
December 13, 2022

Great #Miniatures Book Find!


Ta-dah! It is real!

I've searched for this book for years, hoping to find it at a reasonable price since it's long out of print (1996), and the publisher Kalmbach Books and its flagship magazine, Nutshell News, is also long gone. Ah, the good old days...

Whenever I looked up the book, I'd find copies at crazy prices, $50-$80 and higher, etc. Original list price is $39.95. But.... I recently searched again and it came up on the used book site, Abe Books

On a whim, I decided to look and Eureka! I found a hardcover copy from the seller, Wonder Book & Video (which also looks like a good used book site.)

It seemed too good to be true. It said "good" condition, which could mean... passable, or almost anything!

I really had wondered if I'd even get it considering the tracking hadn't moved in days. But... I got the book, it's like new and--- I got it for the incredible price of... $5.59 - with free shipping!  Isn't that amazing??

Here's a couple sample pages from the book, which I can't wait to read and look through:

 Future planning: 

A while back, some members of the Half Scale Group had made a replica of this Brooke Tucker project - but in half scale. I can't remember who or when, but I did buy a couple lamps someone had made based on the book. If you look close you'll see the lamps on the fireplace in the first photo above this.  Finally, I think I'll use them in a fancy parlor in an upcoming project and maybe I'll even use some more ideas from the book. We'll see how it goes.

In the meantime...

Work on the Fairfield continues....  The one roof side is almost all shingled! I'll probably have that last row done on the bottom piece (which backs to the attic bedroom on the side of the tower) after I post this. A good TV watching project!

 I have to finish the other side piece and start the two smaller pieces. Once I finish, I'm thinking of a two-tone color, some stain and some black... maybe coloring  in a couple areas for contrast. (In a circle the shingles look like a flower shape.) Hoping that I don't have any warping problems. Ugh, what a project, but it's getting there!

Thanks for stopping by! More updates to come!