October 21, 2009

Halloween in Miniature 2: Fern's Fun Halloween Foods!

The party for the 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature is in full swing! Glad you could stop by!

Did you get some wine and goodies? Be sure to introduce yourself - the party starts here.

Today, let's sample some of Fern's fabulous Halloween goodies. Fern makes an assortment of fun miniature scenes and clay miniatures. See her work at her website.

Fern's latest project is a fun Halloween book scene. You can use a paper mache book, or some people use the outside cover of a real book as the backdrop for their scene.

Fern used a fun, colorful book, GHOULISH GOODIES, A Frightful Cookbook, as the background for her scene. (I saw it at Borders. Cute Book!) She glued the pages together to make the book sturdy enough to use for the two walls.

The party tables are held up by a skeleton body (Resin/plastic skeletons. You can get a string of four at the dollar store. Michael's also had some for $4.99.)

Love the floor! Fern used foam core board which she painted black and cut in a zig zag pattern, then covered it with scrapbook paper, leaving some of the black edge showing.

The darling little girl dressed in her party finery is by Deborah McCain (Whispers in the Woods).

So, What's to Eat?

Don't want you to go hungry! Fern made a great assortment of fun party foods. The choices? Yummy!

Table 1: Caramel apples, eyeball drops and black jellybeans, three-layer cake, spiderweb tea pot, fancy orange iced cupcakes, bat turnovers, candy apples, candy corn, Halloween layered squares, candy bars and lollipops.

Table 2:
Pumpkin cookies, mini Halloween cake and a Halloween gingerbread house in progress. Fern, thanks for sharing your Halloween goodies!

** See fun Halloween cake recipes.

** Make a (full-size) Halloween gingerbread house.

** Next: Day 3 - Meet some guests - Meet the Skellies!


October 20, 2009

12 Days of Halloween in Miniature: Welcome!

My little witch bids everyone welcome! Please come in, hang up your witch hats, and be sure to check your potions at the door.

Today marks Day One of a 12 Day celebration of all things Halloween - and in miniature! How can you beat that?

Nothing evil, nothing too scary, I just want to offer my readers a glimpse of work by some amazing miniature artists and have some fun! So stick around and be sure to comment. For fun, I'll send one winner their very own eyeball salad for their dollhouse, so leave a comment and don't forget to note where to contact you (group, blog, email, website, etc.)

So, let's start the party!

First off --- no party is complete without food! I suggest a glass of my very own Golden Eye wine. Careful now, sip it slowly. I hear it has quite a kick! (Fyi: this is 1" scale so 1" = 1 foot. The bottle is about 1-inch tall.)

* See other samples of my food at the Verstraete Miniatures Gallery/Halloween food

Now for the main course. Mmm, who can resist spaghetti and eyeballs? My favorite!

The "Spaghetti Alla Eyes" is by Stephanie Kilgast, who sells her great miniature food under the name PetitPlat on Etsy. See some of her work at her blog.

Now for a close-up: Here's looking at you, kid! (ha-ha-ha!)

** Yum. Enjoy some other Halloween recipes like these Brittle bones. Yum!

The party is just getting started so kick back, relax, and mingle. Have fun!

Come back tomorrow for more Halloween food.

On Day 2, let's dig into Fern's great Halloween party treats. No trick! Boo!

October 16, 2009

Vintage Black Friday - miniature black dress

Since it's almost Halloween, I figured I'd share the miniature witch doll I dressed, now part of a miniature museum exhibit.

The little witch's dress was made from a piece of vintage black silk. It looked like part of a corset. It had hem lines sewn in it. I reversed it and used the "wrong" side to use as the hem and for a design in the dress bottom.

The hat also is black silk.

See more miniatures at my miniatures gallery.

I will be sharing more Halloween miniatures during the 12 Days of Halloween in Miniature from Oct. 20-31 so be sure to stop back!

** More Halloween Fun:
It’s him vs. them…. Who will win?

Excerpt from THE WITCH TREE by C.A. Verstraete:

What he noticed first was the sound.

Jimmy Grayson lifted his head from the grimy pillow, stared at the open window, and cringed. The onslaught seemed to come from every direction. He placed a hand over his ear to try to block it out. No such luck. High-pitched screeches, nonstop chattering, the endless wall of freaking sound was making him crazy.

In one swift motion, he threw off the dingy, worn quilt, catapulted from the bed, and rushed to the window. "Shut up!" he screamed, not caring how unhinged he sounded. "Shut the hell up!"

It stopped.

Ahhh. A deep sigh escaped him; an appreciation for the quiet filled him. He exhaled in a soft whoosh of air. The muscles in his neck relaxed as the tension left. His eyes closed almost of themselves-then popped open as the cacophony started up again.
The endless, unendurable shrieks, chirps, and chatters surrounded him from all sides like a blanket. With each passing second, the sound from hundreds of blackbirds increased in volume.

** I dare you to read on! Turn the lights low, or fire up the laptop and read THE WITCH TREE. Oh, don’t forget to lock the door!

* Buy THE WITCH TREE at Fictionwise

October 15, 2009

Kreativ Blog Award

Thanks to Katie at Katie's Clay Corner for this new Kreativ Blog Award. I'm with her; hadn't seen any for awhile and now they're going around again. Fine with me! I like them and it gives me something else to write about and suggest new fun, blogs to read.

The rules for this award are:
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
5. Nominate seven 'Kreativ Bloggers'
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.

7 things about me:
1. I have miniatures all over my house.
2. I have birds in my living room wall. (a built-in aviary)
3. My favorite doll is Thumbelina, a baby doll the size of a real baby from the late 1950s-1960s.
4. If miniatures were money, I'd be a millionaire. Ok maybe a billionaire. haa!
5. I procrastinate.
6. I hate spiders.
7. I'll run into a busy street to rescue a lost animal.

7 blogs I nominate:
1. Grace at TreeFeathers. Great books!
2. Marsha at Sassy Mini Dolls. Fun dolls!
3. Christina RodriguezGreat artist!
4. Morgan Mandel at Double M's Take Great promoter!
5. Kitty at Minis by Kitty Great minis!
6. Tracy at Minis on the Edge Great houses!
7. Charlene at MiniBella Great creative ideas for remaking things inexpensively!

Have fun everyone!

October 14, 2009

A Merry Miniature Christmas Tree! Already?

New Hampshire miniaturist Michelle Riley sent this adorable photo in response to the story on Alice Zinn's miniature dogs.

Michelle won one of Alice's dogs as a prize in a contest at The Camp miniatures list and shares this fun Christmas scene. Love the colored bones on the tree!

Hey, it's not too early for Christmas. In fact, this year this would be considered late! (Stuff is already out in stores. Some places like Harrod's even had Santa come in for a true Christmas in July. Can you believe it?)

October 13, 2009

Margaret Grace Book Winners!

I want to again thank Margaret Grace/Camille Minichino for her great visit and her fantastic how-to. (See previous two days posts. Scroll down or see archive list at bottom of right column.)

So here are winners of her free book giveaway:

Lynne Landygo

Glenna - (blueuni47)

christina rodriguez

** If Camille did not contact you, please make sure you email her at her website with your mailing address so she can send your books.


October 12, 2009

Miniatures Monday: New Miniature Food Book

Now you can appreciate food in a new way. You can enjoy it anywhere - without calories!

I've long admired the work of polymer clay artists who have a knack for making miniature food that is not only perfect for the dollhouse, but is wearable, too!

How fun to wear hot dog earrings or PetitPlat's fun layer cake or tart earrings, or rings with little cupcakes? There's even a breakfast plate necklace by KishCrafts on Etsy.

Well I didn't realize the trend was popular enough beyond the dollhouse collecting crowd to warrant its own book! (Here's a clue: do a search for miniature food jewelry on Etsy and over 2,000 items come up!)

POLYMER CLAY COOKBOOK: Tiny Food Jewelry to Whip Up and Wear by Jessica and Susan Partain (Watson-Guptill Oct. 20, 2009) includes instructions to make 20 realistic food charms. The "cookbook-style" book is said to be aimed at the "beginning miniaturist chef." I don't know if the pieces are exactly dollhouse scale, but I'm sure those skilled with clay can scale down the sizes if needed.

The "recipes" are grouped by category: fruits, breakfast, lunch and dinner, sweets and snacks, and holiday foods. Each recipe has a list of "ingredients," step-by-step directions with photographs, and suggested variations. Finished pieces are shown as a particular jewelry item, but readers can adapt the item to whatever jewelry item they choose. The book also includes a real recipe in each chapter. How fun!

* BUY at Amazon.com: The Polymer Clay Cookbook: Tiny Food Jewelry to Whip Up and Wear

* A good addition to Sue Heaser's FOOD DISPLAYS - BUY at Amazon.com: Food Displays: Step-By-Step Instructions for over 40 Projects (Dolls House Do-It-Yourself)

** Plus the NEW Angie Scarr MINIATURE FOOD MASTERCLASS - BUY at Amazon.com: Miniature Food Masterclass: Materials and Techniques for Model-Makers

October 11, 2009

New Author Snapshot Column at Mysterical-e

My latest Author Snapshot column in the winter issue of Mysterical-e is now up.

See "snapshots" of some great new mystery books by authors Gayle Carline, FREEZER BURN; Joseph R.G. DeMarco, MURDER AT CAMAC; and Mary Welk, THE RUNE STONE MURDERS.

October 10, 2009

In the Pink on Pink Saturday - Love those Pink Miniatures!

It's another Pink Saturday, so I decided to come play again with Beverly and the crowd.

First stop, I checked out two blogs, hello to Barb at Dogmom Diva (love that name!) and Tricia at Altered Schoolmarm.

First Goal: Click for Breast Cancer!

Just go here and click to provide free mammograms to women in need!

What else is Pink this week?

I'm featuring some fun pink miniature foods I came across - many you can wear, too!

There's something fun about miniature food. Besides being calorie free, it's attention-getting, charming, and well, I have to say it, just plain cute!

* Etsy.com is a great place to find unique miniature food made mostly of polymer clay that you can admire - and wear. There seems to be a lot of people who like to wear their food as earrings, rings, brooches and pendants, etc. A few examples I found:

* Paris Miniatures' pink cappuccino cup earrings.

* French miniaturist Stephanie Kilgast (PetitPlat) does some yummy miniature food in pink! How about this wonderful "Princess Delight" pink layer cake? (see photo above) and a yummy looking pink tart ring.

* Now this is cool! Danzdzynes' makes scented cupcake and donut charms! How fun! (Don't wear when you're hungry. ha!)

* I scream, you scream...Dirtroadsouth offers a fun ice cream cone pendant, 1 1/4" tall.

* Beadpassion has pretty items like this pretty Strawberry Fields cupcake pendant. I Love the details.

Are you hungry yet??

Hope you have a great week!

** Now that you have your dessert... how about enjoying it with a cup of coffee or tea, and a copy of one of my books? **

Perfect for Halloween! - "The Witch Tree" - Will it be him... or them? Jimmy Grayson thought he found utopia - and then they came.

A spooky short story. Buy at Fictionwise.

* In Searching for a Starry Night, A Miniature Art Mystery, Sam and her bff, Lita, along with a mischievous Dachshund named Petey, face a dog-hating gardener, an angry housekeeper, and an ancient family curse in this middle grade mystery.

(Available in print, ebook, and Kindle - ages 8/9 and up.)

October 09, 2009

October is National Dollhouse Miniatures Month

I surely want to tout my favorite hobby since October is National Dollhouse Miniatures Month. (Pictured: My wizard dog)

I've been collecting for more than a decade and unlike some things, I still haven't tired of miniatures. My problem now is not finishing things!

If you haven't seen it, take a look at my collection at the Verstraete Miniatures Gallery

The nice thing about the hobby is you can try all kinds of crafts: dressing miniature dolls, painting, decoupage, clay modeling, and more.

Here are some sites with fun easy projects. Try one! And have a look around. Maybe you'll get inspired!

* Misshelly's Zoo has some fun how-to projects like making your own craft table and scrapbook scene.

* Ha! Check this out: These miniature clay dolls sing! Beware they sound like mice on speed, but they're cute - and animated!

* Check out Jim's site for the best selection of dollhouse printables (printies).

* I also have two pages of miniature book printies on my website.

Have fun!