
February 10, 2025

Lavender Cottage Miniature Kitchen So Far

Getting the windows in! 

Moving right along on the Lavender Cottage! Got the outside lights and a kitchen light installed and lit. These are the LED lights I got on eBay. (cheap, $6.49/pair.) We got an adjustable transformer (switches to different voltages) that you put a plug on yourself and use with a separate electric tape line.) * Click photos for full size. 

 The stained glass is made using gold stickers, glass paint, and acrylic paint mixed in Mod Podge. You can't tell here, but I used a glitter Puff paint that dries clear to make the glass textured.

Here's the kitchen light with a gold bracket:

Happy when an idea turns out the way you envision it. I love the way the kitchen counter looks. I decided on the white brick for the front wall ,and two separate papers for the kitchen and living room area. A purple paper will be on the right side/living area wall. Don't forget, most of the green wall will be covered with a shelf and cabinets. A fridge will go on the right wall by the door, I think, unless I pretend it's in an adjacent room.

Above: windows in. Playing around, putting some MiniBrands Home items in, which fit perfectly! Yeah the grater is a bit big but it's too cute!

The green floral wallpaper may be a bit large for half-scale, but I like, and usually prefer, larger patterns. I had to cut the window on top and then cut off the bottom to make it fit over the sink. 

I'll have to look around and see if I can get more of that paper for the larger house I have. I usually don't repeat patterns or colors but I might this time. I'll have to order more kitchen cabinets from MiniEtchers unless I decide to take this house apart and use the counters there instead. We'll see.

I can't glue the door and trim in yet (and waiting on doorknobs!) until the floor is done, so playing a bit! Hooked on this MiniBrands Home stuff and a lot of it will fit in here. The pots are the perfect size for the stove. The stools work by the counter and I'm going to use the round table also.

The low cabinet will be painted white with regular bookcases on each side to go around the living room window on the right wall. I'm going to use a couple of the other cabinets in the bedroom or office/craft room, too. The windows had a sill that stuck out (like the outside) so I instead glued a piece of flat wood on the bottom.

Decided to use the faux laminate wood flooring (cut but not glued in yet) for the whole room (Melvin's Miniatures.)

That's it so far. Got aggravated with fitting the second floor and figuring where to tape as this house is pretty small. Ordered some LED lights to hook in and use with different shades and beads I have.

* That's it for now! Thanks again for visiting. Come back for more updates soon!