April 08, 2010

Author Morgan Mandel Writes Her Own Destiny: Mysterical-e column

My interview with Morgan Mandel, author of KILLER CAREER, is now up in my Author Snapshot column at Mysterical-e.

Morgan has been successful at forging her own writing success.

See what she has to say about "Writing Her Own Destiny."


April 06, 2010

New Miniatures Mystery Book: Monster in Miniature by Margaret Grace

Today is the release date for the new book, MONSTER IN MINIATURE in Margaret Grace's Miniature Mystery series.

This miniaturist is in BIG trouble...

For a festive Halloween project, Geraldine Porter and her granddaughter, Maddie, set out to create a multi-story haunted dollhouse. But their holiday fun turns to fear when a neighborhood scarecrow turns out to be a bloody corpse.

The series has been fun so far, but.... this one sounds great! Miniatures, a mystery, and.... a haunted house! Well, it doesn't get much better!

No one and only time to haunt in miniature, I say! (Yes, I have a mini haunted house. See link at my miniatures page at my website. )

April 03, 2010

Pink Saturday: Happy Easter and Thanks to Jody for Swap!

Running behind today so hopefully some visitors will still stop by today for PINK SATURDAY, hosted by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.

First I stopped by Karin at Creative Chaos (Love that name! Is that what this is??) Loved her pretty pinks and all kinds of creative stuff!

As tomorrow is Easter Sunday, I wanted to share a few Easter miniatures... like the lily I made (above) and the sunny yellow cake and orange tarts.

I also wanted to share the beautiful flowers Jody at Peach Blossom Hill made for me for our swap. They look so real!

Though not Eastery, I wanted to share the spooky painting Jody did. I love it! It'll be a perfect large wall painting in a half scale scene I'm making in a gothic clock case. Just been collecting things for it. Already thinking I have to expand the back and enlarge the space!

A Happy and Blessed Easter!

April 01, 2010

Fooling and Shopping

No it's not an April Fool's joke. What are they doing to old favorites at the grocery?
That's my topic today at Fatal Foodies

March 31, 2010

Miniatures Wednesday: See the light!

A teeny tiny half scale lamp I won as a prize from Sue B on the Half Scale Yahoo group. Cute! Thanks, Sue!

Oh going to be 73 out today. wow!!!!!!

March 30, 2010

It's a Dog's Life.. Really, Doggie Yoga anyone?

Ok now your dog has to exercise, too. Well, some may need to lay off the chew bones, but is this dog stuff getting, well, too trendy?

The latest fad - Doggie Yoga - (see link for video) "Doga"

So, would you? Or could you?

March 27, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday!

It's another PINK SATURDAY at Beverly's blog, How Sweet the Sound.

So what is new and PINK this week?

Well first I stopped and visited Colette at The Open Cupboard who has the cutest collection of vintage plates and all kinds of stuff. Love the pink shelves!

As for my pink stuff...

For fun, here's a set of fun 50's tin plates I picked up at a flea market....

My favorite Thumbelina doll (early 60's) has a pink hat and a pink bunny...

The miniature scene at the top is from my Tudor tea Shoppe. I'll have to take some new pix when I remove the plexiglass cover.

So that's all for now! Thanks for stopping by!

March 26, 2010

Revising: Again and again and...

I'm a chronic revisionist, it seems.

I think something is done, but every time I open the document, I find something to change.

One manuscript has been shortened several times. It went from over 700 words to 600, and under 500. Now I shaved off another 20 words. I realized the deleted words weren't needed. I could have used them, but no one will miss them.

I wonder if it's the end.

I do like where the manuscript is at now. Hoping that someone else will.

It makes me wonder what other writers think, and do.

** How many times do you revise?

** Do you see things to change after you think you are done?

** Share your experiences.

March 25, 2010

Spring Cleaning and Motivation

Talking about spring cleaning, focus and all that today at Fatal Foodies

What's your motivation? How do you stay focused?

March 23, 2010

Miniatures Giveaway!

Marleen's Miniatures is celebrating 100 followers with a great giveaway!

Sign up and post the pic and link on your blog too!