Seeing that I have so much up on the blog already, thought I'd again share the annual 12 Days of Christmas in Miniature links beginning today.
(Image: Gingerbread house by Christine Verstraete)
Each day's post links to the next day, so be sure to come back to this post and follow the links starting from Day 1 below.
A link to the first day will also be in the left column of the blog until Christmas.
There is plenty here to keep you busy until Dec. 25 and put you in the Christmas Spirit!
12 Days of Christmas in Miniature:
2008 posts: Day 1
* Original Christmas story by Robert Walker,
"The Thief of Christmas Present" - also begins on Day 11 (in two parts)
2009 posts: Day 1

BONUS! An Original Christmas Story, "The Thief of Christmas Present" first shared here in 2008 (see above link also) by author Robert W. Walker, - with miniatures photo illustrations!
** See Miniatures Christmas Story
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!