To start, for fun, thought I'd show a photo of my friend Kitty's latest project, her cupcake shop. We both did tea and teapot shops at the same time a few years ago, sharing ideas. This time she sent me a bunch of cupcakes and cakes, so I'll work on that soon. I'll share more pix of her project probably on Friday, so be sure to stop back

** Today, Monday 5/16 I'm at Kat the Hat Lady's blog. Check out her cool hats!
** Be sure to read to the end of this post for contest details -- and where to find the answers!
Recap: here are the questions so far:
Contest Questions:
Question 1: Who is the lovely lady of the sea?
Question 2: What is my "sweetest" miniature scene?
Question 3: What is the dog holding?
** Today's Question:**
Question 4: He sees you when you're sleeping... but he solves the crime. (Dual answer, two sections on website. Either one is right. Bonus for both.)
IN MINIATURE STYLE II is available in eBook/pdf, Kindle and other formats at Smashwords, iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, Nook, and print.
"Easy to read, the book is a bit like having a miniature club to yourself," says Lesley Shepherd, About.com Miniatures Guide.
** Read the rest of her full-page review at Miniatures.About.com **
The book includes updated and new features, photos & dozens of new how-to projects in various categories by talented miniaturists and IGMA artisans. See book title link for photos, details and where to buy, or buy at direct links.
Huh? What's a blog tour, you may ask?
Well, consider it a virtual house-to-house, er, blog-to-blog visit. I'll be stopping at different blogs, talking about my new book, IN MINIATURE STYLE II, answering some questions, holding contests... ahh, that got your attention, right?
Ok - first the BLOG LIST:
Visit the blogs (see list in left column) for the day's question.
**NOTE: On 5/17, Visit Kathi's blog on the list and come back here for the day's question:
5/17 Question 5: What's to eat? Name one food how-to from "In Miniature Style II."
So, on to... The Contest!
Each blog on the tour features one question for a kind of online scavenger hunt. The answer may be here at my blog (type the words in the search box in left column), but will most likely be on my website. (Hint: click miniatures, a good place to start, or see the IN MINIATURE STYLE II book page and video.)
Comment on that day's blog (DO NOT post the question's answer!) to be eligible to win the day's prize. Then collect all 7 answers --- EMAIL all to me with Blog Tour in subject line to chris @ cverstraete.com (remove spaces or click contact at website or on blog) - DO NOT POST ANSWERS ONLINE!!. There's a new question and prize each day. Names will be drawn from correct entries submitted by 5/20.
1. A plain bust kit to paint and dress as done by Bonnie Glazier in IN MINIATURE STYLE II
2-3. One of two swatches of fabric to make the sundress on the cover by IGMA Artisan Kathi Mendenhall.
4. A plate of miniature cupcakes and a mini cake. Bonus: plate of Christmas cookies. (Can never plan too soon!)
5. One eBook/pdf copy of "In Miniature Style II"
6. Kit to make a chef hat, apron and accessories from Bonnie Glazier.
7. An eBook copy in pdf or other format of "In Miniature Style II." (If other format, cost paid to winner by author via Paypal so they can download own copy at site.)
(NOTE: make sure to list an email or way to contact you in your comments; if you're from an online minis group, please list which one. Come back to check here too as I'll put winners' names by each category, then email me your mailing address.)
***Have fun! Visit the IN MINIATURE STYLE II page for links to buy, photos and details! Thanks for visiting, participating and reading my book!