September 19, 2024

Halloween: Spooky Season: Fall Picnic


"Hand" sandwich, anyone? Let me give you a hand...Ok, I'll stop.  haaa!

Considering that these are Halloween posts, this Fall Picnic for today's prompt is going to be a bit, er, different! 

** Today is Day 19 of #septemberspookyseason24 on Instagram. Daily posts and some giveaways via @wyrdworldminiatures. (Click photos for full size.)

* Follow me also - @cwrite12. I'll try to post my daily (hopefully) Halloween inspiration here also with a reminder. Join in! 


To me, a Fall Picnic can consist of whatever you like. And when it's Halloween time, well.... 

Let's start with some Bloody Marys, of course! and some appetizers. (All food by me,

Mmm, crunchy!

Don't fill up! We've got much more for the next course. Lots to eat and drink!

Hope you had plenty to eat! Don't worry, there's plenty more where this came from.... There is a graveyard nearby....heh-heh.... I mean the kitchen! 💀😅

Thanks again for visiting! Don't forget to stop by for more posts.