November 12, 2011

It's Pink Saturday! Pink in Miniature, Tea, Anyone?

I haven't done this in a while, so thought I'd jump in and join Beverly for her PINK SATURDAY @ How Sweet the Sound. (Pic: table in my teapot shoppe.)

I'm busy this weekend signing books at the Wee C Dollhouse Show Club in Elk Grove Village, Ill. (Stop by if you're nearby!), so I am hoping to take some pix in the display room and look for some pink minis! If I can't get the pix posted today I will post them on Monday so be sure to come back!

For now, thought I'd post one of my favorite pinks: the main counter in my miniature Teapot Shoppe. I'll post a few pink items I've made for my dollhouse collection. (See lots of pink in my teapot shoppe at my website, (click miniatures). (My friend Kitty made the cake and cupcakes; I made the two tea jars and displays on the bottom shelf, along with painting the sign and table.)

November 11, 2011

Dollhouse Show....

Today and Saturday (Nov. 11-12), I'll be at the Wee C Dollhouse Club Show. One of the best exhibit rooms around. Stop by, say hello, and get a book signed!

* See details, project list and more - In Miniature Style II - eBook (iPad, Nook, Sony, Kindle, etc.) and Print.

November 10, 2011

New dollhouse album printies and funny album covers

Just added a couple new dollhouse album printies on the website. Click miniatures and printies link at

For fun, thought I'd enlarge one of the 50's-60's album covers - click picture to read the subtitle on the right under the main title. ha!

November 08, 2011

Led Zeppelin - 40 years already?

40 years, really?

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of Led Zeppelin IV, the album containing the classic, "Stairway to Heaven."

Wow, talk about feeling old...

November 07, 2011

Miniatures Monday: BBQ Anyone?

Hungry anyone?

The hamburgers and hot dogs (plus the corn and potato salad) are part of my barbecue how-to in IN MINIATURE STYLE II. You can find additional details including making the onions, the buns and the french fries, plus a few easy tips, in the November issue of Miniature Collector Magazine.

October 31, 2011

Day 12: Halloween in Miniature 2011: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


Today is the final day of the 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature for 2011. I hope you enjoyed the event as much as I enjoyed planning it. (Photo: Mrs. Skellie from my haunted house. See more photos.)

(You can check out the full Halloween event by starting at Day 1.)

Wow, it was a FANTASTIC party with lots of neat guests, great stuff to eat, and a few scares. It took some work, but I always enjoy planning the event and sharing my love of miniatures with others. Thank you for visiting and participating!

For fun, here's a parting gift I made: your own miniature record album cover with that classic Halloween song, "The Monster Mash." (Click for full image, then right click to save. * (Jim's Printables has images of LP's (under music and games) that you can print and cut out.)

Don't forget to check out the list of other goodies at the end of this post!

Thanks to everyone for allowing me to share their wonderful miniature creations! See you next year!

12 Days of Miniature Participants for 2011:

* Alice Zinn's dogs

* Amelia Schmelzer, The Frippery Factory, food

* Barbara Adair, Halloween shop

* Bonnie Glazier, dolls

* Bonnie Justice dolls

* Ceynix Miniature Trees and Trains

* Gina Gagnon, Lone Wolf Mini Creations, dolls

* Janet Whittig, cemetery scene

* Julie Campbell, BellaBelle Dolls

* Karin Foster, castle

* Kat Hazelton, Kat the Hat Lady

* Kate Henry dollhouse

* Kim Saulter, Kim's Miniatures, food and goodies

* Kiva Atkinson, Kiva's Miniatures, food

* Marie's Minis, Halloween food and furnishings

* MiniDollList, doll email list and free tutorials

* Nancy Cronin dolls

* Pamela J Minis, spooky pumpkins

* Patty Benedict, Woopitydooart, spooky figures

* Tracy Topps, Minis on the Edge, custom houses and more.

* Victoria Dark Squirrel, Dark Squirrel's Miniature Asylum, magical cabinets and potions.

*** PRIZES: The following people, please email me your mailing address:****

* Irina (narina)- wins an eBook copy (pdf) of In Miniature Style II. (send me the email to send it to - if you have it, I can send a mini cake and medieval book instead. If so, anyone else not have the eBook, let me know.)

* Cynthia Taylor - wins one of my handmade painted Halloween cakes.

* Otterine - wins a Halloween salad.

Thanks for visiting! See you all next year!

October 30, 2011

Day 11: Halloween in Miniature 2011: Halloween Inspiration

Welcome to Day 11 of the 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature. I hope you've been enjoying the tour! (If you missed it, check in at Day 1.)

I decided to do something different today. I haven't dressed a doll in quite a while, so when Bonnie Glazier sent me this doll kit in a swap we did, I knew I had to start working on her. Maybe because she looks so forlorn. Lovely, isn't she? ha! (Ignore the temporary "shroud" I wrapped her in. But love the glitter boots!)

I'm going to dress her in a pretty colorful outfit with purples and a neat material that is light green with a bluish shimmer. She's going to be a customer or friend for my fortune teller (who's half-dressed at least).

Besides making great dolls and contributing a lovely Chinese lady's outfit in my book, IN MINIATURE STYLE II, where she's also profiled, Bonnie also is making wonderful display dresses for sale!

* See Bonnie's display dress kits and dolls. (Pictured: 1900s dress)

** Okay, getting back to HALLOWEEN, I thought I'd share some sites I've seen around the web for you to get inspired by.

* Check out Marilyn's Halloween Porch - don't skip this one as you've got to see the unusual coffin inhabitant!

* Fannye does some amazing work (check out her ME rooms and scenes for almost every holiday), but she also made a great Trick-or-Treat scene. (See main album page here.)

* Paula did a neat "Secret Book" project. (Not sure if you can see the pix unless you're a member of the online group, The Camp. It's a neat project, worth seeing.

* Check out Terry's incredible Haunted House. Love the details!

* Come back tomorrow for a wrap-up, a free gift and a list of winners! Hope you had fun!

BACK: Day 1.

October 29, 2011

Day 10: Halloween in Miniature 2011 - Visiting the Castle

Welcome to Day 10 of the 12 Days of Halloween In Miniature! (** Be sure to check in at Day 1.)

Guess you were left hanging yesterday.... heh-heh.

Did you hear that? I swore I heard yells....

Wait. Don't go down there!


Canadian miniaturist Karin Foster has been making minis for about three years and had attended a technique workshop at a NAME houseparty (Camp Mini HaHa) in Nova Scotia.

This project, it seems, had a mind of its own. "Prior to the actual workshop, I was all set to make it into a 12th century Knights Templar castle," she says. "I spent about three months thoroughly researching the era and having laser cut furniture designed for me by the late Shirley Blair ....all of which I have since sold.

"The window and door surrounds (with gargoyles etc) are ones I bought from Rik Pierce and that he uses in his 'Fair Rosamund's Bower.' However when I got home -- the workshop was only one week and I don't think that anyone actually finished it while there -- I started to complete it, and 'it' insisted on becoming a haunted castle. I worked on it every day for a solid month and completed it about one week before Halloween." Her daughter has the castle since Karin, unfortunately, doesn't have room for it.

** See Karin's mini tutorials and links

** NEXT:Day 11 - BACK: Day 1

October 28, 2011

Day 9: Halloween in Miniature 2011 - More Halloween Goodies!

Welcome to Day 9 of the 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature! (Be sure to check in at Day 1.)

Hungry? I think we've looked around enough, let's stop and relax, have a snack, and do some visiting.

Mmm, how about a slice of cake or a cupcake? Kim Saulter (Kim's Miniatures) shared some of her handmade Halloween cakes and desserts. Yummy!

Ooh, you can beat chocolate! Kiva Atkinson (Kiva's Miniatures) offers these fresh-baked coffin cakes.

Or if you prefer, we can skip the desserts and go straight to the entree, I heard the cook talking about fresh quiche. Mmm. Well, on second thought, better skip that one... (Egg also by Kiva.)

Wait! Did you hear someone calling? Let's head downstairs, shall we? Be sure to come back tomorrow!

** NEXT: Day 10 - BACK: Day 1.)

October 27, 2011

Day 8: Halloween in Miniature 2011 - The Witch's Greenhouse

Welcome to Day 8 of the 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature! (** Don't forget to check in at Day 1.)

Whew, that walk was a bit harrowing, so let's take a little detour. Don your best new chapeau a la Tim Burton, and let's make one more stop. (Hats by Kat Hazelton, see her Kat the Hat Lady blog.)

They say plants do much more than clean the air. (Plants in window by me; Mother-in-law's Tongue plant by Marie's Minis.)

So what's better than a whole greenhouse full?

We all know the benefit of working in the garden. Well Gertie got herself a job! (Doll painted by Dana of Miniature Art (check out her free MiniDollList - and the dressed skellie contest!) - I added more color and dressed her, see original pic).

To make up for all her summer garage saling, Gertie's now donned an apron and is working at the Witch's Greenhouse. Since I finally got the project done, thought I'd show you around. (See early pix and outside.) It was fun making all the plants; I actually have more still not on display!

The owner Witch Wanda (doll by Detta's Darling Dolls) is actually a kindly soul and is glad to have someone around who shares her love of growing things, even if, uh, well, some of the plants are a bit on the strange side. Project is in one of the Houseworks Street of Shops.

Watch where you're working. some of the plants may bite, and be sure not to step on Fang - (no, best not to ask what's in that dish of food!) (skellie dog by Marie's Minis - Check out her Darkside Manor!).)

(The greenhouse stones outside and the floor inside are made from painted egg cartons.)

** Come back tomorrow for more of the tour!

** NEXT:Day 9 - BACK: Day 1