(Pictured: Pink Peonies)
The story is in the just published Sept. '09 issue (#183) of DollsHouse and Miniature Scene (UK).
Shelly Norris, Creator of Enamel Flowers
By Christine Verstraete
There are miniaturists who have a way of making paper flowers look like the real thing. Then there is Coloradoan Shelly Norris who has the Midas touch, making gold trimmed flowers that look like delicate enamel or cloisonné.
Shelly says all it took was trying to make one flower using this decades old technique. Now she wouldn’t think of stopping.
Shelly’s fascination with what she calls enamel flowers began when she found directions in an old issue of the Nutshell News magazine.

She talked to another miniaturist who was no longer making the flowers and decided to give the technique a try.For the past four years, Shelly has developed a full range of enamel flowers in a range of colours, sizes and varieties.
She sells the flowers individually for gardens, as plants, in pots, or for decorative pieces under the name Enchanted Florals by Shelly. She has also used the flowers to decorate her own handmade hats with great success.
The flowers have a wonderful, stained glass sheen and a delicate glow that can’t be matched by paper or clay flowers, no matter how skillfully made. They range from the always popular irises and tulips, to lovely peonies, dramatic roses, poppies, and amazing trellises full of climbing wisteria.

See more of Shelly's Work:
* Shelly's blog: Enchanted Florals
* Her Twist Again Floral classes
Thank you for sharing that Chris. They are beautiful flowers and I had not seen them before.
The enamel gives them a more vibrant "real" look I think.
Chris, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you publicly. You did an awesome job on the article and in working with me and my picture taking! Thanks so much, I absolutely am thrilled by the article!
yes I love this kind of flower too but haven't had luck making them yet. Eventually I'll try again.
Shelly, you're welcome. You do wonderful work and I'm glad to help letting others know about it.
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