Still working away, so that's why the posts are sporadic. (Click photos for full size.)
I am making a "little" progress on the half-scale Lavender Cottage. I mentioned in the last post about working on the kitchen cabinets and counters. Well, they are done! The funny thing is that I don't really like the color green but I do like this shade (Wedgewood) or a Sage and the Light Hauser Green I used on the outside trim. (* See the latest progress in archive list or here.)
First one-wall unit I've made. Lower is a combination of cabinets: Petite Properties stove; plain cabinet/box I had; CastleCrafts sink; 2 cabinets. Added trim on first cabinet. Paint and handles make it work together. Cut mat board topped with textured card for countertop.
I started out thinking I'd use beads for knobs, but then digging in a sequin box I found these pretty green bugle beads - and they are perfect! I love the color and the glow they have! I also added the faucet using crystal beads, cut straight pins, a small metal plate, and a piece of cut solder for the faucet itself. I glued on a metal piece cut from the back of a silver paper fastener to look like the handle. I think it turned out well. Here's the island also:
I also wanted to show how much better these chairs from the MiniBrands Home items look once they're painted. I used a purple acrylic called Heather, which I really like. I'll give it one more coat yet.
The stained glass doors are also painted and look very pretty! But I'm not showing them yet since, as usual, I'd thought I had some doorknob plates - and I don't. So have to wait until they come. The space at the door edge to the stained glass is very small so I didn't think it would work to drill holes for regular knobs.
The outer trim is painted and I cut the porch flooring, but I'm held up by figuring the best way to cut and measure the post holes without messing the paper/card up. Have to gather my courage on that! So just a couple things done but good results!
Lots of steps to do before things can be assembled: have to put front door, windows and lights in, plus porch floor. I won't be able to get my hand in once the post-trim is put in so all this has to be done first. Then I can solder any lights on the walls inside, and start wallpapering and flooring plus anything else on the first floor.
More to come so be sure to stop by again and thanks for visiting!