My entries in the Top 10 Include:
* Anthologies: (Includes my story, "Wildfire," based on the song of the same name.
8. (I Just) Died in Your Arms: Crime Fiction Inspired by One-Hit Wonders, White City Press
(I Just) Died in Your Arms: Crime Fiction Inspired by One-Hit Wonders
* Horror Short Stories: (My Story, "Blink!")
4. Blink! in Behind the Shadows II, C.A. Verstraete, Inkd Publishing
Behind the Shadows II.
3. Secrets of the Last Mine in Noncorporeal II, C.A. Verstraete, Inkd Publishing (They didn't have a ghost category and it really didn't fit Sci Fi)
"Secrets of the Last Mine," in Noncorporeal II
Just for fun, but be sure to check out the great stories in the entries!