
March 19, 2019

The Paris #Miniature #Dollhouse Project, Day 1

Welcome Readers!  

Today I am beginning a series of posts featuring my friend Gigi Nephew's new miniature adventure. We both love history and reading historical fiction as well, so this project will be a fun and unique combination of all our favorite interests!


Follow along for an insider's view, some tips, ideas and general mini FUN! as Gigi delves into the creation and kit-bashing of this year's Hobby Builders Supply 2019 Creatin' Contest kit, the Serendipity Shed. 

 I'm helping her brainstorm and do some creative things, as well as serving as her project post-master here.  The idea is to have the posts run on Tuesdays and Fridays, though the Friday posts may be more sporadic, or will be shorter. The posts will be linked and be listed below so you can follow along on the mini adventure. (NOTE: You can sub to email updates in the box in the left column.)

We hope you enjoy the journey - and please vote when the time comes!
--Chris & Gigi.

Day 1 - So It Begins!

By Gigi Nephew

 On the advice of my dear friend Christine Verstraete, I will provide regular updates on my next miniature build that I now refer to as - The Paris Project.  A big thank you goes to Chris for helping me to actually do this in a public manner, and for all your inspiration and friendship!     

Book Inspiration

As I was reading the books, The Paris Key and Letters from Paris, both written by Juliet Blackwell, the vision for the Serendipity Shed came to me.  I envisioned a three-story old building in the heart of Paris that has a shop on the ground floor that makes and repairs locks and keys, sells masks, and also has some Paris memorabilia.  The two floors above the shop are the living quarters of the woman from Wisconsin who pursued her dream to own a shop and live in Paris.

(Image: Potential components for miniature building levels.)

 The mask portion of the store in the book is based on the accounts of L'Inconnue de la Seine (translated “the unknown woman of the Seine").  According to the stories, a young woman was pulled out of the Seine River at the Quai du Louvre in Paris around the 1880s.  A death mask was made of her face which became a popular fixture on the walls of artists’ homes after 1900. In reading about the history, this became a well-known method to capture a loved one or a famous person’s face upon death. (Image:

 Keys and locks have been around a long time and the many different designs of keys are a unique art form and also hold mysteries to the doors they unlock.  The theme for the miniature shop is not only to cut keys, but to repair old locks, and sell unique keys as art work. (Image:

 So, with the vision of this building incorporating various historical aspects, I am excited to begin another mini adventure! I invite you to come along for the journey. Maybe I'll even inspire you to start a project of your own!

** (I will keep adding the series of links here. Links may not be immediately active.)

* Go to  Day 2   - Day 3  - Day 4  - Day 5  - Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 9  - Day 10Day 11Day 12 - Day 13Day 14 - Day 15 - Day 16 - Day 17 - Day 18 - Day 19 - Day 20 -  Day 21 - Day 22 - 23: Update  -  24: The Name -  1-6-20: Finale preview

Until next time... Happy creating!