
April 04, 2023

2023 A to Z Blog Challenge: C for Dollhouse Collections


It's time for the annual A to Z Blog Challenge!  

The concept is simple - blogging for 26 days from A to Z, excluding Sunday.

* See A to Z Instagram - Facebook - A to Z Blog Master List of Participants

Today for the Letter C:

When you are into a hobby, you end up with a collection of all kinds of things. ha! Dollhouses, like real houses, need everything you use in real life, food (fake of course!), accessories, furnishings, pets, etc. 

So for the Letter C, here are a few groupings. See more photos of my houses and collections in the left column archive or on the tab under the top banner, My Dollhouses. 

* Next: A to Z Letter D for Half-Scale Decorations.

* Thanks for visiting!  Come back for more photos!