
January 17, 2025

First Miniatures Project & Writing


Yes, I've been busy so that's why I haven't posted as haven't really had anything to show yet.

I've been writing, too; re-editing a few stories so have three sent out for this month and still waiting for others that were out previously. Also have two other stories I'm finishing up, including an odd one I rather like. Been busy! Fingers crossed!

* Also heard that the cover will be revealed - soon! - on the upcoming anthology with my story, "Some Kind of Friend," based on the song of the same name. To be published soon in, A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of Barry Manilow. (So looking forward to this one!!)

Between that, I have been working on the Miniature Book Nook and doing some more painting on the Lavender Cottage.

TA DAH! The book nook (called The Magic Library on Amazon) is done and even got the outside papers glued on. I had a hard time as one of the bottom pieces was cut wrong, but new holes were cut, and thanks to my "building team" of friend Gigi and "Don's Electric," everything was fixed, glued, and wired! So, it lights! Interesting as it has a sensor, so it stays on for a bit and then goes off; motion will turn it back on. There's a door in back for the battery box (2 AAA batteries. (Click photos for full size.) 

It's actually a pretty cool project though I'm not sure I'd do another, but I do like how it came out.

The Cottage (so far):

* And... yes, I changed my mind again (don't be surprised. ha!) and with the input from my friend, decided the exterior colors will work for the Lavender Cottage. Once I see it together, I think it works well.

I tinted the lightweight spackle with Lavender acrylic paint; the trim (and windows) are light Hauser Green with antique white and African Violet. There's a design piece that goes on top of the door plus there are filigree rails and posts that go in front and around the house. A lot of painting, so not much progress yet.

 I sorted out some furniture for it, still figuring it out. I am thinking of using quite a few plants in this one. Have to see which purple plants I already made, too.

I am looking at all that painting on the outside railings... wondering if I should cut the side railings down as the porch is too closed in. I hate to do that but... thinking on it. We'll see.

That's it for now. Not a lot, but getting there! 

Thanks again for visiting. Stop back soon for more updates!