October 31, 2021

#Halloween in #Miniature 5: Happy Halloween Surprise!

 Welcome to Day 5 of Halloween in Miniature!

I hope you enjoyed this year's event as much as I did in planning it. And thank you again to all my guests who shared their work! 

    If you missed it, start at Day 1: https://candidcanine.blogspot.com/2021/10/halloween-in-miniature-2021-party-begins.html

Pop in a movie. (My favorite! Right click to save for your dollhouse den wall!) And how about some dancing to end the party?

(And a free gift! Get the album cover in miniature! Download Halloween album cover printies pdf at my website Miniatures page!)


The guests have gathered... well this trio said they don't quite feel like dancing... no bones about it. haa!
(By Patricia Paul Studio - sign up for her NL and get some free book printies!)

And don't forget to have some pie! There's a couple pieces left, I see... Or make your own! (Ghost pie by Lauren Bathory, Too-Damned-Cute-Bakery/Etsy. See Day 4 for "recipe.")

Go, Frankie, Go! At least someone likes to dance! Who knew the big lug could boogie that well? (By Sharon Cariola, See Day 2

Whew, that was fun. Did you enjoy yourself?


Last minute that I am, I began working on the new Halloween book I'd mentioned before, but I  didn't get really serious about it until the beginning of yes, this month. 

My idea was I wanted to offer a small collection of books on themed projects, so I think you'll like the dozen projects I've included in this one. These are some of my favorite projects and things I haven't shared how to make before. The bonus is you don't have to stick to the Halloween theme. Change the colors and fabric choices to fit into any of your other projects. 

Ta-Dah!  Up on Kindle:

Make a dozen accessories for Halloween - and all seasons!
   Don't like Halloween? (What?) The projects included here are easily adaptable. Change the colors or themes to fit your own project!
       BUY:  Pre-Order Kindle/Print, Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon AU  - Amazon DE  

Note:  It takes time to get to other online bookstores once the print comes out.) Also check at my website for updates. https://www.cverstraete.com. There's a sporadic newsletter signup if you want to join. Put dollhouse in the entry so I know.

** Sign up for the giveaway below to win either copy.  (BONUS! One person will also win a copy of my handmade mini spellbook!  Instructions are in In Miniature Style: Halloween! ) Please include your email to contact you and to be included in newsletter notices on updates. (Actual print book is US shipping only and it may time time for me to get the proof and then actual copies.) 

Halloween in Miniature 2021 Schedule:


** Happy Halloween! For more book updates, see my website.



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