Today I welcome back author Morgan Mandel, who just released her fifth (!) book, the romantic comedy, HER HANDYMAN.
Isn't that a great title and cover?! Keep reading for a little about Morgan's writing, and love of dogs, and...
One lucky commenter will receive a choice from one of Morgan’s other e-books: the romantic comedy, Girl of My Dreams, the mystery, Two Wrongs, the romantic suspense, Killer Career, or the romantic thriller, Forever Young: Blessing or Curse, in their choice of Kindle or other e-book format. Be sure to provide your e-mail address. (See more about all Morgan's books here.
About the Book:
A novella length romantic comedy, with a dash of the serious. Longer than a short story, shorter than a full-length novel - just the right size for a busy reader!
Throw a crazy canine, a handyman, and an artist together and you've got mayhem!
Who'd guess it's Jake, the handyman, who needs rescuing when he answers a call by the distraught artist, Zoe, to stop a toilet flood begun by her crazy canine, FuFu?
Jake's engaged to a sexy, perfect woman, and she's even a great cook! There's no room in his life for a quirky, rich artist, who eats raw vegetables and probably can't even boil an egg -- or is there? Are Jake's perfect plans about to be disrupted?
Heeere's Morgan!
Q: Why did you decide to use a dog in Her Handyman?
A: I love dogs. I’ve owned various dogs since I’ve been married, which is going on 40 years. Each one owns a special place in my heart. I remember them all with love. The present dog who owns me is Rascal. (pictured below)

Q: Is this the first time you’ve used a dog in a story?
A: Actually, a dog plays a very minor role in my romantic suspense,KILLER CAREER
; but in HER HANDYMAN, the Chinese Crested FuFu plays a pivotal part of the plot. Without her, there would be no story.
Q: Why did you pick this breed?
A: I’ve always been fascinated by the uniqueness of the Chinese Crested breed. They often win ugliest dog contests, yet there’s something endearing about their unusual looks.
Q: What does your choice of dog breed bring to the story?
A: I aimed at an offbeat, humorous romance, with a slight touch of the serious, and FuFu seemed a perfect addition to the mix. She’s small, but mighty. How Jake and Zoe respond to her illustrates their true nature.
Q: What’s the key to writing romantic comedy?
A: I don’t know if there’s any special key. For example, I don’t always laugh at many of the jokes my husband thinks are hilarious. He loves The Three Stooges, and to me they’re silly. In HER HANDYMAN, I show the ways the hero and heroine are distinctly different, and how it’s difficult for them to relate. I fashioned their inner and spoken dialogue in a humorous vein, threw in some plot twists, and I must confess, resorted to a huge pratfall.
Excerpt of HER HANDYMAN from Chapter One:
When he stepped out, a finely grained walnut door cracked open to reveal a thin, waif-like blonde with long, flyaway hair, from which a purple orchid dangled on one side. A peace sign hung from her neckband.
The waif’s clothes consisted of a gauzy, billowy white blouse, multi-colored gypsy skirt, and high furry sandals. He barely caught the mood ring on her finger, before his eyes were drawn to the wiggly yapping critter in her arms. What the hell was that?
Her eyes grew wide at sight of him. She clutched the weird animal tightly as if for protection. The critter growled and flashed dagger looks at Jake.
Jake restrained a grin. He’d been right about his client, but it seemed she’d been way off about him. Her slight stature compared to his six-two, well-muscled one had to put her off.
He’d seen this reaction before. For some reason, first-time clients envisioned an old guy, like the Maytag repairman. Maybe it was his deep voice.
His lips twitched. “Jake Witkowski at your service. You can call me Jake. You have a bad toilet, Miss?”
“Yes, water’s leaking everywhere. It’s awful.”
“Well, then, I better take a look.”
Her eyebrows puckered. Did she think he was referring to her and not the bathroom? He could enlighten her that he preferred brunettes with more meat on their bones, like his Angelina, but that would be mean. Also, bad for business.
About the Author:
Morgan Mandel lives in a Chicago suburb with her husband, commonly referred to as Good Paul, and their lovable pit bull, Rascal. She’s not ashamed to admit her vices: chocolate, ice cream, pizza, and a great love of slot machines. Her favorite pastimes are reading, writing, going to garage and rummage sales, attending festivals, and watching romances and mysteries on TV and DVDs.
Her Handyman is Morgan's fifth book. She's also a contributor to. The Corner Cafe: A Tasty Collection of Short Stories (BBT Cafe Authors)
** Learn more at:
About the Book:
A novella length romantic comedy, with a dash of the serious. Longer than a short story, shorter than a full-length novel - just the right size for a busy reader!
Throw a crazy canine, a handyman, and an artist together and you've got mayhem!
Who'd guess it's Jake, the handyman, who needs rescuing when he answers a call by the distraught artist, Zoe, to stop a toilet flood begun by her crazy canine, FuFu?
Jake's engaged to a sexy, perfect woman, and she's even a great cook! There's no room in his life for a quirky, rich artist, who eats raw vegetables and probably can't even boil an egg -- or is there? Are Jake's perfect plans about to be disrupted?
Heeere's Morgan!
Q: Why did you decide to use a dog in Her Handyman?
A: I love dogs. I’ve owned various dogs since I’ve been married, which is going on 40 years. Each one owns a special place in my heart. I remember them all with love. The present dog who owns me is Rascal. (pictured below)

Q: Is this the first time you’ve used a dog in a story?
A: Actually, a dog plays a very minor role in my romantic suspense,KILLER CAREER
Q: Why did you pick this breed?
A: I’ve always been fascinated by the uniqueness of the Chinese Crested breed. They often win ugliest dog contests, yet there’s something endearing about their unusual looks.
Q: What does your choice of dog breed bring to the story?
A: I aimed at an offbeat, humorous romance, with a slight touch of the serious, and FuFu seemed a perfect addition to the mix. She’s small, but mighty. How Jake and Zoe respond to her illustrates their true nature.
Q: What’s the key to writing romantic comedy?
A: I don’t know if there’s any special key. For example, I don’t always laugh at many of the jokes my husband thinks are hilarious. He loves The Three Stooges, and to me they’re silly. In HER HANDYMAN, I show the ways the hero and heroine are distinctly different, and how it’s difficult for them to relate. I fashioned their inner and spoken dialogue in a humorous vein, threw in some plot twists, and I must confess, resorted to a huge pratfall.
Excerpt of HER HANDYMAN from Chapter One:
When he stepped out, a finely grained walnut door cracked open to reveal a thin, waif-like blonde with long, flyaway hair, from which a purple orchid dangled on one side. A peace sign hung from her neckband.
The waif’s clothes consisted of a gauzy, billowy white blouse, multi-colored gypsy skirt, and high furry sandals. He barely caught the mood ring on her finger, before his eyes were drawn to the wiggly yapping critter in her arms. What the hell was that?
Her eyes grew wide at sight of him. She clutched the weird animal tightly as if for protection. The critter growled and flashed dagger looks at Jake.
Jake restrained a grin. He’d been right about his client, but it seemed she’d been way off about him. Her slight stature compared to his six-two, well-muscled one had to put her off.
He’d seen this reaction before. For some reason, first-time clients envisioned an old guy, like the Maytag repairman. Maybe it was his deep voice.
His lips twitched. “Jake Witkowski at your service. You can call me Jake. You have a bad toilet, Miss?”
“Yes, water’s leaking everywhere. It’s awful.”
“Well, then, I better take a look.”
Her eyebrows puckered. Did she think he was referring to her and not the bathroom? He could enlighten her that he preferred brunettes with more meat on their bones, like his Angelina, but that would be mean. Also, bad for business.

Morgan Mandel lives in a Chicago suburb with her husband, commonly referred to as Good Paul, and their lovable pit bull, Rascal. She’s not ashamed to admit her vices: chocolate, ice cream, pizza, and a great love of slot machines. Her favorite pastimes are reading, writing, going to garage and rummage sales, attending festivals, and watching romances and mysteries on TV and DVDs.
Her Handyman is Morgan's fifth book. She's also a contributor to. The Corner Cafe: A Tasty Collection of Short Stories (BBT Cafe Authors)
** Learn more at:
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* Twitter: @MorganMandel
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* Excerpts and links to all of Morgan's books here
* Twitter: @MorganMandel
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* Romance Blog
* Excerpts and links to all of Morgan's books here