Glad you arrived safely! Welcome to Day 3 of Halloween in Miniature 2014!
(Latecomers, please go to Day 1)
We are so glad you decided to stop for the tour. We have... wait, what is that delectable smell? Let's take a peek in the kitchen, shall we?
Mmm, homemade cookies and rotted cake and bone dip... oh yum! But, who-who is pouring and serving???? (Goodies by Patricia Paul,
Um, let's hurry on. Move ahead now. Quickly now, quickly. There must be someone here to greet us.... Oh, there she is! Why, it's Matilda the Candy Witch (by Julie Campbell Dolls)
"Hello, dears. I am so sorry I frightened you. I had to pour the wine and hurry back here. I truly thought my de-materialization spell would work better. I hope I didn't frighten you? I have the perfect solution. Have some treats. These have a bit of magic in them. No, don't worry, it's good magic. This is all good candy. There are no calories, you see!"
Now don't eat too many treats. We have some other wonderful appetizers for you!
Mmm, the fresh fruit surely will hit the spot after our candy splurge. That's quite a selection.
(Food by Kiva Atkinson of Kiva's Miniatures.)
Kiva makes such amazing foods that we insist on inviting her back every year! Doesn't that look tasty?
Well, if you don't care for the fruit, you can go right to the main course instead, if you prefer. We have some fresh-caught fish, so fresh, in fact, you best watch out for their bite! Or maybe you'd rather have some cheese and toast... if the toast agree, of course. This is one house where the food has a say in their future!
All right, well, let's continue with the tour. Oh, I'm sorry. Some of our guests may be feeling a bit tired, let's go into the hall.
Do you hear something?
What is that commotion?
** Miniature Halloween Project: Make a vintage witch hat
Do you hear something?
What is that commotion?
** Miniature Halloween Project: Make a vintage witch hat
Spooky Reads:
Ghost in the Guacamole (Ghost of Granny Apples)
(pre-order, Jan. 2015 release) - Sisters fighting over the family business want their deceased father to intervene, but he has his own bombshell - his death may not be an accident, and one sister's life may be in danger if they don't sell...
Just released! Hallowed Horror
The Spirit Clearing - Mark Tufo
All the Little Children - Christine Sutton
Fangs in Vain - Scott Nicholson
The Unsaintly - Lisa Vasquez
Generation Evil - Eric A Shelman
Pride - Chantal Noordeloos
Whispers - Heath Stallcup
Shifters - Jaime Johnesee
Tool Shed - Armand Rosamilia
Dust to Dust - Eden Crowne
Fangs in Vain - Scott Nicholson
The Unsaintly - Lisa Vasquez
Generation Evil - Eric A Shelman
Pride - Chantal Noordeloos
Whispers - Heath Stallcup
Shifters - Jaime Johnesee
Tool Shed - Armand Rosamilia
Dust to Dust - Eden Crowne
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