
April 09, 2020

#A to Z Blogging: H for Halloween Miniatures

* Go to Day 1 

I just love Halloween miniatures. While you can get as creepy and gory as you want, there also are a wide range of fun items that might give you a chill, but still make you smile.

Grumpy Mandrakes by Georgia Marfels

Georgia Marfels of Germany makes a wide variety of creepily fun little creatures! Check out her latest mandrake creations. Love the faces on these guys! They really aren't that grumpy... right?  See more at her Etsy shop.

Patricia Paul also is a great favorite. Love her dressed skellies and spooky furnishings! This is one of her wonderful "magical" witch potion scenes. See more at her photo gallery.

Hint: Sign up for Patricia's occasional newsletter at her website to get her free book printies!

* Here's a past table scene I made. I love making spooky food!  (Some of the items I also bought on ebay a long time ago.) (You can see more of my haunted house here

You can see more of the ladies' work, and some of my items, too, in my Halloween in Miniature features. You can start the series here at Day One.