It's over. Finito. Done.
I didn't visit as many blogs as I wanted, and missed a couple posts, (got sick at beginning) but it was an experience. Great blogs out there.
Elizabeth Mueller shared this final award and is ambitiously visiting all - gulp - 1282 blogs! in the challenge. Wow. She deserves an award just for that. And another for leaving me off the hook for thinking up another blog idea. haa!
** And ThelmaZ at WidowSphere picked my blog as 1 of 26 of her favorites - and that's after visiting over 1,000 blogs. Wow! Thanks, Thelma!
Wanted to let you know that after visiting all 1282 blogs (yes!), I posted 26 I enjoyed most, including yours. Stop by www.widowsphere.blogspot.com to see.
Congratulations on completing the A to Z Challenge. It was an interesting month with lots of stress trying to visit more blogs every day!
My Z is for ... Zetsudai no doryoku osuru
Congratulations on blogging from A to Z (despite any omissions)-- you did well.
Tossing It Out
Congrats on finishing the A-Z Challenge.
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