
April 30, 2020

#AtoZ Blogging: Z End and recap

* Go to Day 1


Z end - but not!!

I'll contact the contest winners and post names soon as I have to get their addresses. (See day 1 link above if you didn't enter. You still have time. Ends today!)

ha! The title of this post: I had to add a pun. Technically, yesterday's post was the last combined one, but I figured I'd add a couple other pix, and show some hints at my progress and getting near Z End of some projects. Yay!

What's this? 

Ha! Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not real organized. I try, but I usually end up with a lot of boxes with lots of mini things in them. I try to put items for projects together, I've gotten better at doing that, but.... 

So I looked in quite a few boxes before I found this faucet, which btw was in a small container I thought I'd  looked in already! BUT.... necessary as it goes in the Mini Kitchen Room... which now has everything glued on the top shelf (slightly different than that photo), and next I have to add the other counter, maybe a small curtain I'm thinking under the sink and.... you'll see yet! I'll take more pix soon. Sooooo close! (Click photos for full size.)

A favorite I wanted to share again:

Mini Groceries from a past swap. I get such a kick out of these!

A little trivia about the month's A to Z Blog Challenge posts: 

* The post with the highest amount of visits (over 200 and counting) : C for the Cabinet Dollhouse  by JP Sligh. (For a good reason! If you missed this, be sure to look!) 

* The second most popular post was N for Nothing but One Inch Dollhouse Kits (I liked this one, too, as it was interesting finding out of the ordinary kits.)

* The third most popular post was G for Miniature Gardening, Making the half-scale potting shed was one of my favorite projects. 

* Another popular post was the S for Miniature Country Farmhouse Style rooms by Tanya Thayer McKibben. I just love these rooms!!!

* Interesting for me, was one of my most popular posts on my Facebook page was the post showing my Raggedy Ann room on P for Dollhouse Show Plans. I really loved doing this small room, too. Everyone seems to love Raggedy Ann and Andy!  

I didn't show it in these posts, though I did share it before on the blog. Here's a pic (below) of the first and larger room I did with the same theme. Also a favorite. This one was fun as I even dressed the baby as a Raggedy. My friend Kitty did the two smaller dolls.  Who knows? Maybe I'll do another in the future... a whole house could be a lot of fun. Hmmm.... That has an idea percolating as I hadn't considered that yet.

Uh-oh. An IDEA!! Recently I started a new farmhouse kit in half scale.
 (Photo is from Real Good Toys. Mine is unpainted, unfinished yet.)

I was going to do it as Halloween, but...  I do have another kit set aside (don't laugh!) that'll fit that better. I wasn't real crazy about doing this house like that. THIS idea has me getting more intrigued.... 

Luckily all I did so far was pick out papers and added some paint to darken the living room floor a little. Still plenty of time to pick new pattern papers, etc. Stay tuned, this could work!! I love the idea of doing a whole kitchen in Raggedy Ann colors! I love finding things and making things to go in theme projects! Making tiny Raggedies in half scale could be a blast!! Believe me, I have plenty of accessories and kits that I can paint, etc. to fit this. It also gives me an excuse to look for more theme stuff, too. haa! (Still hoping the dollhouse shows will be held in August!)
 ** Stay tuned for some updates and progress pix!

****I hope you enjoyed visiting each day and seeing mine and a few other people's projects! I so appreciate all you old and new visitors. Please sign up for the updates (box in left column) to see what's new as I post. Maybe I'll get more inspired to finish updating that book, too! Yes, I'm a tortoise. ha!