March 02, 2025

Spring is Coming! Thinking Miniature Flowers


Spring is about here! Saw a Sandhill Crane and the ducks are honking by the lake, so thinking flowers! (*Click on photos for full size.)

I thought I'd share my some past miniature flowers between my still working on the Lavender Cottage and upcoming posts about my latest story in the fiction anthology, A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow.

Something to get us all in the Spring mood! (Sunflowers: by the witch cottage)

Yes I even got ambitious before and made hollyhocks, all from punches; see post for details. I really like these so I might (big maybe!) make some purple ones. But they are a lot of work!

Some other flowers I enjoyed making: Plants in the Yellow Victorian house.

Also have this fuchsia hanging on the deck of that house.

Another really fussy one to make: Clematis trellis (SDK Miniatures.) But love the results! This will go with the Lavender Cottage.

So, that's it for now. I'll show other flowers again as I make more or take photos.

*Thanks again for visiting! Come back soon for more minis and book posts!*

February 28, 2025

Talking with John Floyd: A Killing at the Copa: Barry Manilow-inspired Crime Fiction


Get ready for some stories that'll make you sing right along!

 A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow is now up for pre-order at White City Press. (Releases March 18.)

I'm sharing some posts here to introduce you to the writers and let them share the inspiration behind their stories.


The Story Line-Up (with links to the songs):

Sweet Life - Karen Keeley

Rain as Cold as Ice (Inspired by Mandy) - Linda Kay Hardie

Mandy - Adam Gorgoni

I Write the Songs - Maya St. Clair

The Daybreak Killer (Inspired by Daybreak) - Matt McGee

A Connecticut Stalker (Inspired by Weekend in New England) - Laurie Stevens

Can't Smile Without You - Caleb Weinhardt

Ready to Take a Chance Again - Kurtis Rupe'

Since You've Been Gone (Inspired by Even Now) - Recita Clemons

Bermuda Triangle - J.M. Taylor

Lonely Together - John M. Floyd

When the Sun Rises (Inspired by Let's Take All Night (to Say Goodbye)) - T. Fox Dunham

Some Kind of Friend - Christine Verstraete

Getting Even Now (Inspired by Even Now)  - Shari Held


Today: Talking with John M. Floyd

🎡 Story: "Lonely Together" (inspired by the song of the same name) - John M. Floyd

 (cover: Wikipedia)

🎡 The inspiration: 

" I guess what inspired me was the title of the song I picked (“Lonely Together”). Right away I pictured two mysterious characters, unknown to each other, in an interesting place—in this case a Russian nightclub—and the things they might talk about, because the story’s almost entirely dialogue. So, actually, I picked the story not because of the lyrics or how much I liked it, etc.; I picked it because of the title and the image it put in my mind."

🎡 First lines: "Lonely Together"

             A tall man in a business suit and an attractive woman in a long black dress, both holding drinks, stopped drifting and faced each other beside the crowded bar of one of the city’s most elegant nightclubs. After a few words and several long gazes they left the bar and took seats together at a small table in a corner. On the dance floor, two dozen people swayed to the music of a five-piece band. 

* Read the rest in A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow  - now up for pre-order at White City Press. (Releases March 18.)

* Can't wait to read this!


February 26, 2025

A Killing at The Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by Music of Barry Manilow

 Love crime fiction? Are you a Fanilow?

You'll LOVE this anthology! A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow is now up for pre-order here at White City Press. (Releases March 18). Bet you'll be humming along as you read the stories!

I'll be sharing details on some of the stories in the anthology in coming days to whet your reading appetite.

The Story Line-Up (with links to the songs):

Sweet Life - Karen Keeley

Rain as Cold as Ice (Inspired by Mandy) - Linda Kay Hardie

Mandy - Adam Gorgoni

I Write the Songs - Maya St. Clair

The Daybreak Killer (Inspired by Daybreak) - Matt McGee

A Connecticut Stalker (Inspired by Weekend in New England) - Laurie Stevens

Can't Smile Without You - Caleb Weinhardt

Ready to Take a Chance Again - Kurtis Rupe'

Since You've Been Gone (Inspired by Even Now) - Recita Clemons

Bermuda Triangle - J.M. Taylor

Lonely Together - John M. Floyd

When the Sun Rises (Inspired by Let's Take All Night (to Say Goodbye)) - T. Fox Dunham

Some Kind of Friend - Christine Verstraete

Getting Even Now (Inspired by Even Now)  - Shari Held


 My story is "Some Kind of Friend," based on the song of the same name. (Cover: Discogs)

 πŸŽ΅  About the story: 

Clarissa Simone was lucky to fulfill her dreams of dancing at the famed Copacabana nightclub. Those dreams soon tarnished, however, when she was blamed for the shooting death of fellow dancer and former friend Mina Ruiz's mobster boyfriend at another local club, The Bar by the Harbor. But was it Clarissa's fault? 

🎡 My inspiration: I wanted to find a song that lent itself to telling the story of a dancer, without using Manilow's signature song, Copacabana, as I figured someone else would pick that. Surprisingly, no one did.

🎡 First lines, "Some Kind of Friend" - Christine Verstraete:

  The young woman stood on the front stoop, patiently waiting for me to invite her in.

  "Thanks for letting me come talk to you," she said, her smile bright. "I only need about twenty minutes, if you don't mind?"

Her name eluded me for a moment. Lisa, that’s what it was; Lisa Lane, a reporter from the local newspaper.

She must’ve sensed my apprehension and repeated her promise. “I won’t take up too much of your time. Honest.”

    *** Read the rest in A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Barry Manilow  -- up for pre-order here at White City Press. 

Can't wait to read all the stories!!


February 22, 2025

The Latest of the Miniature Lavender Cottage

Shh! Don't tell the construction team that the homeowner was fiddling around with the curtains - and construction isn't even done! 
(*Click photos for full size. See last post on kitchen; other links in archives list, left column. )

Yes, more updates on the Lavender Cottage. Hope you're not too sick of this project yet as there's a ways to go. ha! I'm writing a lot of book posts, too, as some neat projects are coming out, so have to catch up! 

Ahh.... success! The workers came in, got the door hung and windows installed, and... the homeowner just couldn't wait to get those curtains up right away. (Obnoxious person!) The door trim will be added under the curtains once the floor is in.

Right side. It isn't as purple as this in real life.

The outside door front:

Other changes: 

I decided I didn't  like how the full-size fridge fits by the right window as the sill sticks out and I didn't want to cut off the end of the counter, (considered that for a crazy moment but didn't want to ruin my work!) But I had a great idea.

 I kept looking at the cabinet next to the stove, and realized, hey, it's perfect for a mini fridge! So, I found a fridge front, shrunk the pic down, and put some plastic over it...  Problem solved! I think it looks much better. We'll just say the real fridge (with actual food! and a freezer) is in an unseen side pantry.)

Cabinets still have to go on the walls, too.

Between finishing this stuff, remember that commercial? "Where's the Beef?" friend and I did something fun - made mini meat trays. She has to fill a new fridge for her house-in-progress, so these came in handy. They mix in well with the trays of actual (fake) meat slices she already had.

TIP: The meat trays are simply print-outs glued to thin foam which is painted to match the photo edge if needed. Then cover with plastic wrap. Simple but effective. I made a couple smaller ones to put on the counter. 

Also put some other kits together. I did make a few other furnishings (old MiniEtchers kits.) This cottage dresser and Adirondack Chair were meant for the someday Beach House, but maybe I'll use them for now. The jelly cupboard is cute and will fit by the kitchen window.

Next: the second floor - have to paint the porch ceiling and paper first floor ceiling, figure lights to connect for first floor,  and glue it in with the porch supports. 

I'm also debating about working on a Tudor house. Yeah, details to come on a rare 1" scale project (because I have limited space but couldn't resist and have lots of stuff saved for this.) Yes, there are always more projects to do!

*That's it for now! Thanks for visiting and check back soon for more updates.*

February 17, 2025

Miniature Valentines & More

 It's after V-Day, but the fun of Valentine's Day, besides chocolate!, is making small miniature gifts.

My friend and I make things for each other so I had to share the fun Valentine's related minis. (* Click photos for full size.)

I love vintage Valentine's cards, so what's better than mini ones? My friend Gigi made this bag and cards from a free printable at (Click free printables under Get Inspired. They have others, too, like dollhouse boxes.)

This was pretty clever! Besides a very nice table kit that I'll use in my ultra-rare 1" scale project, a Tudor house that I'll be building soon, she made these interesting goblets. Perfect for this project! Can you guess what they're made of? 

Hint: They are push pins and pony beads! Remove the pin (it comes out easier if heated), then glue the bead on top. Voila! A bunch of goblets. Great idea if you need a bunch to fill a cabinet or something.

I also made some flower bushes from an artificial bunch as I thought the flowers looked perfect for a front yard or garden. Made a couple for the front of the Lavender Cottage.

Once I saw these teensy candy-style hearts at Hobby Lobby, (so cute!!),  I knew I had to make... something. Then I got an idea and found a box printie online and shrunk it down. (top photo) Fun when the tiny stuff like this works out! Yes, it has the plastic insert too.

Made some filled jars and trays too. 

So, just a fun interlude. I got my half-scale doorknobs for the Lavender Cottage doors and glued them on (yay!), then have to add the railings next. I have to paint the underside of the 2nd floor roof and see if it'll go together right. Grrr. Warping. I usually don't have a problem but you never know with this MDF laser-cut faux wood.

*That's it for now. Thanks for visiting and come back soon!* 

February 11, 2025

Crime Mystery Fiction Steal Deal!


Five new crime fiction anthologies recently made the nominees list for the Short Mystery Fiction Society's Derringer Award for 2024! 

My story, "Wildfire," is in (I Just) Died In Your Arms: Crime Fiction Inspired by One-Hit Wonders.

Such a deal! For a limited time, get all five ebooks - 5 for $10 - at DriveThru Fiction.

February 10, 2025

Lavender Cottage Miniature Kitchen So Far

Getting the windows in! 

Moving right along on the Lavender Cottage! Got the outside lights and a kitchen light installed and lit. These are the LED lights I got on eBay. (cheap, $6.49/pair.) We got an adjustable transformer (switches to different voltages) that you put a plug on yourself and use with a separate electric tape line.) * Click photos for full size. 

 The stained glass is made using gold stickers, glass paint, and acrylic paint mixed in Mod Podge. You can't tell here, but I used a glitter Puff paint that dries clear to make the glass textured.

Here's the kitchen light with a gold bracket:

Happy when an idea turns out the way you envision it. I love the way the kitchen counter looks. I decided on the white brick for the front wall ,and two separate papers for the kitchen and living room area. A purple paper will be on the right side/living area wall. Don't forget, most of the green wall will be covered with a shelf and cabinets. A fridge will go on the right wall by the door, I think, unless I pretend it's in an adjacent room.

Above: windows in. Playing around, putting some MiniBrands Home items in, which fit perfectly! Yeah the grater is a bit big but it's too cute!

The green floral wallpaper may be a bit large for half-scale, but I like, and usually prefer, larger patterns. I had to cut the window on top and then cut off the bottom to make it fit over the sink. 

I'll have to look around and see if I can get more of that paper for the larger house I have. I usually don't repeat patterns or colors but I might this time. I'll have to order more kitchen cabinets from MiniEtchers unless I decide to take this house apart and use the counters there instead. We'll see.

I can't glue the door and trim in yet (and waiting on doorknobs!) until the floor is done, so playing a bit! Hooked on this MiniBrands Home stuff and a lot of it will fit in here. The pots are the perfect size for the stove. The stools work by the counter and I'm going to use the round table also.

The low cabinet will be painted white with regular bookcases on each side to go around the living room window on the right wall. I'm going to use a couple of the other cabinets in the bedroom or office/craft room, too. The windows had a sill that stuck out (like the outside) so I instead glued a piece of flat wood on the bottom.

Decided to use the faux laminate wood flooring (cut but not glued in yet) for the whole room (Melvin's Miniatures.)

That's it so far. Got aggravated with fitting the second floor and figuring where to tape as this house is pretty small. Ordered some LED lights to hook in and use with different shades and beads I have.

* That's it for now! Thanks again for visiting. Come back for more updates soon!

February 04, 2025

Lavender Cottage Miniature Kitchen Counters


Still working away, so that's why the posts are sporadic. (Click photos for full size.)

I am making a "little" progress on the half-scale Lavender Cottage. I mentioned in the last post about working on the kitchen cabinets and counters. Well, they are done! The funny thing is that I don't really like the color green but I do like this shade (Wedgewood) or a Sage and the Light Hauser Green I used on the outside trim. (* See the latest progress in archive list or here.)

First one-wall unit I've made. Lower is a combination of cabinets: Petite Properties stove; plain cabinet/box I had; CastleCrafts sink; 2 cabinets. Added trim on first cabinet. Paint and handles make it work together. Cut mat board topped with textured card for countertop.

I started out thinking I'd use beads for knobs, but then digging in a sequin box I found these pretty green bugle beads - and they are perfect! I love the color and the glow they have! I also added the faucet using crystal beads, cut straight pins, a small metal plate, and a piece of cut solder for the faucet itself. I glued on a metal piece cut from the back of a silver paper fastener to look like the handle. I think it turned out well. Here's the island also:

I also wanted to show how much better these chairs from the MiniBrands Home items look once they're painted. I used a purple acrylic called Heather, which I really like. I'll give it one more coat yet.

The stained glass doors are also painted and look very pretty! But I'm not showing them yet since, as usual, I'd thought I had some doorknob plates - and I don't. So have to wait until they come. The space at the door edge to the stained glass is very small so I didn't think it would work to drill holes for regular knobs.

The outer trim is painted and I cut the porch flooring, but I'm held up by figuring the best way to cut and measure the post holes without messing the paper/card up. Have to gather my courage on that! So just a couple things done but good results! 

Lots of steps to do before things can be assembled: have to put front door, windows and lights in, plus porch floor. I won't be able to get my hand in once the post-trim is put in so all this has to be done first. Then I can solder any lights on the walls inside, and start wallpapering and flooring plus anything else on the first floor.

More to come so be sure to stop by again and thanks for visiting!

January 28, 2025

Some Miniature Lavender Cottage Progress


Yes, progress is slow. I am working on things but don't have a lot to show at the moment. Above: considering this tile floor for the porch since it has a purple tone. I think it contrasts well with the colors. (Flooring: Melvin's Minatures.) I'll use some of the same design to accent the stairs, too, I think.

 I cut down the top frame design as it seemed too busy and added a railing piece (painted green) on the bottom. I'm painting in single colors as I really don't want to do all that multiple color painting this time.

The doors have gold stickers to use as a base for stained glass. The triangular top design piece has to be glued on yet. There will be lights next to the door frame on each side.

Here's the beginning of the kitchen pieces: gluing assorted cabinets I had on hand together to form the counter. 

 The trimming and finishing have to be done yet, and the counter and island tops are not glued on. It looks much better once it's painted!

The pic (above) isn't real clear, but I wanted to show the color scheme so far. The counter, stove and fridge are all Wedgewood green. The counter has a brighter green textured paper on top. All has to be glossed yet. The kitchen area will be on the right side of the front doorway.

I used several cabinet pieces I had on hand for the bottom counter section, using a couple kits I had from MiniEtchers. The sink unit is a CastleCrafts kit. The stove is a Petite Properties vintage stove kit; I cut down the back. I got the island counter in a past swap and glued on side shelves.  The fridge is partially made from one of those Chinese small room kits. I made a new front and will add handles as it had to be a certain size to fit in the space next to the window.

Will cut the other window to fit above the sink and didn't even think on the curtains yet! (Maybe shades in the kitchen and I can use the purple colors in the living/dining area with a vintage style purple fabric I have as curtains. I wanted a part modern and part vintage look.) 

Floor choices 1: brick. I am thinking of using the large green flower wallpaper on the kitchen area walls. It will be split up with the wall cabinets, shelf, and a brick tile border. I may just just use the white brick as the border by the wall and sink. (I took the green paper off the countertop for the moment and set the cabinet/shelf there.)

Floor 2: "wood" parquet 

I am thinking of using this on the other side of the room for the dining/living room area, having a split floor. 

Floor 3: tile pattern

This might work, though it might be too busy next to the wood? Showing these as it lets me compare, too. I may instead use the grayish-brown toned laminate-style print floor I also have (not shown) for the whole thing. Maybe that is better. I had done another small house before using a two-part floor for one big room but this might be much busier so it won't work as well. Thinking on it.

Here are some other pieces from a Hobby Lobby kit that I thought would be good for the office/craft room on the second floor. 

Lots of things to finish, so it's taking a while!

So, that's it for the moment! Thanks for stopping by. I'll show more as things get finished!

January 17, 2025

First Miniatures Project & Writing


Yes, I've been busy so that's why I haven't posted as haven't really had anything to show yet.

I've been writing, too; re-editing a few stories so have three sent out for this month and still waiting for others that were out previously. Also have two other stories I'm finishing up, including an odd one I rather like. Been busy! Fingers crossed!

* Also heard that the cover will be revealed - soon! - on the upcoming anthology with my story, "Some Kind of Friend," based on the song of the same name. To be published soon in, A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of Barry Manilow. (So looking forward to this one!!)

Between that, I have been working on the Miniature Book Nook and doing some more painting on the Lavender Cottage.

TA DAH! The book nook (called The Magic Library on Amazon) is done and even got the outside papers glued on. I had a hard time as one of the bottom pieces was cut wrong, but new holes were cut, and thanks to my "building team" of friend Gigi and "Don's Electric," everything was fixed, glued, and wired! So, it lights! Interesting as it has a sensor, so it stays on for a bit and then goes off; motion will turn it back on. There's a door in back for the battery box (2 AAA batteries. (Click photos for full size.) 

It's actually a pretty cool project though I'm not sure I'd do another, but I do like how it came out.

The Cottage (so far):

* And... yes, I changed my mind again (don't be surprised. ha!) and with the input from my friend, decided the exterior colors will work for the Lavender Cottage. Once I see it together, I think it works well.

I tinted the lightweight spackle with Lavender acrylic paint; the trim (and windows) are light Hauser Green with antique white and African Violet. There's a design piece that goes on top of the door plus there are filigree rails and posts that go in front and around the house. A lot of painting, so not much progress yet.

 I sorted out some furniture for it, still figuring it out. I am thinking of using quite a few plants in this one. Have to see which purple plants I already made, too.

I am looking at all that painting on the outside railings... wondering if I should cut the side railings down as the porch is too closed in. I hate to do that but... thinking on it. We'll see.

That's it for now. Not a lot, but getting there! 

Thanks again for visiting. Stop back soon for more updates!