
October 21, 2023

Halloween in Miniature 23-7: Trick or Treat!


Welcome to more Halloween in Miniature!

(See schedule/Start at Day 1; Next week: Day 8)

(Click photos for full size; see more links in left column archives.)

Halloween also means Trick or Treating!

Oh, look! Some visitors came to Trick-or-Treat at the Witch Cottage! The little mummy is happy to greet them!

The Witch Cottage is pretty much done except for a few small things. It's been fun getting it ready for Halloween!

I love how the flowers came out and the colors. The yellow  "bush" is some fake plant pick I found at Walmart. Figured it would work with a "fanciful" kind of house. I'll share more and a video soon, too!

** TA-DAH! While I've changed a few things, but the Witch Cottage is mostly done!  I'll share some videos later. I love the yard and porch. I think it turned out great!

*** I hope all the visitors translate to votes... I'll gamble: Starting TODAY (12/21 -12 am ET/11 pm 12/20 CT to 11:59 pm ET /10:59 CT Oct. 29;) - PLEASE vote for The Witch's Cottage at's Halloween Challenge. One vote per person. This may be the ONLY half-scale entry and the only "cute" entry (so far).  *****Main page. - VOTE for the photos here - in Row 6**** Here's the pix I submitted:
It did come out cute, didn't it???


Got a favorite candy?

For fun, here are some candy printies. Find more at Toni's blog.  (Right click to save; print at around 50% for half scale or slightly more if you want them a little larger.)


Play along!

This year, I'm doing something different by posting on Instagram and here, according to the day's themes. The difference is there'll be at least a couple more photos included on this blog. Be sure to friend me there (cwrite12), play along and share the list!!

Here's the theme schedule: Post your minis based on the day's themes and tag me and the post theme - @halloweenmini 

Week 1:
