
August 27, 2023

Mini Numbers 1: The Fairfield dollhouse


While I'm working on some ideas, thought I'd share some posts in-between.

This time, I'll share some older photos in keeping with the weekly themes we're following in the Half Scale Minis group on FB. (Click photo for full size; see last post: Witch cottage furnishings & other posts in left column archives.)

Theme: posting by numbers. First up - one post for one favorite scene.

Hard to choose but... here's my favorite dining room in my half scale Fairfield dollhouse. (See other photos and posts in the list on the top tab.) Here are some other photos, including a close-up of the table in the dining room.

* Thanks for visiting again. Working on something for Halloween! Come back for some other posts soon!

August 17, 2023

Witch Cottage 2: Furnishings!


Decided to share a few recent furnishings I got done for the half-scale Witch Cottage.  Not a lot, but I'm getting there "little by little!" 💀  (*See new garden plants; latest exterior update. See more posts in left column archives. Click photos for full size.)

Second floor furnishings: 

The bed above assembled, from my favorite Gothic furnishings set (SDK Miniatures.) Most pieces also come in 1" scale. 

The bed dressed, below. I'm still thinking it might need something more like maybe a spooky throw on the end. I'll share again if I add something.

I also finished the Gothic Mule Chest (also from the Gothic set. I glued tiny hinges on top of the chest (without the teensy nails I can never get in!) I may use it at the foot of the bed and was considering filling it with a bunch of medieval manuscripts. I put some crumpled "old" manuscripts inside for padding. 

The pile of "ancient" manuscripts were one of those easy and fun little projects to do. Aged a bunch of papers I found with diluted burnt umber paint, and added burnt spots and burned the edges.

I did decide to use these chairs on the second floor to match the color scheme. I made them awhile back and had been saving them since they didn't seem to match anything though I liked the fabric! I added some small pillows and footstools. The larger footstool is actually two Scrabble tiles glued together. The smaller one is a square foam "bead" from the dollar store. The pillows and footstools are edged with black Bunka. The bottom of the footstools are covered with a black fabric with tiny white polka dots.

I did add a few more lights: at the peak, on the right wall, and on the first floor divider (not shown). Luckily, was able to run extra electric tape over the roof by connecting a piece on an outside edge. (You can see the roof tape and the extra light in the last exterior post.)  Bad planning as I thought it was too dark and then I didn't leave any other way to connect light wires but did get it to work.

There's not a lot left to do except some decorative items and unfinished trim, and the shingles, of course. It's a small house. But I'd like to move the base that's now under the Fairfield and add some Halloween stuff outside. I hope to have a new plywood base cut for the Fairfield big enough for the acrylic case to rest on so I can also use the turntable under it. Then I'll have a larger yard to decorate for that, too. I would like to make some pretty flower gardens and some spooky gardens. Have an idea for some topiaries, too, like in The Shining movie.

Don't forget! 

** Planning early! I'll be looking for Halloween projects to share here on the blog! I'm also thinking of trying something different for this year's Halloween in Miniature like a  themed list for Instagram so friend me on there, too, so you can play along - (cwrite12). I'll be working on the art next. The more the merrier, or rather, spookier!! Stay tuned for details! Just click my photo in the top right column for my website and go to the contact page there to message me and to send pix.

Thanks again for visiting! Come back soon for more minis!

August 14, 2023

Halloween is Coming! Witch Cottage Exterior

I just had to say:  I saw it's 83 Days to Halloween!

I should have some spooky stuff soon (say that fast!) For now, well, it's been super hot and it finally, finally got more reasonable. But a bit humid yet so will have the the AC and doing??? (*See new garden plantslast interior update; more posts in left column archives. Click photos for full size.)

Well, a few things. Bit by bit I'm getting some of the endless (it seems) trimming and exterior stuff done. I started shingling which is another yuck project. This time I wanted to make it a bit easier by using strips and I wanted to try something different. 

Someone else had used a Cricut to cut cardboard and I thought that's a good, economical idea. I got this shingles SVG/DFX download file from Spellbound Miniatures on Etsy to see how that would work.

 FB friend Heather offered to cut them from cardstock on her Brother Scan & Cut machine. I know nothing about any of this stuff, but it worked! The size was reduced to make 1/4" wide shingles. Here's the square shingle strips. I'll alternate with some rounded shingles too once I get to the larger roof sides. I'll maybe use some of the wrought iron style as an accent at the top.

I admit I still wasn't sure how it would look but now that I've started, I like how it looks. Yes, about done on the smaller roof. Have to finish the small left side section yet by the tower

For now the shingles are brown. I'll add green stippling and some moss. That doesn't mean I like shingling, though. This is gonna be a while as I'm doing it in spurts. ha! But I am sooo glad not to be doing individual shingles again! Did that on two larger houses, so am kind of burnt out. Luckily, if I do the Park Ave. Mansion next, no shingles! It has a flat roof. Yippee! And whenever I decide to work on the Raggedy Ann house, I have black asphalt shingle strips set aside for that.

A couple other things I got done: 

Adding to the last garden post: Got the other flower bed done with some purple and yellow Black-eyed Susan-like daisies. 

Other outside stuff:

Got the trim on around the top window edges. I also added some brick paper to the bottom bare sections between the lattice designs. Those empty spots bugged me but I'm not sure yet if it looks okay or not. I may see if those sections look better with some trim on the sides for dimension. (Ugh, more trim!) But it does look good on the corners and the back. I like how it matches the brick walls on the first floor. I really like the colors and tones in this brick pattern. (From Starboc2 on Etsy.)

Another view of the front. I just love these tombstone chairs! (Older Lemax set when they used to do cooler stuff. I have two more on my other Haunted House porch.)

First floor:

Decided to add a couple spiderweb accents on the larger windows and put up a special portrait:  The Picture of Dorian Gray. (ebook free from Project Gutenberg.)

I decided to split this into two posts, so I'll share some furnishings on the next one.

So, that's it for the moment! Let me know if you try out the shingles. Reminder: I'm also happy to share your projects here; it doesn't have to be just me all the time, ha! So contact me with your info and photos! 

NOTE: I will be looking for Halloween projects to share here on the blog! I'm also thinking of trying something different for this year's Halloween in Miniature like a  themed list for Instagram so friend me on there, too, so you can play along - (cwrite12) The more the merrier, or rather, spookier!! Stay tuned for details! Just click my photo in the top right column for my website and go to the contact page there to message me and to send pix.

Thanks again for visiting! Come back soon for more minis!

August 07, 2023

Half Scale Dollhouse Witch Garden

 I know this took awhile as I admit to not being in the mood to post. Took a little break while I worked on some new stuff.

I do have another post ready on the latest updates for the Witch House (Laser Dollhouse Designs' half-scale Jasmine Gothic Victorian Cottage,) but in the meantime, I decided to work on something else. (Last posts: cottage furnishings updates; see first floor. Click photos for full size; see other posts in left column archives.)

I got in the mood for making some new flowers! It's been a looong time since I made any flowers from scratch and using my own punches, so this was pretty fun. And since it's a witch's garden, I decided Halloween colors would work best.

I made the bases using air dry clay painted black, then covered with railroad dirt, moss, and loose green grass material.

First are Hollyhocks. I wanted them to look rather fanciful and thought the dark orange color was perfect for a witch's house. I love how they came out. 

I used orange printer paper for the flowers (love the color!) and painted rice paper a mix of Soft Green (close to Wedgewood Green) and Hunter Green. The tiny foam balls on top are actually to make grapes from Grapevine Miniatures.

I drew a star pattern in the petal centers with Black Cherry paint using a toothpick, and glued sand mixed with yellow paint in the center of the flowers. The leaves are made from a tiny ivy Punch Bunch punch. 

I punched the Impatiens petals at the bottom from a five-petal punch. 

Also made some tiny Daisies in purple using a smaller daisy punch and jagged leaves. I used yellow flocking in the center. (See top base photo; still not done with these.)

But my all-time favorite:

I wondered what else to put in the flower beds when I saw another post someone shared with my favorite - Sunflowers! So I had to dig in the punches and see what would work best to make smaller flowers. I used yellow printer paper, painted wire, and rice paper painted green. I decided to make them a darker green (Hunter Green) for some contrast. Also used dried coffee grounds for the centers since it is the perfect shade of brown. Easy flowers to make but worth it!

Changed my mind on the center. The tiny sun could work but I decided to use the same punch as I used for the Hollyhocks. Painted brown and dotted the cuts in the edges with brown marker before gluing on dried coffee grounds.

Sunflowers always make you feel happy - real or in mini!

 The real garden:

Speaking of sunflowers: this is where the real ones are at now. Not real great but they're growing at least. I have some Mexican sunflowers, but only a few with flower heads right now. They all seem to be slow this year. 

So, hope I made you smile, too, or at least inspired to do some mini gardening!
That's it for now. Thanks again for visiting! Stay tuned for another post coming soon!