August 29, 2013

Miniature Cabinets Update

Updating the post for the Express Yourself Hobby Blog Hop at Entertaining Interests.  I have some new pix I hope to add later, but for now, here's a few of my latest things I've made. 

Some new items I made for the miniature Lady's Shoppe:

A new perfumes cabinet and a small chest for sewing items. (1-inch scale: 1 inch =1 foot.)

I plan to make several different purses in all colors. Addicting!

Some other framed purses. The top two bags on right are made by my friend Kitty -at MinisByKitty

* See smaller room in progress - before and after 

* Bookshelves and other items

August 19, 2013

Miniatures Monday: mini shabby chest

Love these little chests from Hobby Lobby. This will hold patterns and other sewing items for the miniature Lady's Shop. I put metal knobs on which I painted white also. It uses a French graphic from The Graphics Fairy.

The chest is 2 3/4" high at the back. It is 2 1/8 " wide and 1 3/8" deep.

August 12, 2013

Miniatures Monday: Before and after miniature shop

I'm still gradually working on the lady's shop. Here's a before pic of the smaller room which I bought finished so I have to work around some things. Electric tape had to be put on the outside so I'll be covering the top and sides with old ads...

Here's the after - so far, with the lights in and some items repainted.  What a difference the paint makes! I'm still painting and adding, making boxes and framing art... stay tuned for another update soon. I love those thimble cabinets! I have one more to paint for a wizard's room.
 I hope I find more of these! They're great for collections of items.

August 01, 2013

Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle Chicago

Some great photos! Love this! In real life the castle is lit so dark, it's hard to see. One disappointment, otherwise this is such a beautiful, must-see work.

Great photos and video here:  Colleen Moore Fairy Castle at the Museum of Science and Industry

July 29, 2013

Miniatures Monday: Flea Market Dollhouse

Great find this past weekend. This was sold as a birdhouse, but put a stained glass window in the hole and I see a half scale dollhouse!  And lucky me, the back is in held in with screws. I thought we'd have to cut a hole in the back. And it has glass or plexiglass windows. A great find!

July 22, 2013

Miniatures Monday: Miniature Perfumes

It's been a little bit since I posted any new minis, what with being busy with the soon-release of my book, GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie (Aug, 1! but you can pre-order - see links at zombie book page.)

In the meantime, I am working on other writing projects and yes I am doing some minis, too. Here are a few new perfume displays I made for the Ladies Shoppes I'm working on. (See bookshelves with links to some other projects I made.)  Some of the boxes are kits from Heirlooms by Susan.

July 15, 2013

Dark Discoveries Magazine

 Great new mag I just got in the mail - Dark Discoveries from Journalstone Publishing. Can't wait to check it out!

 Issue #23 has an interview with Jonathan Maberry and some great short fiction to read!

* See table of contents

* Submissions  open Oct. 1 (Oct-June)  - pays 5 cents word.

June 10, 2013

Miniatures Monday: New ladies shop bookshelves

Here are the bookshelves I just finished decorating for the larger room of the two-part ladies' shop. The shelves will hold purses, hats and probably perfumes. I really like how these came out. The bottom gold scrapbook paper had glitter-like dots in a design.

This is the larger room box, which is built but not decorated yet.

Other shop items from previous posts:
* See mini lipstick stand
 * Smaller roombox for shoes, etc.  - Before pic
* Victorian cabinet - Mini Perfumes -

June 02, 2013

New AIM Miniatures Magazine #46

New free issue of the Artisans in Miniature (AIM) Magazine #46 celebrating shopkeepers. Download here.

 * Includes some great how-to projects!

* Make a vanity train case
* Medical printie labels by Jean Day
* Make 1/4" inch or half-scale poppies
* Cute summer dress pattern to make four summer dresses for a 4" tall doll by Kathi Mendenhall

* A pic of my finished half-scale hutch is on pg. 69

May 29, 2013

Miniatures in A to Z Blog Challenge Magazine

Something a bit different:

My blog post during the A to Z blog challenge (D is for Miniature Dresses) is included in a neat online magazine, The Woven Tale Press.

 Fun way to peruse a variety of different topics. Check it out!