April 26, 2010

Preview: New Dollhouse Miniatures Book Cover: In Miniature Style II

An updated and expanded version of my miniatures book will be coming out in ebook - and print - early next year. Here is a preview of the fabulous cover of IN MINIATURE STYLE II !

The book contains fantastic how to projects by myself and other contributors including IGMA Artisans Kathi Mendenhall, Le Petite Belle Patterns and Lucie Winsky, plus miniaturists Bonnie Glazier, wigging tips from Dana Burton, Mini Doll List and a how to from Fern Rouleau.

Check out a photo preview slideshow and learn more about the contributors to IN MINIATURE STYLE II or click book cover at my website.

NOTE: To keep informed of news about IN MINIATURE STYLE II, click the yahoo groups button on the website front page to sign up for my periodic newsletter.

April 23, 2010

Congrats to Ann Parker, Author of Leaden Skies, Finalist in Colorado Book Awards

Congrats to author Ann Parker, whose historical mystery, LEADEN SKIES: A SILVER RUSH MYSTERY is a finalist in the historical category of the Colorado Book Awards

I had featured the boo, set in the old west, in a previous First Graphs entry. It definitely sounds like a great book! Read an excerpt as part of First Graphs.

April 22, 2010


Today, I thought I'd share the beautiful cheesecake my sister and nephew dreamed up.... see it at Fatal Foodies. Gorgeous (and yummy!) ha!

April 20, 2010

Miniatures Book Promo: Card Corner Scene

I've been hinting for a few days at something coming.... Well, I have been updating my miniatures ebook, IN MINIATURE STYLE, with new projects and profiles.

The new IN MINIATURE STYLE II should be coming out next spring -- in PRINT and in ebook. Stay tuned for more announcements and a peek at the fantastic cover and contributors! More info coming!

I made the pictured "Reading Corner" as a promotional item which I displayed at this past weekend's IMA Show....

The scene is made in a large greeting card with foam core board as the side walls and the bottom floor which are covered with scrapbook paper.

View of side wall: side table is a large wood painted painted with green paint and varnish. It's topped with a small wood circle. The chair is hand-made also.

The cabinet is filled with more books and magazines. Mini books on top (including mine!) are from one of my two Miniature Bookshelf printies pages. Simply wrap covers around pieces of mat board cut to size and painted white on edges. I also made the hydrangea. More about the hand-made items later!

** The corner was a prize for those signing my email list. And the winner is.....

Bonita Heldt. I will email you for proper mailing address.

** Be sure to come back for more announcements. There'll be more contests and giveaways as we go along to the publication date!

April 19, 2010

Miniatures Monday: Back from Dollhouse Shows

The fun of the dollhouse show season! I was a guest author at the IMA - Independent Miniature Artisans show in Schaumburg, Friday and Saturday, run by the always charming and stylish Thelma Lewis DeMet.

Lot of fun! Good crowds, sold some books. Boy, it's hard to see how you can get so tired just talking. ha! Fun to see some familiar faces and names from The Camp and Roomboxes from Yahoo Groups.

Good to see one of Roomboxes moderators/founders Gale Evans! DM from The Camp was chipper, despite that illogical fear of gnomes! See The Camp link above - she even was hoping that gnome would take a flying leap. ha! (Gasp - she dared touch one??)

Well, of course I had to buy a few things too!

The house purse kit shown above was from Michelle's Miniatures. It was so cute I had to get one. And I got the quarter scale spider web chair and table too - I want to use the spider web as a side table for my half scale project in a gothic clock case.

She has some really cool stuff I hadn't seen. Wanted to get the fortune teller's box but she was out of it. Check out the amazing gypsy wagon, too. Cool stuff.

* I also bought some great half scale gothic furniture kits from Susan at SDK Miniatures. I LOVE her new gothic line; the chairs look very cool in 1" scale too; so will have to get those for the wizard I think. I love her plants, too, and got a pretty red half scale carnation kit.

Sunday I went to the Bishop International Show. I didn't go last year so good to see some familiar faces and enjoy things I can't afford but can sure admire! Sadly I didn't take any pix. I saw so many great items! A shame that because of the volcano a few vendors didnt' make it. Even worse, one poor lady was sitting there without her merchandise as her luggage didnt make it! What a nightmare!

It was fun to see Anna Hardman, whose wonderful hand-sculpted dolls are even more beautiful in person. If you haven't seen them be sure to take a peek at her site!

***(NOTE: Anna's beautiful doll, Livia, recently won a 2010 Doll of the Year award - they are now voting to choose a winner in the miniatures category. (Her doll is the first dollhouse doll chosen for the category!) Winners will be announced in August/Sept. You can vote here.

Nancy Cronin also had her great dolls there; unfortunately, I just missed seeing her, but her witches always make me laugh! A fun weekend!

April 17, 2010

Lucky Lucky Me! Swap with Kat the Hat Lady

Oh lucky duck I am! Rarely do I win (and boy never the lottery! Maybe I better double-check that ticket tomorrow... .. haaa!) I am swapping with Kat the Hat Lady who makes incredible witch hats. And look at this cool hat I'm swapping for!

So... I told Kat about my tote bags, perfect for a witch, wizard, etc. to tote their books and things around. (Or prettier they'll suit a lovely lady, too.)

Here are a couple totes in a black shiny "croc" fabric (love the print!) with a record book, witch magazine and witchcraft book. (Oh, and she has a secret liking for the women's mags... shh! they're hidden! ha!)

So Kat,, which color lining do you like? The purple spotted lining, leopard print, or the lime green lizard? Your choice.... And do you want an attached strap across it or not? Fun, fun! Thanks for shopping at Chris' Mini Witchy Boutique! haa!

** And more on the tote bags later....

April 15, 2010

Faith and Finances Blog Tour: How to Help Others in a Bad Economy

Today we feature a book perfect for the times - FAITH & FINANCES: In God We Trust, A Journey to Financial Dependence
Jesus spoke about money and material possessions more than any other topic. The book offers a contemporary retelling of the parable of the Rich Young Ruler, giving a fresh look at the relationship between a person's faith and their finances.

Devotionals by Christy award-winning writer Ann Tatlock, plus best-selling authors, Loree Lough, Yvonne Lehman, Virginia Smith, Irene Brand, DiAnn Mills, Miralee Ferrell, Shelby Rawson and others, offer spiritual insight and practical advice on how to trust God, not wealth.

10 Ways to Help People in a Bad Economy

Points that offer some "food" for thought:

1) Stress less. Gulls don't store up fish and shrimp, yet they don't starve. In other words, don't worry about what you can't control.

2) Love more. Love is free. Families and friends remain the true source of significance. A life with love and being loved will outlast any economic downturn.

3) Give it all to God. Nations rise and fall. Economies expand and collapse. Whatever financial difficulties you face today God foresaw long ago and will see you through. Don't quit, but let go. Work, budget, but give whatever remains of your wealth to God and trust He'll make it stretch to provide for your daily needs.

4) Dream big. Dreams do not die, they only go dormant. You may not see your dreams come true, but that doesn’t mean they won’t. Make a photo album of places you’d like to visit and give it away as a gift. Write a letter of memories and share it with your spouse and children. Our plans for the future begin with our desires of today.

5) Smile often. Be careful how you live. Your actions and attitudes matter.

6) Trust others. Trust begins with an open hand. We cannot reach for the future with a closed fist. If you want to move forward you will have to trust again. Be wise and discerning, but trust. This is, after all, the lifeblood of our economy.

7) Let go. You can't make a sun rise or a sparrow sing. You control less than you think. Relax, let go, and help those you can.

8) Travel more. Memories don't lose their value, so travel more, not less. What you don’t spend on others you should exchange for memories. Take trips, even if it’s only around the block, to a new park, a creek or spending a day at the community center.

9) Spend less, savor more. Give thanks for the small things and don't begrudge the tough times. You can endure more than you think.

10) Look up. A bowed head will miss the sunrise, sunset and silver lining. Of all creatures man stands nearest to heaven so lift your chin, open your eyes and gaze toward the stars.


** Follow the rest of the tour during April and May. See rest of schedule here.

April 14, 2010

Miniatures Wednesday: Books for the Dollhouse!

Even dollhouses and miniature rooms need books to make them look comfy. As part of an upcoming promotion, I made a miniature reading corner that includes some books and magazines.

I'll share more on the project later, but for now, here are some of the books (mine too!) that I made from Miniature Bookshelf printies at my website.

The book covers are wrapped around mat board painted white on the edges. The bookends are made from scraps of wood with two plastic star beads for decoration. It's a fun, simple little project that can add a touch of realism to your miniature scene.

Stay tuned for more on the project and an announcement!

April 13, 2010

Playing with Words

Author Morgan Mandel has a fun new feature called WORD PLAY over at Blood Red Pencil.

The game: use the word in a sentence. Today's word is "overpowering."

Okay, okay, maybe it's fun only to a writer. But... we can all use a little practice or can spruce up our language skills sometimes, right? Yes, even we writers need to use the dictionary or thesaurus once in a while (the real one, not the computer one!).

So, give it a try! For fun, remember that other word game? (does it have a name?)

See how many words you can make from "overpowering."


I'll report back later on how many I got. Share your number, too.

April 12, 2010

Congrats to Fellow Writer Making Amazon Writing Contest Quarterfinals

I wanted to send congrats to friend and fellow writer Courtney Mroch, whose manuscript THE GHOST OF LAURIE FLOYD made it to the quarterfinals of judging in the 2010 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest. (Courtney also runs the interesting Haunt Jaunts blog.)

Her mystery was one of 5,000 entries chosen in the general fiction category (another 5,000 entries are in the Young Adult category.) Her book then advanced to the second round of 1,000 entries, with 500 entries in each of the two categories.

Her entry is now in the quarterfinals with 500 entries, 250 in each category. (wow!) The top 100 semifinalists will be chosen April 27 - and then go to Penguin editors who choose the last six entries.

So... this is where you come in. Readers and feedback are needed.

** Read the excerpt HERE - and give a review online at the site. Be honest, as the editors are looking for honest reviews, not just glowing reports.

NOTE: Since this is an Amazon contest, the excerpt is in KINDLE format. You can download the free Kindle for PC program if you don't have one. It's easy to do and free.

See a preview below and wish her luck! (And don't forget to put in your review at the link above.)


When Megan Daniels begins her first day at the law firm of Mayhugh and Horne, she sees a body fall past the window. But when the police come to investigate, they don’t find anything. So begins Megan’s association with the ghost of Laurie Floyd, a secretary who committed suicide off the building’s roof the year before. Or did she?

As Laurie leaves Megan more and more clues, it becomes evident she didn’t take her own life. Someone killed her. But who? And why?

Megan believes Andrew Kirkpatrick and Matthew Horne, both attorneys, may know. She’s drawn to Andrew and repulsed by Matthew, but can she trust her instincts?

She joined the firm to work, not to solve a murder or fall in love. Both seem to be happening anyway. If she’s not careful, her job and her heart won’t be the only things she stands to lose.