
April 14, 2023

2023 A to Z Blog Challenge: L for Fairfield Dollhouse Living Room-Parlor


 It's time for the annual A to Z Blog Challenge!  

The concept is simple - blogging for 26 days (except Sunday) from A to Z.

* See A to Z Instagram - Facebook - A to Z Blog Master List of Participants

 Today for the Letter L: The Fairfield Dollhouse Living Room/Parlor

Those who've following my posts for the past year have seen the progress of my Fairfield dollhouse. So this is the perfect time to finally show my decorated living room/parlor. I still have to share the dining room yet, too, so that'll be another post.

Tah-dah! (Click photos for full size; see other posts in left column archives or My Dollhouses tab under top banner. See full exterior video at  Letter F.)

This is a bit hard to photograph so I'll show some of it in sections. I love these two connected rooms as the black/white print continues in the adjacent dining room with the striped paper.

I changed the room around a bit since the top photo so you'll see a couple different views here.

Here's the room before it was filled:

Initially, I put the Eastlake bench (kit from MiniEtchers) on the back wall, but decided to change things around. And if you're wondering, well, the front legs were little carved pieces and rather delicate, and of course I broke them, so I made new, sturdier legs. 

I changed things around to put the clock on this wall and I had to add this fun card TV kit! (a Petite Properties UK kit.). I coated it with a brown paint mixed with Mod Podge. I added a piece of cross-stich fabric at the bottom for the "grill" and printed out the picture. I covered it with a dimensional Glaze coating but I had a small ripple which I'll have to even it out though it doesn't show unless you look close.  I decided the beige slipper chair fit in the corner for a little contrast. (Made from a pattern from Terri, moderator of the FB Half Scale Minis group, who graciously shares her pattern.) The little white bowl on top is from the recent Kitschy half-scale swap.

I instead moved the bench to the left alcove. For fun, I used the larger skeleton floor cloth (coated with Mod Podge) I printed out for another project as it seemed to just fit! While I didn't feel like making anything new at this point, you know how it is when you get something in mind and nothing else will do? So I decided only a chaise would look best here and made that in three print fabrics using the d. Anne Ruff pattern. The small fabric side table (still needs a lamp or something) was from a past swap.

That little table in front of the bench was a fun idea. The base is one of those Halloween gargoyles painted silver.

 The fireplace front carvings are beads I cut down slightly. I'd found the beads ages ago at a former Ren Faire bead booth and saved them for someday with this in mind. (And luckily I could still find them! ha!) Here are some of the pieces I used to build the fireplace (ignore the electric tape):

Here's the front of the fireplace. I decided to use a vintage-flavored Paris street scene I added glitter to instead of a scary picture. The metal under the mantel was part of a broken metal chair. I cut part of a metal filigree medallion and glued it to a piece of strip wood for the opening.

The square chair on the side is...can you guess? It's actually an older plastic furniture piece I covered in fabric. * As someone asked - I use simple Tacky glue for this. I like using these as they are easily covered and make nice vintage-looking pieces. The bottom edging is pleated by making a strip with one edge folded over the next and glued.  I added gold Bunka thread around the top of the pleating and made a pillow edged in red/black sparkly Bunka.

I'll address that tiny crate sticking out in the upcoming dining room post...

* Next: A to Z :  Letter M -  Miniature Kits

* Thanks for visiting. Come back soon for more posts!