 2024

Halloween: Abandoned Miniature Room Update


Ta-dah! I love-love-love this room!

This was really a fun project to do. Relatively quick and the best part is you don't have to really worry if you mess something up! haa! (Click photos for full size.)

The room (see the start of it here) is set in a photo box (5 1/2" h, 8 1/2" w, 3" d) that I picked up cheap at Goodwill. I find these and set them aside until I think of something to put in there. Once I saw my friend Gigi's teensy abandoned room it seemed like the perfect project idea. Easy enough project just using junk and stuff you have lying around, plus scrapbook paper and part of a wood placemat.

To finish it off, I decided to glue a scrap of old lace hanging over one window and added dirty cobwebs on the walls. I put in some garbage, abandoned flowerpots, a broken pot, a soda can, books, old newspapers, and a forgotten painting. I still want to add a teensy mouse in the one pot next to the couch once I find one. I didn't glue all that stuff down yet, but I think I will as I don't want to keep putting it back in place. I may yet add a small broken looking light on the table so there's a bit more light as long as it's not too bright.

The whole room lightened to see it better.

The best part, I think, was adding a flickering light (the base from one of those cheap tea lights) behind the couch to look like a flame. I thought it looked like a fire was starting behind the broken old couch. Cool, huh?

So, what do you think?

The big question: now what do I do next???? 😉

* Thanks again for visiting. Stay tuned for more projects and Halloween posts coming soon! Don't forget - you can subscribe to post headline updates via email in the left column. *