
April 01, 2020

#A to Z Blogging - A First Day in #Miniature

So it begins!

Today it's no April Fool's Joke but the first of a full month of Blogging from A to Z - but in Mini! (There are 200+ blogs signed up. Check them out on the master list here.)

Stop by for new posts daily (except Sundays) throughout the month. I'll try to have some surprises, maybe even some prizes, too! But lots of minis for sure!

I'll include the links ahead of time here in case you miss one. Links go live the day of the post.

* Here's the official A to Z Blog Challenge site.

*** As for minis: What I'm working on and should be done by now that I'll be sharing photos for soon: Ladies Shop Cabinet, kitchen wall shadowbox, record store (well hopefully more progress there!) Who knows? Maybe I'll be starting another project too! 

BONUS: to see if you're reading this! Tell me what you're working on via my contact page on my website -Subject: Projects - and I'll send you a little mini surprise! (Sorry, US shipping only!) International and any winner: I'll be glad to send you some email printies! Contest ends 12 noon 4/30.

** I added some ITEMS FOR SALE. See Minis for Sale on Top Tabs.

Thanks for playing along!--Chris 

April 1 - A - A First Day and Links
4/2 B - Miniature Books
4/3 C - Miniature Cabinet House
4/4 - 4/6 D - E- Dollhouses Everywhere

4/7 F - Miniature Food
4/8  G -  Miniature Gardening 
4/9  H -  Halloween Miniatures    
4/10  I -  Paris Miniature Project Interior
4/11  - 4/13  -J - K - Just My Miniature Kitchen 

4/14  L -  Miniature Lady's Shop
4/15  M- Half Scale Miniatures 
4/16  - 4/17 N - O - Not Only One Inch Scale
4/18  P - Dollhouse Show Plans

4/20 -4/21 -  Q - R Quite the Record (Store)
4/22 S - Farmhouse Country Style Miniatures
4/23 T - U - Totally Unexpected Miniatures 
4/25  V - Miniature Valentines

4/27 - 4/28 - W- X  - What an EXciting Hobby
4/29 - Y - Z - You use Zoo animals in miniature?
4/30 - Z End and Recap