Here's another view from my friend Kitty's cupcake shop. She made all the mini cakes and cupcakes from FIMO oven-bake clay.

This is my Uncle Sam room, which is featured in the book. It was inspired by the patriotic furniture I found some years ago of all places in the gift shop at Old World Wisconsin. There's a matching country-style table on the step that is out of view.
Continuing the blog tour for my new book, IN MINIATURE STYLE II.
** Winners are Chell, Dale and Marisa... if I didn't get your entry contact me via the email at my profile here on the blog.**
** Stops are over, and I thank all for coming over. Now you can answer ALL the questions and send me the answers to see who's won...
Big HINT: All the answers are on my website. Very easy to find if you concentrate on two pages relating to the book and the hobby. Email answers via website (remove 1) or to chrisATcverstraeteDOTcom.
See previous post for the full contest details or click here.
Recap: here are the questions:
Contest Questions:
Question 1: Who is the lovely lady of the sea?
Question 2: What is my "sweetest" miniature scene?
Question 3: What is the dog holding?
Question 4: He sees you when you're sleeping... but he solves the crime. (Dual answer, two sections on website. Either one is right. Bonus for both.)
Question 5: What's to eat? Name one food how-to from "In Miniature Style II."
Question 6: Name one of the flowers in the book (other than the hydrangea on the cover! Too easy!)
Question 7: Name one project from IN MINIATURE STYLE II you'd like to make - and share how you'd change it (colors, style, etc.) and what project you'll use it in.
I want to thank all the gracious hosts for letting me take up space on their blogs! Also, thanks to everyone for participating and playing the game! Entries will be accepted all weekend through 5/23 then I'll try to get the winner's names up. If I don't get a response then I'll pick another winner.
** IN MINIATURE STYLE II is available in eBook/pdf, Kindle and other formats at Smashwords, iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, Nook, and print.
"Easy to read, the book is a bit like having a miniature club to yourself," says Lesley Shepherd, Miniatures Guide.
** Read the rest of her full-page review at **