March 21, 2025

Today's Tiring Challenge: Lavender Cottage Miniature Electric


Whew! My feet are aching after standing for several hours working on miniature electric. It took a bit to glue and solder seven lights in but --- done!

I added the outside lights and shutters on the second floor (above) and it really improves it, doesn't it? It just looked too bare before. Seeing the colors together like this, it shows how what may seem at first like a non-complimentary set of colors can work. (*Click photos for full size; see other links in left column archives list.)

What's the big deal, you ask? Well, to explain, electric tape was run in the Lavender Cottage as usual, but this time I decided to use 3 volt LED lights instead of 12 volt regular lights but with an adjustable transformer (switches from 3v to 12 v, cheap on ebay.) That way I don't have to worry about battery life and all that. We cut off the socket end and wire on a plug. 

Boring explanation: (if you know, you know...ha!) The process includes drilling the holes, testing lights, running the wires, then soldering them in to the electric tape. In years of building dollhouses, I've never had a problem with loose connections this way. As usual, I admit not planning enough beforehand so some of this might've been easier -  like adding a light and globe on each side of the porch ceiling before the railings/posts were installed, but it worked out. Now I just have to repaint under the porch roof since I have electric tape running there. Maybe sand paint or light stucco or glue card on. 

Second floor: I glued on the purple (it's more a rose and purple mix) scrapbook paper ceiling, soldered the lights with the purple mesh bead covers, and then at the last minute decided to put a wall light in, too, since it needed more light. I should've done it before I papered (and thought of it), so I had to paint the wires and run it down the wall. But that's acceptable as it's a cottage and lights are like that sometimes. Once everything is in and the table is there, it won't be that noticeable. I'll have to add moldings around the ceiling as well like I did on the first floor. Will probably put some wood for baseboards, too; the first floor didn't need it but it'll look better on this floor.

Then, the main electrician (hubby) thought there should be two lights in the front of the second floor. (top photo). After thinking about it, yeah, good idea. I added shutters, which did fill in the empty space and added more color, so the lights are another good touch. I'll touch up the paint on the wires and then add more tinted Spackle (lightweight hole filling compound colored with acrylic paint) over them so they won't show. 

Here's one of the porch sides lit up. Wasn't going to add those, but it makes sense. Now the mini people can see when they're sitting outside. Definitely needs shutters, too, so I'll have to make two more sets (cut wood coffee stirrers). I hadn't thought of doing this before, but I also found some extra windowboxes I'd made for a previous house that may work here on the second floor as they're already painted green. I might just change some of the flowers so it's more purple hued.

(Smaller window for top roof dormers.)

Finishing up curtains. I found some really pretty lace at Walmart that has some nice designs to cut out, so I can put the windows in before I glue the third floor walls in. I'm using the same white textured brick paper (Starboc 2/Etsy) that I used in the first floor wall. Will also use that on the foundation. (See photo above.)

And you thought building dollhouses was easy. ha! This is a lot different, yes, more labor intensive then just putting together those pre-made book nooks or kits with all the pieces. Either way is fun, though regular dollhouses require more planning, building, and designing if you are doing any modifications. Good learning process if you've never done it and the results are worth it once you get to the kit building, modifying, and bashing stage of miniatures.

So onward! I'll share more progress soon. Getting there!

PS - In the meantime, that little house kit (below) is about done, with construction help from friend Gigi and her hubby's help fixing a weird window design. (That left black window frame had round dowel rods for cross beams, which was kind of stupid. It looks and fits better using the same square wood strips as the sides.) These kits often have confusing directions and this was the first time I did a full one like this. Now I know.

Here are a few tables from that kit. The square one will have marble paper on it.

 Electric will be next on that one. I changed the papers and colors, an improvement. I never like the terrible paper designs/colors they use. My color theme is ending up with red and green in the living room because of the paper's print, and maybe red in the bedroom. Guess it will be a kind-of Christmasy house. ha! Didn't intend that color scheme but I liked the paper design I picked. Have to make a new bed frame and then choose fabric colors. I'm on a bed kick. I'll have four beds to make then. ha! Hopefully will share that soon too!

* Thanks again for visiting and letting me ramble about my projects. Come back soon to see what else got done!*

March 18, 2025

It's Release Day! A Killing at the Copa: Barry Manilow Inspired Crime Fiction


Yay!! Today is Release Day for A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow. 

My story, "Some Kind of Friend," is based on the song of the same name. * See the full story/song list in my other blog post here.

Buy it at various sites everywhere - you can also order via  ISBN: 196347970X

Or... You'll get the best ebook rate (and download not license it) and less expensive paperbacks (plus free shipping!) at the publisher's site here - White City Press

 Some links may provide affiliate compensation.

Here are a few other places: - B&N - Japan: Rakuten  - Indigo/Chapters/ Canada  - Smashwords

About the Book:  

From his early days in the 1970s playing piano for Bette Midler in the bathhouses of New York City to his 2025 lifetime residency in Las Vegas, Barry Manilow has put his stamp on the music industry. With legendary hits such as "Weekend in New England," "Mandy," and "I Write the Songs," Manilow has created a catalog of instantly recognizable songs that have lasted decades and continue to be in rotation on radio stations, elevators and Spotify playlists to this day.

Manilow also created a legendary musical crime in his song "Copacabana," telling the story of feather-wearing dancer Lola who is caught between bartender Tony and patron Rico as the two men vie for her affections...and ultimately meet untimely ends.

Now, 13 crime author fans of Barry (affectionately known as "Fanilows") take on other songs from his collection of hits to tell all new stories of love, life, relationships and other situations gone horribly wrong. All the hits are here, as well as a few lesser-known tracks.

Features all new stories from Karen Keeley, Linda Kay Hardie, Adam Gorgoni, Maya St. Clair, Matt McGee, Laurie Stevens, Caleb Weinhardt, Kurtis Rupé, Recita Clemons, J. M. Taylor, John M. Floyd, T. Fox Dunham, Christine Verstraete and Shari Held.

March 17, 2025

Half Scale Lavender Cottage: 2nd Floor So Far


Wasn't sure how far I'd get, but did want to get the second floor done and... Ta-dah! Some progress! I know, still a lot to go, but it gives an idea of the direction I'm going.

Last time I showed the first floor lights, and mentioned I had the second floor outer walls stuccoed and assembled. It looks bare yet as I have to add the roof, plus the top angled roof and side walls. I might put some shutters, too, if they look right.

Now I got the walls papered, the windows with curtains in, and the floor set. The floor isn't glued down yet, but I wanted to see how it would look. Lots of glueing and trimming yet. I like that it has a summery, airy feel.

I decided on a light purple floral print (scrapbook paper), and since this is a cottage, I was going to make it a place where people would stay for vacation. So there will be two beds, and there may be a smaller cot, too. Plus there will be bookcases with games, etc., some comfy seating, and a table in the corner. 

That lamp on the table is a purple mesh bead with a white cap and I'll have two more of the beads only on the ceiling. The ceiling isn't attached yet and will have a dark pinkish-purple paper to pick up the colors. I think it'll look pretty good.

 Here's a photo of the finished house again (from the website).

The third floor has an angled ceiling, so I'm thinking of maybe making it into a storage space (gotta have storage for all the seasonal and extra stuff!) and might put a small sleeping area, too, for that extra guest who wants more privacy. I always seem to make an extra bed somewhere in all my houses! No stairs in the house (too small), so there will have to be some pretending here. ha!

So still working on things. So far, so good!

* Thanks again for visiting. Come back soon for more updates!* 

March 10, 2025

Let there be Light! in the Lavender Cottage

 Yes, some progress!

I was working on a few things, which took some time but am making some real progress now. (*Click photos for full size.)

1st - cabinet and shelf hung on the kitchen wall! Pretty happy with how this turned out. It's not quite done as I have to add more decorative items yet.

2 - Door trim and flooring in. Wood-grain faux flooring (Melvin's Miniatures. I like this floor and will have to look for more at the next show.) Still have to add trim around the ceiling. Always seems to be a small gap on these to cover.

3 - Ta-dah! The lights over the counter are in and the lamp by the window is made and soldered in. I ended up just using a gold finding base and a glass chimney I had. The right window may look plain now, but I'll be adding bookcases around it and probably a TV on the cabinet in front of the window.

 I have to say I really like these LED lights (50 pack on ebay, 0.15 mm, warm white.) They're super bright, have nice thin wires, and are reasonable. And bought another adjustable transformer (changes from 3v to 12 volt.) Under $10 and we'll put a plug end on it . For the next house, (of course there's another!) I'll probably be adapting lamps/light fixtures I have and using these instead as they'll last way longer than those teensy dollhouse lights and are easier to work with. 

The lights over the center counter were made using some 3D printed lamp shades I bought before (but don't see them there now at ShopMiniDecor&More/Etsy.) I bought several varieties. They turned out nice but the problem is the little decorative ends on top are really too small to drill without breaking them off or having to drill a larger hole; and the plastic is super hard to drill by hand so had to use the electric drill. So, I used some jewelry findings, which I think looks better anyway. I can always paint the findings white or black for a different look, too.

4 -  The big change: got the ceiling/2nd level floor on and the outside posts all glued. It's pretty solid now. Now that was a project! Warping so lots of gluing, re-gluing and clamping. TIP: Good, life-size metal and plastic vise clamps (check the hardware store) are a must for these houses, especially with the thinner MDF wood. They just won't glue right without clamping and weighting them down.  But finally got it to stay. 

The 2nd floor level walls are glued together and stuccoed. Putting in curtains so I can glue in the windows. Next is adding lights before wallpapering. I'll show all that once I'm done. The LEDs are so bright, I might just add a ceiling and a wall lamp; not sure yet.

I got out another kit I had for a while. I still like the look of most of it and may assemble it,  with some changes of course. I tend to buy these kits for the accessories and not to make the room. ha! So I may also use some of the items in this house. Funny as the top left office space in this kit includes the exact same shelving unit and chair I just did. And I just made two of those shelves from two smaller kits so I may hold off on the third one for a while and save it for the larger house. (Of course there's a larger house to do next! Shows coming up the end of April so maybe I'll see something else to inspire me on that.) This kit above is something different for a change between working on the Lavender house.

That's it for now! Hopefully I can show the wallpapering and windows in soon! Decided on simple lace for the windows since it'll be a bedroom.

* Thanks again for visiting. Come back soon for more updates and projects! *

March 05, 2025

Talking with Karen Keeley, A Killing at the Copa: Barry Manilow Inspired Crime Fiction

  Fanilows will LOVE this anthology! A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow is now up for pre-order at White City Press. Bet you'll be humming along as you read the stories! (Releases March 18.)

The Story Line-Up (with links to the songs):

Sweet Life - Karen Keeley

Rain as Cold as Ice (Inspired by Mandy) - Linda Kay Hardie

Mandy - Adam Gorgoni

I Write the Songs - Maya St. Clair

The Daybreak Killer (Inspired by Daybreak) - Matt McGee

A Connecticut Stalker (Inspired by Weekend in New England) - Laurie Stevens

Can't Smile Without You - Caleb Weinhardt

Ready to Take a Chance Again - Kurtis Rupe'

Since You've Been Gone (Inspired by Even Now) - Recita Clemons

Bermuda Triangle - J.M. Taylor

Lonely Together - John M. Floyd

When the Sun Rises (Inspired by Let's Take All Night (to Say Goodbye)) - T. Fox Dunham

Some Kind of Friend - Christine Verstraete

Getting Even Now (Inspired by Even Now)  - Shari Held


  🎵 Today's Guest: Karen Keeley talks about her story, "Sweet Life," based on the song of the same name. (Image: Discogs)

🎵  About the story: 

"My Private Investigator, Peter Lockwood, and his trusty sidekick, Roberta Suiter, “Bobbi” to her friends, get caught up in trying to help solve the murder of a woman they’d known twenty years earlier, a gal they’d both admired, someone they’d envisioned as having moved on and living a sweet life. It had been anything but..

 "I first discovered Barry Manilow when visiting my brother in Vancouver way back in the late '70s. He had an album playing, “Even Now,” 12 tracks. The first I’d heard of him, and I was hooked.

"When Jay Hartman (the editor) had the call-out for stories, for “A Killing at the Copa” anthology, I wanted badly to be included. Time to deep-dive all of the music, find my song. In 2023, the album “Barry Manilow” was remastered, commemorating the 50th anniversary of its original release, “Sweet Life” the final song on side 2."

🎵 Inspiration: 

"I had my song! I then had my protagonist come to me in a flash. I could see him, hear him. His best buddy, Bobbi, also arrived fully formed, their stomping grounds: 1973 New Haven, Connecticut, a time of polyester suits, and gas-guzzling vehicles. No cell phones. No security cameras. 

"I had oodles of fun with my story. When Jay chose it to be included in the anthology, I did my happy dance, listening to “Sweet Life,” while I did the boogie-woogie, chowing down on a couple of chocolate chip cookies, my reward. Who doesn’t love chocolate!"

 🎵 First lines: "Sweet Life" - Karen Keeley

 Greta was out of the office, a doctor’s appointment, according to the calendar on her desk, which left me to my own devices, spending time with the crossword in the daily newspaper, puzzled by the clue, ‘the proverbial proud bird,’ seven letters, when Roberta Suiter, Bobbi to her friends, walked in.

* Read the rest in A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow is now up for pre-order at White City Press. 

* Can't wait to read them all!



March 03, 2025

Talking with Linda Kay Hardie: A Killing at the Copa: Barry Manilow inspired crime fiction

 Get ready for some stories that'll make you sing right along!

 A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow is now up for pre-order at White City Press. 

I'm sharing some posts here to introduce you to the writers and let them share the inspiration behind their stories.

 The Story Line-Up (with links to the songs):

Sweet Life - Karen Keeley

Rain as Cold as Ice (Inspired by Mandy) - Linda Kay Hardie

Mandy - Adam Gorgoni

I Write the Songs - Maya St. Clair

The Daybreak Killer (Inspired by Daybreak) - Matt McGee

A Connecticut Stalker (Inspired by Weekend in New England) - Laurie Stevens

Can't Smile Without You - Caleb Weinhardt

Ready to Take a Chance Again - Kurtis Rupe'

Since You've Been Gone (Inspired by Even Now) - Recita Clemons

Bermuda Triangle - J.M. Taylor

Lonely Together - John M. Floyd

When the Sun Rises (Inspired by Let's Take All Night (to Say Goodbye)) - T. Fox Dunham

Some Kind of Friend - Christine Verstraete

Getting Even Now (Inspired by Even Now)  - Shari Held


Today: Linda Kay Hardie talks about the inspiration for her story, "Rain as Cold as Ice," based on everyone's favorite song, "Mandy" from Manilow's second album released in 1974.

🎵 Inspiration: 

  "I’ve been riding the bus for two years now, ever since my 27-year-old Subaru (I was the original owner) finally kicked the bucket. People say, “Ooo, aren’t you scared? I mean, the people,” but I find bus riders to be mostly tired, hard-working, nice people. Even the ones who talk to folks I can’t see are just trying to live their lives. I’ve only been scared once, but the driver dealt with that person. Bus drivers don’t take any guff. So I wanted to use Reno’s bus station as a character in a story. As usual, once I found my characters, the story took an interesting turn.

  "In my first draft, I thought my song inspiration was the one the narrator hears: “Ready To Take a Chance Again.” But when I listened to the conversation between the narrator and the guitarist, I realized I was telling the story of another “Mandy,” and that’s when it all came together and jelled into something that kind of scares me. Cool, huh?"

🎵 First sentences from "Rain as Cold as Ice" - Linda Kay Hardie:

    I smelled petrichor. That fresh, almost-electrical scent of approaching rain that soon became the fresh feel of teensy raindrops blowing into my face as I strode through the crosswalk toward the number 15 bus stop and sat on the cold metal-bar bench, which was divided into five seats so homeless people couldn’t sleep there.

* Read the rest in  A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow  -  pre-order at White City Press. 

* Can't wait to read all the stories!

March 02, 2025

Spring is Coming! Thinking Miniature Flowers


Spring is about here! Saw a Sandhill Crane and the ducks are honking by the lake, so thinking flowers! (*Click on photos for full size.)

I thought I'd share my some past miniature flowers between my still working on the Lavender Cottage and upcoming posts about my latest story in the fiction anthology, A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow.

Something to get us all in the Spring mood! (Sunflowers: by the witch cottage)

Yes I even got ambitious before and made hollyhocks, all from punches; see post for details. I really like these so I might (big maybe!) make some purple ones. But they are a lot of work!

Some other flowers I enjoyed making: Plants in the Yellow Victorian house.

Also have this fuchsia hanging on the deck of that house.

Another really fussy one to make: Clematis trellis (SDK Miniatures.) But love the results! This will go with the Lavender Cottage.

So, that's it for now. I'll show other flowers again as I make more or take photos.

*Thanks again for visiting! Come back soon for more minis and book posts!*

February 28, 2025

Talking with John Floyd: A Killing at the Copa: Barry Manilow-inspired Crime Fiction


Get ready for some stories that'll make you sing right along!

 A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow is now up for pre-order at White City Press. (Releases March 18.)

I'm sharing some posts here to introduce you to the writers and let them share the inspiration behind their stories.


The Story Line-Up (with links to the songs):

Sweet Life - Karen Keeley

Rain as Cold as Ice (Inspired by Mandy) - Linda Kay Hardie

Mandy - Adam Gorgoni

I Write the Songs - Maya St. Clair

The Daybreak Killer (Inspired by Daybreak) - Matt McGee

A Connecticut Stalker (Inspired by Weekend in New England) - Laurie Stevens

Can't Smile Without You - Caleb Weinhardt

Ready to Take a Chance Again - Kurtis Rupe'

Since You've Been Gone (Inspired by Even Now) - Recita Clemons

Bermuda Triangle - J.M. Taylor

Lonely Together - John M. Floyd

When the Sun Rises (Inspired by Let's Take All Night (to Say Goodbye)) - T. Fox Dunham

Some Kind of Friend - Christine Verstraete

Getting Even Now (Inspired by Even Now)  - Shari Held


Today: Talking with John M. Floyd

🎵 Story: "Lonely Together" (inspired by the song of the same name) - John M. Floyd

 (cover: Wikipedia)

🎵 The inspiration: 

" I guess what inspired me was the title of the song I picked (“Lonely Together”). Right away I pictured two mysterious characters, unknown to each other, in an interesting place—in this case a Russian nightclub—and the things they might talk about, because the story’s almost entirely dialogue. So, actually, I picked the story not because of the lyrics or how much I liked it, etc.; I picked it because of the title and the image it put in my mind."

🎵 First lines: "Lonely Together"

             A tall man in a business suit and an attractive woman in a long black dress, both holding drinks, stopped drifting and faced each other beside the crowded bar of one of the city’s most elegant nightclubs. After a few words and several long gazes they left the bar and took seats together at a small table in a corner. On the dance floor, two dozen people swayed to the music of a five-piece band. 

* Read the rest in A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow  - now up for pre-order at White City Press. (Releases March 18.)

* Can't wait to read this!


February 26, 2025

A Killing at The Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by Music of Barry Manilow

 Love crime fiction? Are you a Fanilow?

You'll LOVE this anthology! A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow is now up for pre-order here at White City Press. (Releases March 18). Bet you'll be humming along as you read the stories!

I'll be sharing details on some of the stories in the anthology in coming days to whet your reading appetite.

The Story Line-Up (with links to the songs):

Sweet Life - Karen Keeley (*Read more about her story.)

Rain as Cold as Ice (Inspired by Mandy) - Linda Kay Hardie

(*Read more about her story.)

Mandy - Adam Gorgoni

I Write the Songs - Maya St. Clair

The Daybreak Killer (Inspired by Daybreak) - Matt McGee

A Connecticut Stalker (Inspired by Weekend in New England) - Laurie Stevens

Can't Smile Without You - Caleb Weinhardt

Ready to Take a Chance Again - Kurtis Rupe'

Since You've Been Gone (Inspired by Even Now) - Recita Clemons

Bermuda Triangle - J.M. Taylor

Lonely Together - John M. Floyd (*Read more about his story.)

When the Sun Rises (Inspired by Let's Take All Night (to Say Goodbye) - T. Fox Dunham

Some Kind of Friend - Christine Verstraete

Getting Even Now (Inspired by Even Now)  - Shari Held


 My story is "Some Kind of Friend," based on the song of the same name. (Cover: Discogs)

 🎵  About the story: 

Clarissa Simone was lucky to fulfill her dreams of dancing at the famed Copacabana nightclub. Those dreams soon tarnished, however, when she was blamed for the shooting death of fellow dancer and former friend Mina Ruiz's mobster boyfriend at another local club, The Bar by the Harbor. But was it Clarissa's fault? 

🎵 My inspiration: I wanted to find a song that lent itself to telling the story of a dancer, without using Manilow's signature song, Copacabana, as I figured someone else would pick that. Surprisingly, no one did.

🎵 First lines, "Some Kind of Friend" - Christine Verstraete:

  The young woman stood on the front stoop, patiently waiting for me to invite her in.

  "Thanks for letting me come talk to you," she said, her smile bright. "I only need about twenty minutes, if you don't mind?"

Her name eluded me for a moment. Lisa, that’s what it was; Lisa Lane, a reporter from the local newspaper.

She must’ve sensed my apprehension and repeated her promise. “I won’t take up too much of your time. Honest.”

    *** Read the rest in A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow  -- up for pre-order here at White City Press. 

Can't wait to read all the stories!!


February 22, 2025

The Latest of the Miniature Lavender Cottage

Shh! Don't tell the construction team that the homeowner was fiddling around with the curtains - and construction isn't even done! 
(*Click photos for full size. See last post on kitchen; other links in archives list, left column. )

Yes, more updates on the Lavender Cottage. Hope you're not too sick of this project yet as there's a ways to go. ha! I'm writing a lot of book posts, too, as some neat projects are coming out, so have to catch up! 

Ahh.... success! The workers came in, got the door hung and windows installed, and... the homeowner just couldn't wait to get those curtains up right away. (Obnoxious person!) The door trim will be added under the curtains once the floor is in.

Right side. It isn't as purple as this in real life.

The outside door front:

Other changes: 

I decided I didn't  like how the full-size fridge fits by the right window as the sill sticks out and I didn't want to cut off the end of the counter, (considered that for a crazy moment but didn't want to ruin my work!) But I had a great idea.

 I kept looking at the cabinet next to the stove, and realized, hey, it's perfect for a mini fridge! So, I found a fridge front, shrunk the pic down, and put some plastic over it...  Problem solved! I think it looks much better. We'll just say the real fridge (with actual food! and a freezer) is in an unseen side pantry.)

Cabinets still have to go on the walls, too.

Between finishing this stuff, remember that commercial? "Where's the Beef?" friend and I did something fun - made mini meat trays. She has to fill a new fridge for her house-in-progress, so these came in handy. They mix in well with the trays of actual (fake) meat slices she already had.

TIP: The meat trays are simply print-outs glued to thin foam which is painted to match the photo edge if needed. Then cover with plastic wrap. Simple but effective. I made a couple smaller ones to put on the counter. 

Also put some other kits together. I did make a few other furnishings (old MiniEtchers kits.) This cottage dresser and Adirondack Chair were meant for the someday Beach House, but maybe I'll use them for now. The jelly cupboard is cute and will fit by the kitchen window.

Next: the second floor - have to paint the porch ceiling and paper first floor ceiling, figure lights to connect for first floor,  and glue it in with the porch supports. 

I'm also debating about working on a Tudor house. Yeah, details to come on a rare 1" scale project (because I have limited space but couldn't resist and have lots of stuff saved for this.) Yes, there are always more projects to do!

*That's it for now! Thanks for visiting and check back soon for more updates.*